Dream of lizards very often

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Dream of lizards very often

Post by Elgina » Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:19 am

I don't know
I dream of lizards very often, sometimes two similar lizards, some times many lizards....
They don't harm me but I wake up in horror

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:32 am

Because I have little else to go on for your dream with the lack of extra details of your dreams, I can only give you some dream dictinary explanations,

"...signifies your primal instincts and reactions toward sex, food, etc. and your anxieties toward these feelings. The lizard can also be representative of a person who you view as cold-blooded, fearful, or thick-skinned. On a more positive note, the lizard also symbolizes emerging creativity, renewal, and revitalization. It may also suggest that you are well-grounded [because they are so close to the ground]."

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More on my dream

Post by Elgina » Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:43 pm

Thank you so much for your informative reply,

I can tell you more on my dreams...
Every time I see two lizards on the wall facing each other e.g. fishes in the zodiac sign of Pisces...
Sometimes I see the third one entering into the scene..
My dream is full of light and very bright every time
Please help

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:05 pm

What is the scenery? What else happens in the dream? Do you interact with the lizards? Are there any other people? What's the story in the dreams?

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Post by ConfusedMind » Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:06 pm

Well, I've to say something in this regard, though I'm not a professional dream interpreter. with due respect to the theoretical significances of dream symbols that exist and that professional dream interpreters refer to, I cannot but having doubt in them. and the significances are also such multitudinous that it at times seems very confusing. a particular thing in a dream 'may indicate' this and that.

With the common sense, that guess I have, I think the meanings of things or symbols in dreams definitely have something to do with what first comes to the mind of the dreamer when he/she thinks of that object.

Elgina, you just try to think what comes to your mind when you think of the lizards. who can say, this dream may be a reflection of your worry about people who keep changing their stances?

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:32 pm

Elgina, Confusedmind gives a sound basic advice... symbols can have very personal connotations, and so a dream dictionary's possible meanings can be wrong. For example, when I dream of Aliens and me being Ripley shooting them into space into little bitty pieces, I've learned to recognize that as my brain checking of a pratical "to do" list in my head. You won't find that explanation in any dream dictionary.

You mentioned you had this dream several times, and you wake up horrified every time, which makes me assume that you probaby already racked your own brain on why you are dreaming about lizards, in order to hopefully not have the lizard dream again, or at least feel not so horrified by them anymore. I assume that no explanation you have come up with by yourself has satisfied you yet, and that this is the motivation to post a question regarding them?

I understand that the possible meanings that came straight out of a dream dictionary were not helpful enough yet. They rarely do, certainly when it's about just one dream symbol. Dreams are symbolical messages from one part of your brain to a higher part of your brain to help you understand your emotional well being (meanwhile the literal language center is inactive while you're sleeping). So your own mind comes up with the symbol and translates it for itself while asleep. The one thing that needs no symbolical translation are emotions. They are the cause, the basis of why you dream what you dream. And a dream rarely relies on one symbol to make its point. In order for me to go beyond dream dictionary possibilities, it would be helpful if you could describe one of those dreams in much more detail: story, events, other things or people that appear in the dream, conversations. The possibility of there being a symbol or a word pun that is more universal or coincides with the possible meanings of a lizard will increase, and then we can dissect and put the dream back together, including why "lizards".


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THnks to all

Post by Elgina » Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:32 am

Its overwhelming to get the response which helps in envisaging my own mind thought.

I hear my own  voice in my dream but, I can see anybody else. I dont know with whom do I talk. But  at the same time my dreams are  quite noisy at times I see only lizards on the wall as I said.
No story like thing in my dreams... I  think I deeply gaze at them.
Every time I see two lizards on the wall facing each other e.g. fishes in the zodiac sign of Pisces...
Sometimes I see the third one entering into the scene..
My dream is full of light and very bright every time

Please help

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Post by sweetsunray » Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:02 am

Ok, thanks for giving as much information that you could :-)

We do not just have a lizard symbol, but also the wall... Walls are something we build to protect ourselves, but that end up isolating us. A wall indicates this dream is about a self-made obstacle. I will take your own association of the formation of the lizards as pisces sign at face value. Pisces is an emotional water sign, it points to being very sensitive and having a lot of empathy for others. So much empathy that at times you don't know anymore whether your emotions are those of others or yours. Pisces too in that way make self-sacrifices and take pride in that. If I combine that with the wall symbol, then we have a situation of isolation and obstacle that you created your self, and for which you voluntarily suffer, perhaps to protect yourself from getting carried away by your own empathy for others or out of fear of coming off too vulnerable. How could we link that with the lizards (instead of fish)?... lizards are the animals that are associated with the "fire" element, pointing to passion and an active life. But at the same time lizards are cold-blooded creatures. In other words, reverberating the wall symbol, you present yourself as a cool, thick-skinned personality, while you are in fact a passionate and active person... this is the wall you created for the outside world, but it has now closed all that passion and vitality in, thereby hampering your own life, which you take as a sacrifice.

There are two lizards first, representing duality... you may think you're keeping the balance, but it's a forced situation, because of the wall you built. The third lizard entering is the one who breaks through the duality, and acutally represents creating true balance. The dream imo is suggesting to do self-exploration on how to deal with this wall, its significance, whether you really need it, and to empower your own ego (fire) rather than let it suffer any longer.

The brightness of the dream suggest to me the dream is trying to shed a light on this issue.

I hope my ideas in my post can help you further. :-)

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I am grateful

Post by Elgina » Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:32 pm

I am overwhelmed with the kind of replies I am getting, All what Sweetsunray has said is quite true and related to my personality as well as inner traits. I will now initiate the practice of self introspection and gauge into my own dreams to understand my Self better.

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Post by sweetsunray » Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:53 pm

I'm glad I was finally able to help you out with your dream so far :-) Keep us updated if you have any more lizard dreams

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Post by ElizVanZee » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:58 am

Any animal in a dream will represent an aspect of your own emotional nature and will reflect a feeling you have as well as indicate a body issue. The lizard in particular often indicates a feeling pertaining to the issue of very dry skin. The many lizards would indicate a certain intensity of thought upon this feeling while the two lizards which are sometimes seen would specifically indicate that you are using and focusing upon a negative and wrong feeling which can relate to having dry skin.

As the lizards are seen on a wall, it would indicate that your own ego structure or sense of self is supporting a feeling of having dry skin – but supporting a wrong feeling. Seeing the two lizards facing each other as in the sign of Pisces can suggest that where the issue of dry skin is involved, you could regard your feelings as if an astrological sign – meaning that you would read the indication as foretelling what is to come. [This would mean that when you hold a strong feeling about having very dry skin, that makes this feeling more likely to become your future reality. Right now you may only feel or think it is dry.]

When you can see this sign and read its meaning, you are seeing the issue with God’s intelligence (as the dream is full of bright light when looking at the 2 lizards on the wall.) Note also that the 2 lizards (as in the sign of Pisces) face in opposite directions. This also tells you that there are two differing perspectives where a feeling is concerned.

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Thank You

Post by Elgina » Mon May 24, 2010 12:59 pm

You all have been of immense help. I have honestly stopped dreaming about lizards. I downloaded one Mystic Board Software

http://mysticboard.org/mb ... pretation/

This was quite helpful.

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