Strange dream....

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Strange dream....

Post by emobunnie1313 » Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:03 am

I had a very strange dream twice over the past two days.

I dreamt that I was walking through the woods, when I came upon a white aisle. I followed that aisle until I found my friend standing next to a guy. I continued to walk closer and notice that I was surround by people that I have never met before. I looked down and notices that the man's shoes were silver. I looked back up and my friend was in the middle of a wedding ceremony. I heard the guy's name "Raven" and he was completely straight-faced the entire time. My friend's appearance had changed from normal (short brown hair with green eyes) to white blonde waist-length hair and red eyes. Her dress was dark green with silver embroidery and onyx beads. Right as the service ended, a man grabbed me and dragged me backwards. I never saw his face but I got a feeling of pure evil of him. And then I just wake up.

What does this mean? Both me and my friend are stumped... Another thing is that everytime I wake I feel drained of all energy.

Is this normal?

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Post by sweetsunray » Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:32 pm


Walking in the woods and deeper into it suggests that you are returning to a more innocent, spiritual self again. And the rest of the dream shows what happens if you do. First you find the aisle and walk it, showing that you are moving forward in life with confidence. What are you walking towards? A marriage. You don't see your own marriage, but that of a man and a woman (your friend)... This still represents your marriage, but a symbolical one: a union of opposing sides within you... your inner male and female parts. This union of male and female is echoed in the shoes you are seeing on the man. Shoes tell something about the way you walk through life. In this case the colour silver is important, and silver is the color of the moon, and the moon symbolizes female intuition. So the male part of you (which we often connect to rationality, reason, active, goal seeking) walks through life trusting his female intuition.
The union will also have other effects: you'll let your long hair hang loose, a pun to relaxing and enjoying life, which is also echoed by the blonde hair... blondes have more fun is the saying. The red of the eyes could mean that you knew how to have fun before, but that seemed in the past, and will remember again how to (red eyes in pictures, and pictures being a token of the past). But it may very simply show that your soul (eyes being the window of the soul) will be revitalized (red). Dark green is another indication of needing to balance your male and female attributes. Onyx indicates spiritual and mental balance, peace of mind.

So, this dream is mostly about a process of balacing things: reason with intuition, male with female, mind with heart, the seriousness of life (brunette) with having fun (blonde).

I think the end of the dream is rather something that interrupted your dream... something that said, ok we finished the whole ceremony, it's now time for you to wake up and deal with waking life.

How energized you wake up from your sleep imo has to do with the timing of you waking up, your sleep pattern, when you wake up in your cycle. Do you sleep in the day for a few hours sometimes? Those are typically sleep cycles you wake up from feeling more tired than before.

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Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:36 pm

Thank you

Post by emobunnie1313 » Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:31 pm

I think that I understand what you are saying... Thank you very much for your help

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