I don't understand...could someone enlighten me?

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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I don't understand...could someone enlighten me?

Post by nyx » Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:45 pm

Please don't preach to me....

Before I describe it let me tell you a lesson my mom always taught me. She would say, "be nice to everyone, help whoever you can, cause you never know who is an angel in disguise."

Here is my dream....

I was in this store, and a homeless man approached me. The store security was escorting him out and I ran after them saying, "wait! Wait! He didn't do anything!" When security was gone, me and the man were out side, something in me said, "It's Jesus, he's Jesus Christ..." so I asked him, "This will probably sound stupid, but are you Jesus Christ?" Then he changed to a man that looked like pictures of Jesus, and he said, "Yes, my child." I asked if I could hug him, and he said, "Come to me, child." I hugged him and began bawling and I said, "Forgive me father, for I have sinned." He held me and said, "I love you, and I have never left you. I am the way the truth and the light, no one comes to the father except through me. I am always there, especially when it feels I'm farthest away. Have faith in me, for I've prepared you a place in heaven."

Then I woke up...

It sounds pretty straight forward right? Well, I'm not really what you would call a Christian.I'm not an atheist, I do believe that there is possibly a "god" I'm just not sure what exactly I believe.  It was just weird to me....I mean, why "Jesus"? The one I've doubted most?

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:58 pm

the greatest thing is love     this was jesus  first commandment  : love  GOD with all your mind body soul. love they self .love they neighbor ..  dreams are powerful things   and come to us as messages   and should not be denied  ...i am not preaching or saying one faith or belief is better than another .but maybe u should give him a chance  JESUS  .maybe you should say a prayer are too and see what takes place  ......

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Post by Evard » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:31 pm

The man in your dream was not imposing.. though he was not First Jesuit..
not to be mean ,. I see it as a joke about your medical training. . . . . . . @

"What's the average bum on the street know about life .. alot ,. he's the bum
who went through every hell hole trying to be kind ,. and every ministry with
want to remove h im for his shortcomings did not see it as his paid rite to uh
eat drink worship bathe clothe shelter etc...  so he's the most informed again."

If you don't like this .. I've been catching flak lately about my shortcomings uh
not exactly kissing arse with those I see as less than honoring free will . Evard

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:09 pm

I think you yourself shall evaluate what the Dream told you, since you feel it is a bit personal(Religions belief)

I don't think that any "explanation" from other will strengthen or lessen your own belief, because a belief must come from inside yourself, you must find the truth in it, so maybe the Dream is your inner voice....maybe you have seen something that bother you...maybe your unconscious mind have work on something you have read or watched....so my best advice is to do a "Meditation" on the dream, find a calm place...relax.. empty your mind for other thoughts... and then try to let it come to you, and see what you get.

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