Relationship issues???? Maybe???

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Relationship issues???? Maybe???

Post by emobunnie1313 » Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:00 pm

I had a very strange dream, but first let me give you some background information. My boyfriend’s name is Jacob and my best friend’s name is Leigh. About two years ago, Jacob and Leigh were dating but that ended about 1 year ago?
In my dream, I was climbing a tree with Leigh. We were wearing Renaissance style dress; her’s red and mine green, both with gold embroidery. Our hair had changed. Her hair is normally short blonde, which had changed to black waist length hair. Mine is shoulder length dirty blonde hair, mine went waist length red hair. Both of our hairs were pulled up into half ponytails. We had settled on a low branch and were discussing Japanese music. Jacob approached us, looking completely different. His normal ear length brown hair, had gone shoulder length black hair. And it was pulled into a ponytail with a gold ribbon. He was wearing black jeans and a Black Veil Brides band shirt. When he came up, he proceeded to kiss each of us. When he kissed me, a strawberry appeared in my mouth.  Leigh and I looked at each other and giggled. When we looked back to Jacob, he had disappeared.  We laughed again and talked about the kisses. We decided that they were absolutely disgusting. His rank had been rank and his teeth starting to rot. A raven flew around us and landed on a branch above our heads. It then starting crying, and I woke up.
What does this mean???

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