Black snake/s in dream.

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Black snake/s in dream.

Post by Follower_of_Jesus » Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:50 am

Hi ,

I dreamt aboute having a black garbage bag with manny snakes in it at my home in my living room...

smaller snakes i think... mabie it was just 1 i cant recall but what i do recall is this :

I recall 1 big long black snake in particular, i fealt i was laying down and the snake rose up over me, verry long black snake and i had a feeling that told me i have to get up from the floor so the snake dont see it self as bigger then me so it might be tempted to attack.

At another moment i was back in my parents garden by the place i have berried my dog, and the snake was sitting curled up at a peace of rock looking at me and it had only 1 huge large eye , a green large eye with a black mark like this in the middle ( <>), all of a sudden it was back in the black plastic garbage bag and i had captured it and i was holding the bag in my hand with the snake inside it.

The next thing i remember was that i was back at my epartment and the snake in the bag got loose in my living room and i had to close the door to the hallway and run out there because i was scared of it.

The most strange thing in the dream was the huge green eye with the black <> in the middle... it had no mouth or anything just a huge green eye on top of the head/face.

What could this dream mean i wonder... hum..

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:25 pm

A garbage bag is something you use to get rid of trash, things you cannot use anymore, don't want to use anymore. So, what are you trying to get rid of? Turns out the supposed garbage are snakes. Now, it's possible you may need to rid yourself of your inner snakes, or the snakes may indicate that there is value in what you deemed valueless. It depends of the meaning of the snake. Alas a snake(s) can have many meanings, and your dream does not indicate unambiuously whether to see them in a positive or negative light.

Therefore, I'm going to use alle the possible meanings where appropriate, depending on the phase of your dream. So, let's go back to the symbol of a garbage bag, aka that which you want to get rid off, which is only hindering you: the fear for snakes is an instinctive and universal one, for the simple reason that you may not have the opportunity to "learn" to be fearfu of them... you could end up dying from a first encounter. The fear for snakes is so universal it transcends animal species... all animals are scared of snakes. Taking the appearance of a snake in mimicry to scare off enemies is a trick applied by cats with their hissing noises, spitting and curling thick straight up tail for example. This explains why "snakes" in a dream might symbolize "your deep down, instinctive fears." And throwing away your fears a in garbage bag seems to make sense, no?

But this is not where the dream ends... you interact with one snake in particular. It being one snake in particular suggests to look at the symbolic meaning of "snakes" much closer... it's more than just a general fear. The first interaction with the snake you describe is one where it rises. In the genesis story a snake "seduces" the first man and woman to eat from the forbidden fruit, the story also involves nakedness and feelings of shame.. as the story goes, the snake first seduces the woman, who then seduces the men into eating it. The whole atmosphere of the story has some sexually pun in it. (the genesis story could be seen as a symbolical tribal story to illustrate the growing up of innocent children into a man and woman who in their puberty discover their sexuality, defy their elders, and are being prepared to leave the house of htier parent and make their own living away from it). Anyway, one of the snake's symbolical dream meanings may be phallic... and the "rising" of a snake, seems to coincide with the "phallic" nature of the symbol.

Originally you lie down on the floor, but then move to get up and be higher than the rising snake. Floors are something constant in our lives, and they support us...we sit on them, lie on them, walk on them, hence floors often mean "your support". Since you were lying down, and I assume with your back on the floor, this symbol is emhasised. You are relying on your support system to have your back. And yet the snake rises. Family, friends cannot aid you in this personal confrontation with male sexuality, so you automatically stand up on your own. You express a fear that the snake may think itself bigger than you... this indicates that you are fearful of the sexuality the snake in your dream represents. You wish to stay "above" it.

We have another interactive moment in your dream with the snake... we often see dogs as our friends, a loyal friend who will be with us in our time of need, but also when we want to enjoy life. But this loyal personality in your life has been burried, is goen from your life and you're required to forget about him or her. However, you still visit its grave, remembering. You mention how the snake accompanies you in this act, first sitting peaceful, basking in the sun. Another well known symbol for the snake is its connotation to "medicine"... Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, carries a staff with a snake engraved in it. Apothecaries carry the symbol of a staff with two twining snakes. So, the snake stands here for "healing"... for helping you to heal from the loss of your friend.

You mention at this point that the snake has 1 eye, 1 green eye. This may indicate that your view on things right now may be limited to one view only. You're not using your mind to be open to other point of views. Using only one eye you lose accuracy on the depth of the world around you, limit yourself from gaining a wide enough view. The angle becomes too limited. &nbsp;Meanwhile the colour green fits the healing process of the previous scene: green can stand for peace, serenity and healing. But it can also fit the one-eyed view, since green is the colour of envy and jealousy. It's possible that the limited envious view regards this friend you lost.

Now we come to our last scene: in your apartment, in your living room, and that's when you choose to take out the garbage bag again... the living room is where you welcome and entertain guests, and in this way represents what you want your social world to see... this jealous, one-eyed, sexual side of you is something you wish other people not to know about.

This may be the possible meanings of several aspects of that dream. :-)

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