Can someone interpret?

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Can someone interpret?

Post by SeekingHelp » Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:18 pm

Hi everyone... I had this dream last night, I remember it so well and it made me very happy. Can someone tell me the meaning of it? I dreamt of this huge field but looked like the interface of farmville... however, it was a real field. It was huge and freshly plowed. I was discussing with (don't remember if it was grand pa or hubby) about planting 2 varieties of chick peas. One the regular variety and the other was a darker smaller variety. I said, we can reap a good harvest and profit too... they seemed to agree. I started planting these saplings of both the varieties and those saplings looked like clover leaves. What does this dream mean? it is good or bad? I have a good feeling about this dream though.... please help and thanks.

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Post by Rook » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:42 pm

Hi SeekingHelp.

It probably refers to some area in your life where now is a good time to invest (time, money, knowledge / learning, etc) in some area.  The dream is saying this investment would be well spent.

Sweet dreams,

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