Discussion about Dreams with Spirits and How to Cope

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Discussion about Dreams with Spirits and How to Cope

Post by psychoticblades » Wed May 04, 2011 10:29 pm

I am NOT asking for a reading but for a way to cope with these dreams. I just don't know where to put this, and quite frankly I think this is a matter that requires discussing, so while I am motivated (since motivation is rare for me) I need to have it typed up now while it's daylight outside. The only reason I'm posting it here is because these dreams have had a significant impact on my life. Because of them I am afraid, and because of them I have no control over my own fears. Even combating these fears is difficult.

In short, I have been sleeping on the couch for about two years because I fear my own room too much to even turn the light on. I literally feel compelled to not enter and this isn't normal. At all. I go near it to get something and I can no longer enter it without freezing in my footsteps and feeling trapped and weakened (likely induced by fear).

Please note that I have no idea what the difference between a reading and a discussion is (since technically I wind up starting a discussion as soon as I'm given my reading, so I have trouble telling the difference). I'm just terrified and need control over my dreams, and I'm lacking in guidance and assistance in dealing with them.

Anyhow, I know there's no quick fix, but I'm desperate. Really really desperate.

Perhaps the worst part about these dreams is the fact they include spirits, and those spirits can reside anywhere. Most of the time these spirits take up residence in my room. They will try getting my attention by saying my name and the authoritative figure in my dream will dismiss that anything is in my room/place of haunting. I will be shoved in there and forced to endure the spirit's wrath (but the dream ends before I am subjected to it). They never see the spirit because the spirit will only speak when I am alone and present in its dwelling.

What makes things worse is I've had a fear of that room since very young in my childhood, and there are no signs of anything being in that room. I've passed it off as my dreams playing on my fear of spirits, but that doesn't explain my youth when I feared that room and had very few dreams involving spirits. Now that my dreams involve spirits a lot, I'm confused about how to cope with it. I'm afraid, really afraid.

The worst part is I feel a malicious aura and the dream turns eerie and creepy when these dreams happen.

So, rather than asking for a reading, how do I cope with these dreams? I've tried to teach myself how to control my dreams---for years upon years even. I believe it has been about five years since I first attempted to teach myself. Some dreams I have succeeded in controlling but not many.

I have also considered meditation but I have no one to teach me, and I'm not sure if it'd even help.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu May 05, 2011 1:15 pm

Dreams are about our own unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  You are fearful and you bring that to the dream, the dream does not create the fear.  The symbols you are dealing with here is spirit and spirit entities.  

Your fears seem to stem from your lack of understanding of spirit and the world in which they function.  Yes, they are all about us, but can do little to create our fears, we do that for ourselves.

Ritualistically you can 'clean' your own room if you are so inclined.  This will help put you in charge of your own space and claim it for your own.  Remember rituals are about belief in a higher power that controls all our comings and goings.  So begin and end with prayer - open to God for help and close with thanks for its acceptance.

Use one of the following - sweetgrass, incense, a white candle - lit up to create a gentle smoke.  Remember we are going for a cleansing effect so the candle may be the simplest form of smoke to use.  

You are going to enter the room, waving the smoke into every nook and cranny of the room, concentrating on the corners, and saying (outloud or in your head) "I claim this space for me.  It is my room and you must leave.  Turn to the light and leave me in peace".  

You may get a hanger on so do it again 3 days later after you have tested your comfort level with the room.  3 keeps coming up - it may take 3 rituals to actually feel comfortable enough to move into the room again.  Leave time between each to allow the attitude and fear to diminish.

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Post by caithiggs » Thu May 05, 2011 7:05 pm

Do you have these dreams when you sleep on the couch, or are they area-specific? ie. only occurring in the bedroom? For myself personally, I have no ability to see spirits or anything, I started having dreams about spirits when I started studying about them and thinking about them a lot. More than likely your fear is quite cyclical, in that your fear is fuelling the themes of these bad dreams, and these bad dreams are fuelling your fear. Because they are only dreams, they are harmless. What is harmful is the way you handle your feelings of fear. You can let fear take over your mind, but know the dreams in themselves are not dangerous.

Another point I'd like to bring up as well roots from the fact that I grew up in a house with a room that also gave me that bad feeling. I had a hard time entering it alone and always felt like I was being watched, etc. I tried to think of what kind of spirits could be attached to it, because it had always felt that way since my childhood. And it wasn't even my bedroom in the house, it was my parents'. But after I learned a bit about electromagnetic fields it made a lot more sense. The room was part of an addition to the house, nobody had ever died in that room, and because of it's newness I realized it likely had a lot more electrical stuff to it than the older part of the house. More EMF energy.

So, you might want to look into electromagnetic fields, as, surprisingly, they can make you feel like you are being watched, or make you feel extremely uncomfortable, and if you are sensitive to it, they can even cause hallucinations. Because when we sleep we are more susceptable to hallucination, there is a good chance that an EMF field in your room is the reason you dream of spirits calling your name, etc. could be nightmares. Just something to think about as a possibility, although I of course have no way of knowing what is really going on. But this could be likely especially if your dreams are area specific.

Also, I tend to have nightmares and uncomfortable astral projections when it is hot and muggy. What is the air quality like in your room? It is amazing the kinds of things that can effect our sleep atmospherically.

Anyway, if you are having eerie feelings, it might have something to do with the electric wiring in your room, or even poor ventilation. But if these dreams are really interfering with your life, that is a good time to see a councellor, who may be able to talk you through your dreams and come up with excercises for fighting off the fear--more than anybody on a web forum could do for you.

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Post by psychoticblades » Sun May 08, 2011 4:56 am

I thank you both for replying, but I talked with a counselor about these dreams and she managed to connect it to something more logical. It has to do with my past, which I won't go into publicly. It just goes into something more psychological than anything else. It isn't the room specifically, just things of my past that really can't be changed. I can't go back and combat those emotions, but I can try and change them. Sadly, that'll take awhile. Anyhow, thanks.

The dreams will likely not disappear, but somehow it is more area specific. I still have them outside my room but dreams inside the room occur more often. So, the dreams become more frequent if I'm sleeping in there.

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feeding into fear

Post by magicmoon86 » Thu May 19, 2011 1:13 am

So first off, try and not fear this energy.

When you put fear into energy it makes it stronger.. therefore it just keeps trying to scare you.  Try and put some love and light into it.. I know easier said than done!  lol but it has happened to me, and it really works.  My whole life I have gotten so petrified whenever I came around a spirit.. whenever I could feel a spirit.. it was like something told me to run as fast as I could because I just didn't want to deal with it.. I didn't understand it, and it scared me.. this stemed from having a terrifying experience as a child that I had blocked out.  So now, everytime I feel a spirit coming close to my energy/my aura.. and I start to get that anxious I need to get the hell out of here feeling creeping up.. I simply repeat love and light love and light.. once you stand in your truth and realize that you can never really truly be hurt, you can't die.. you are forever.. it will change your impact on things like this greatly.  Spirits, esp lower vibed spirits feed off from fear, sadness, etc, etc.. the really low stuff.. and when we start to fear, become angry, upset, depressed.. we lower our vibes, so it makes it easier for these spirits to affect us more.  

The dreams may be the fact that these spirits are trying to communicate with you, and because of your fear you are just completely shutting them out.. and it may be making them angry?  I mean if you knew someone could feel you, maybe even see or hear you.. but they IGNORED you.. wouldn't you get a little pissed? lol.  All I'm saying is maybe you should lower your guard.. and realize that you have a gift.. try and speak to them.. go in there during the day with the lights on.. and simply meditate... see what you see, or hear.  It may surprise you.  If it something that makes you feel uncomfortable still then I would simply state that you wish it to leave, it is not allowed there, and you have no time for it.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 28, 2011 1:47 pm

Because of our own personal fears and lack of understanding of spirit, it is not a good idea to actually invite them in, so to speak.  While spirit is around us, yes, we do not have to entertain them on a regular basis.  If you are aware of the energy of spirit around you and communication is opening, then you have to learn more to understand what you are doing in communication.

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