help in recording your dreams.

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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StormGirl Blue
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help in recording your dreams.

Post by StormGirl Blue » Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:23 am

I used to ask seekers to fill this in.
I found most people didn't bother, and just wanted quick answers, but if anyone you like to use this in whole or part or change it around for their own needs, private or professional, here it is..

Dream journal memory jogger / interpretation aid:

I have included a few guidelines here, but certainly if you do not know, or have a memory of anything you may just leave that blank. If you don’t feel that something was important include this also, but let me know your feelings of the importance.
The answers to many of these questions may or may not be important.. we don’t know until we look at it.

Date the dream occurred, if this is reoccurring please indicate so and with dates if possible, if there have been any holidays, religious or celebrations on or around these dates this may also be important.
Quite often a dream will represent something within a 3 or 4 day window

Have there been any events going on around you , anything that you may have thought about at around the moments before falling asleep, this includes deaths, or births, anything that may have been on your mind may or may not be important.

Your religion or cultural background.. Different symbols may mean different things to different people.

What time did your dream?

Were you asleep at the time, some of you might find this a completely stupid question but in all honesty powerful dreams do me time occur when we are awake?

This is the easy part, for the best interpretations it is important to relax and just tell me about your dream: The more detail that you can include the more accurate your final interpretation can be.

Where was the setting for your dream, was it foreign or familiar to you ?

Did the events of your dream take place at any time, i.e. day or night?

Did you have feelings; did you react to anything in your dream?

Tell me about colors, did you notice any? was your dream in black and white, perhaps the colours were particularity vibrant, perhaps you never noticed.
If your dream had an object etc of a specific colour do mention this.

If there were animals in your dream what were they

Also letters of the alphabet that may be occurring?

Were there any numbers, dates, times or ages that stood out to you in the dream?

Were you a participant in your dream or an observer ?

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