Dreams about bleeding cuts.pls advice

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Dreams about bleeding cuts.pls advice

Post by girlie » Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:40 pm

Hello everybody
I was wondering if u can help me interpret this dream.I just woke up and was quite upset coz i fear that it might mean something bad.

I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant.I was also pregnant in my dream and worried for my baby.
My ex-bf ( with whom i havent been with in 3 yrs and i had the worst time even when we were together as he threatened to hurt me if i leave him) got out a scalper knife and cut me on several places.The cuts didn't hurt but once i got up i felt my cloths wet and saw wet spot on the ground.I knew i was bleeding badly but i never saw the blood red like it is.
I went to the hospital coz i was worried that he hurt my baby with the cuts.
I'm very worried for her in reality, so i dont want anything to happen not even in my dreams.
I don't know how the dream ended and except the part when i saw my soaking clothes i didn't see blood but i did see lil deep cuts all over my body.

Any thought what does this dream mean?
As i said i'm very paranoiac coz i think that something might happen to my lil girl

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Post by sweetsunray » Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:09 am

It is common for pregnant women to have anxiety dreams about their pregnancy. They even tend to differ in anxieties depending on the stage: during the first trimester for example tiny creatures, fuzzy animals (cuddly), flowers and fruit (growing things) and water (emotional) are common. In the second trimester anxieties are about being a good mother (if first child), complications with the birth, and carrying a non-human baby as well. In the third trimester the mothers of the pregnant woman are often present.

You are in your second trimester, so both your anxieties of complications with the pregnancy and the birth, damage to the baby in your waking life as well as your dreaming life are common and normal.

However, the dream already involves something else of your waking life. It seems to me that your anxiety over the baby took over in your dream and clouded the other message. Being cut in dreams suggests you feel undermined, or let down, or at least fear for this. It also might reflect issues you may be having about your feminine sexuality.

Now if I connect that with the ex-bf as well as the stage in your life of being pregnant in the second trimester and your body and hormones changing more dramatically than before, then this is imo what this dream was about:

the changes of your body because of your pregnancy physically and hormonally has triggered not only anxiety about the baby, but also changes in your assessment of your feminine sexuality, in a way that you feel you're becoming insecure about it, and this insecurity has triggered some unresolved issues about your ex-bf and how much he used to undermine you, probably also on the sexual level.

When we enter a new stage in our life that will make a definite break with the past it's common that old leftover issues that have been hiding in the closet and you thought were long past resurface to get resolved in the dreams. With you it seems the pregnancy, but starting a new relationship with a new man even years after a break-up will probably at least trigger one dream about the ex-relationship.

Congratulations and I wish you all the best with your pregnancy and coming baby.

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