Angel Dream and other

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Angel Dream and other

Post by waterfountain » Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:10 pm

I had two very frightening dreams, one where i was sleeping and my windows bursted open.. three small like barbie sized Angels came in and told me that they are working on helping me (i asked for help with healing, manifesting postive change in my life). I tried to turn and speak to them but I was frozen and I couldn't move.. Like paralyzed.. It was very vivid and real feeling.. I wasn't comforted by their presence at all, I was very scared of them.
Then there was another dream where I was working at mall, kept running around in circles (maybe represting the reincaration cycle) a woman in white that was glowing told me a message.. she said my name and was like it's time now, otherwise you will turn into me? I was scared of her as well..

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Post by firefly43210 » Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:23 am

night mares come due to malfunction in the sixth chakra , well this is a possibility . by the way was it in color ?

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Post by waterfountain » Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:13 am

oh really? color yes.. they came from black blue solar system you know ours, in both dreams angels/spirit were white the second one she was glowing..

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Post by Evard » Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:23 am

[Pelo pana yuwis mada aghen.. souwit na n.au0t wic |sa.]  They are not angels.
They are unkine angel looking forbode who warn the pikan mediate to warn and
thank the High Pax.. not to visit the system next to theirs. It's Kepler 2 (invisible
planets with standard sun and planets) System 27 near the power draw of galian
.a miniature galaxy shape that was made to draw many forebode with the likes ,
an umber powder deep within the planet drawing frozen stillness and caveny. %.

I will not bother you with why a hoodo'' angel would give you fear. Angels are the
warm and light blessed help amen of our OverSeer. <sigh> Spaces Apology. Aum

The other dream as interpreted about the defiant way upon musing center of time:
The circle path was a doben about fear. It means full magic warning about the aum
same system where Spaces Transit will not arrive .we will not send bardic there. @

I grace with over informational intellect. I will not apologise about dominant astrolm.
Try saying this: &nbsp;[Weis wan Tala men.. Hoodo weti.. Bana na aporoi ~ch Kep.hur A!]

If you are without speaking and have fear.. my apology nicely. I will give thanks. @! &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; n &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Evard

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Post by waterfountain » Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:33 pm

Hi Edward can you explain a bit more? sorry not understanding? does running around in circle have to do with our time cycle? was the warning regarding my personal life, me perosnally or just us in general?

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Post by Evard » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:39 pm

Uh Evard. &nbsp;The circle (my opinion) was a shape a foreign hoodo angel caster
did try and describe a warning in a dream [a scary one]. It s like your aum.i
personal life though refers more to a warning to make comment to another..
though I don't recommend sharing the thought energy of bad dreams.. so uh
others will not also be affected by bad dream spirits. It s a polite warning and
your sleep should improve if you don t act as medium for the powers foreign.
It s common the new dreams diminish restful sleep or they may improve with
the improvement of the affirm upon the chakra of sleep emote. The circle new
premise (shape) may refer to spirits trapped in pagan thought , or it may be a
design showing a pattern by a less experienced caster trying to show your new
warding away so we as a mature race will not approach a place of fear. aomen.
Not like time, like a space of gala shape orbit misused with caveny. Personal ::
The dreams you have are when new the personal thoughts about your interact,
with environmental effect and attitude when you are younger , known as Newly,
Natural Dreaming. &nbsp;The over affect as if the dream appeared as video recorded
are known as assisted dreaming with technical or foreign affected sleep reason. &nbsp; &nbsp; I will explain again with more info. &nbsp; Evard

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Post by waterfountain » Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:17 pm

ok just a bit scared lol

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Post by Evard » Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:34 pm

Once again.. Hoodo angel doll appear not as Voudou doll tho as these lil Hasbro
angels and they hold you in place with the spirit caven of the mind during dream..
in the place of the center of resting body. They are fear emanate and they are uh
foreign. &nbsp;When I went for fly spray yesterday, there were 2 hode (hoodoo caster)
standing around at the store with pharmacy. They did want to send away spirits..

Hope yer OK. &nbsp;Stay away from subliminal drink and bad 'food' when you see it did
give you bad dreams... uh eat normally, don t imbibe bad dream additive. Aomen.

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Post by waterfountain » Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:12 pm

so there is nothing to be afraid of? they aren't evil?

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Post by Evard » Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:28 am

[Ugh] They are a warning about an evil place to avoid. &nbsp;They are hoodo angel..
They want to show the powder mine on a planet far from common System1 uh
was not the way they want common human to visit an evil place.. so you were:
warned in a dream and told to share the dream info though not the bad dream.
When your feet get cold.. are you with proper heating./. Angels are warm and:
not scary about the role unkind still ness behavin~ nor are they evolah (evil) ,.
Small figures of angels scaring you until you were cold with fright.. was not the
angels of common Seraphim. Anyway, they are lil messages and I ask again ::
you consider what you did imbibe to see the dream of a visual (evil) warning...
Did you open your psyche with a logical yoga of chakral imbalance./. Wonder~ &nbsp;ing. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Evard.

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Post by waterfountain » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:43 pm

I did I thought I had chakra imbalance due to my disease and did do yoga

what evil place am I going to that they are warning me against? the three little ones just said they were helping me, the big one when we were running around in circles was the one that gave warning she just said it's time now otherwise you will turn into me.. "powder mine on a planet far from common System1" - sorry I'm not understanding? is this place on earth, state of mind? another planet or the afterlife? thanks

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Post by Evard » Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:30 pm

Ya. {sigh} it's another planet.

The running , being a reverse statement , was a path .. warning.

They once again were warning you not about you personally uh,
going to another planet.. it's a Spaces Tour not with NASA rocket.

I would be looked upon unkindly if I told you other planets are also
human civilization all over 20 Systems. My opinion., you are OK as
soon as you warm the so called 'caveny' within your mid center. @

By the way , what condition .. and what good yoga.. dod you visual
~ize the way to let thought into your psyche like a breathing visual
~ization ./. &nbsp;It seems like you did re-affirm allowing dreams within,
more recently and tried a mind yoga exercise affecting chakral aum. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Evard, Planetary Theorist Aum~en

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Post by waterfountain » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:42 am

other planets where humans live? oh wow
advanced humans or a bad place like slave race?

you won't be looked upon negatively by me.. i just don't understand any of this was just looking for clarity..

what is the "caveny" what does that mean? mid center is solar pelus?

i have endocrine disorder, hormonal.. i accidently did kundalini yoga then stopped and switched to hatha just once in awhile

actually i got into all of this trying to heal myself.. but couldn't understand the why's on reincarnation spirit world etc..

lol hoping it gets better so i can go back to daily life lol I can't understand this stuff

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Post by Evard » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:55 am

I'm fairly geocentriac.. (respecting Creation as human upon Earth only)
Altho, I am not convinced we are the (only) human planet here amoung
all the stars NASA rocket program says they did not yet explore and uh
did not find any life on.. tho thas all changing if you watch more science
TV [and not any DTV ~ yuck].. Yes a near-human planet warning you ^
about the unkind system local Spaces Tour was not to visit.. so we did ,
not visit it.. very unkind almost human race.. bad people. A Warning . .,
As with the role unkind races .. you don't want to mess with colors show
~ing in dreams what appear to be unkind symbols of color human. Aum
the white color on a robe or symbol warning like silent pictoral I see OK
was the role showing you as a chakra incept recipient.. yer not botherin
them tho they will not bother us with a stern exampl warning. Aomen!ix.
Caveny means a dark negative power 'powder' mine.. the place you on
premise of healing the mind , will keep the dream 'cold' will be near the
solar plexus I may agree. Though feeling like a cavity in the torso or on
the inside of the place above seat. Try warming your home moderately. &nbsp; &nbsp;Not alot. &nbsp;Stay temperate. &nbsp;:) &nbsp;Evard

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Post by waterfountain » Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:34 pm

oh dear ok for me not to mess with them or others? color was white ok thanks!

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