dreams and solar plexus chakra

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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dreams and solar plexus chakra

Post by sicklikegingerale » Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:06 pm

i keep having dreams that leave me with an itchy anxious feeling in my third chakra when i wake up. i dont remember the main plot of the dream after i wake just small bits and pieces and none of it seems very significant. i cant shake the feeling for hours after and everytime an aspect of the dream pops into my head later on in the day the feeling is right back... im tired all the time despite the fact that im sleeping and waking at roughly the same time every day and getting 8 hours of sleep... why is this happening? what is happening? how do i stop it, or atleast stop the anxiety?
if anyone has any ideas and could please please email thoughts or suggestions i would really appreciate it:

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