Vivid Colors, Snakes with Legs...

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Vivid Colors, Snakes with Legs...

Post by mangosun » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:35 pm

Hello all! I was awakened yesterday morning with the following dream...your thoughts please!   :smt003

In my dream my daughter (about 2 yrs old in my dream, she is actually 6) were traveling grp hide from an unknown danger and we ended up staying at a house way down a dirt road, far away from any  community and I got the sense we were waiting for someone to join us and then we would be on our journey again. I was packing up some provisions, clothing mostly, when I looked over toward the bed (it was a bunkbed), there were 3 snakes darting in and out trying to strike at my little girl who was toddling  by. When I ran over to get her, one of the snakes was huge, like a python only the coloring was brilliant glossy green and black and it was walking on four legs! It ay this point the dream went from being inside the house to being outside and we were in the yard while the snakes were under the porch, instead of the  bed. I was able to get my little girl out of the way in time. Then I turned my attention to the dirt road and I could see a car approaching, but I didn't know if I had been found by the one I was waiting to travel with, or if it was the ones I was trying to hide from. Then I woke up...the house was nondescript but I did notice the wide open expanse of land surrounding it, with gentle slopes, the grass was brown, like it was in the fall, but it was a bright sunny day. Any thoughts?  :smt006 Thanks, ~jules

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Post by Rook » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:01 am


Is there a man in your life at the moment?  My instant interpretation is that the one you are waiting for in the dream to come and join you is the father figure which is absent from the dream.  The issue from my perception is dictating a conflict of waiting for Mr Right to come, and the need to protect your daughter from the Mr Wrong's (snakes could relate to a masculine image, the lashing out at your daughter attacking her in some way, either sexually, aggressively or something along those lines.  It could be an issue that established itself in the past around the time when your daughter was 2, or possibly when you were around this age).

This is perhaps why you are waiting for this man to come into your life, and not out actively searching for the man, out of fear for those you are trying to hide her from.

The dream ending with the car approaching sounds like there is a man entering your life, perhaps someone has caught your eye or is pursuing you as a romantic interest, but you have not yet established his Mr status, whether he is right or wrong.

This is how I see the dream.  The landscape is likely portraying your emotional situation, secluded, and despite the lack of bright green vegetation and flowers, the bright sun denotes a positive attitude.

Best wishes to you Jules.


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Very Interesting!

Post by mangosun » Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:57 pm

Hello Rook! Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts...I find your interpretation very interesting indeed. When my daughter was about 2 years old, my then husband, her father, and I were having marital troubles...I was very insecure about our relationship and our marriage. I just wanted my family to stay together (this was my mantra) but 2 years later I asked for a divorce because I was finally able to admit to myself and my husband how I was not happy and break free of the fear I had felt of allowing myself the happiness I deserved. I married at 19 and after 17 years of marriage, I found myself a single mom of 3 children. I am currently dating a man that I feel is an answer to my prayers for a good, loving man for me and my children...we are waiting until our finances are such so as to allow us to get married (we are working toward getting a house together). There is frustration in not being at a point to be together like we want to be but overall we are hopeful and happy.

I think your interpretation was very accurate! I've always been rather protective of my daughter as she has had many physical obstacles to overcome in her life. She has taught me so much and I am thankful I am her mother. She has had 7 major surgeries in her 6 years of life. But her spirit is like mine...positive, happy and indefatigable. Thanks again and great job! ~jules

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Post by nyx » Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:49 am

A snake in a dream can represent a few things. I've always heard an agressive snake represents rape. Snakes can also represent the penis.

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