
Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Post by mom2ericha60 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:12 pm

Does anyone remember speech in their dreams? For some reason I don't remember ever having speech in my dreams, they are always silent. Sometimes they are in color, as my last one was, but none of them have sound, is that weird? I had one ages ago where my mother in laws mom came to me, kept pointing to a bowl that had plants or flowers in it, in the bathroom, and then I woke, and didn't get the idea, had that dream three times. My mother in law showed me a picture and it was her mother in my dream. A few weeks later she found a bowl in the attic with a note from her mother saying to give the bowl to her sister in law, she remembered the dream I had had and she told me later she was thinking of keeping it, till she remembered my dream! It was obviously a message to my mother in law about that bowl! It was a very weird dream but it got the message across even though she did not speak to me. Why is it I don't get any sound in my dreams?

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Post by j_marie_89 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:04 pm

I only very rarely remember speech in my dreams. The thing is when you're dreaming you're experiencing the astral state. When you wake up your brain has trouble converting what you experienced there into normal waking memory. That's why dreams are usually remembered in images or feelings because these translate more easily. Words and speech are really only used to communicate here on earth. The spirit and astral realms only contain them because our memories do. I once used a lucid dreaming technique which relied on the fact that the written word is unstable in the dream realm. I was taught to check the time on the clock or look at a word on a piece of paper, to look away or close my eyes, and then look back. If the words or numbers changed, I knew I was dreaming. I did this about ten times a day in the waking state until it became such a habit that it carried over to the dream state and I was able to lucid dream. It's testimony to the hazy quality of speech and writing in the dream realm.

If you ever do remember speech or words, it's probably because your brain knew it was very important, or it produced some sort of emotional response which you tied it to. Always write it down RIGHT AWAY! I had a dream recently in which I found myself walking through underground caves with a hooded figure who told me "we believe we rise again". I took it as a very beautiful spiritual message.

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Re: dreams

Post by Celestial » Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:57 pm

mom2ericha60 wrote:Does anyone remember speech in their dreams? For some reason I don't remember ever having speech in my dreams, they are always silent. Sometimes they are in color, as my last one was, but none of them have sound, is that weird? I had one ages ago where my mother in laws mom came to me, kept pointing to a bowl that had plants or flowers in it, in the bathroom, and then I woke, and didn't get the idea, had that dream three times. My mother in law showed me a picture and it was her mother in my dream. A few weeks later she found a bowl in the attic with a note from her mother saying to give the bowl to her sister in law, she remembered the dream I had had and she told me later she was thinking of keeping it, till she remembered my dream! It was obviously a message to my mother in law about that bowl! It was a very weird dream but it got the message across even though she did not speak to me. Why is it I don't get any sound in my dreams?

Warm greetings, Mom2ericha60! One thing to remember about the spirit world is that they do not communicate over there in the same way as we do here in this dimension. That is to say that here we speak with our mouth and that is due to our having lungs and vocal cords with which to produce speech. In the world of spirit there is no communication directly through the mouth. Their main method of communication is via telepathy, to put it in more simplistic terms, and there is much more to say on that but suffice it to say, they all use the mind-to-mind method for communication.

Therefore, that could be why you do not remember speech in your dreams because you may not be fully aware of or in tune with their system of communication while you are out of your body during the dream state. When we dream we basically leave our body and join others in spirit. We remain connected to our physical body through what is called the "silver cord". We return to our physical bodies once we are ready to return after our dream visits.

Personally, I do remember speech in most all of my dreams and I most always dream in color which is generally an indication of psychic ability. But that can also be attributed to my research and knowledge about the Afterlife where I both consciously and subconsciously know what to expect as I leave my body nightly in the dream state.

What you said about your repeated dreams concerning the bowl shows that when spirit wants some attention paid to something they wish to bring to the forefront of matters, they can return time and time again during your dream state to get their message across! I'm glad the right thing was done in this instance!

Before I conclude, I send you wonderful radiations of ♥ and great wishes for a beautiful day!
With God's blessings of Compassion, Peace, Joy, and Love,

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:47 pm

Dreams are about our own subconsciousness and symbols to tells us the emotions to resolve in the conscious state.  Dreams are not about astral or spirit travel at all.  Those types of dreams are rare and happen only in 2 small windows of sleep - as we are falling asleep in the alpha state and as we are waking in the alpha state before consciousness sets in.  

This, then is why dream symbols are not the same as spirit symbols.  Interpretation is totally different because we are dealing with our own emotions in the sleep state.  In spirit we must be careful not to deal with emotional states, because then the symbols would be on our wishes or wishful thinking rather than on what is best in spirit.
God bless, J

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Dreams and the astral state

Post by Celestial » Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:28 am

Hi again, mom2ericha60,

Concerning my last reply, while there may be other opinions floating around, I just wanted to add that Edgar Cayce, the marvelous world-renown gentleman who was fantastic with knowledge about the paranormal, certainly felt and believed that during the dream state we go to the world of spirit, something that many other learned people share around the world!

http://interpretyourdreams.flashpaw.com ... Cayce.html

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:45 pm

As I stated spirit work and dream work are 2 separate and completely different talents.  To be a dream interpreter is not to be a psychic as the symbols are totally different in interpretation.  Any good dream dictionary can give you examples.  Psychic symbols are personal to the individual and can not be written up as can dream symbols.  

I made a reference to Edgar Cayce in another thread that it was referenced.  The fact is ALL things evolve including psychic work and dream work.  Consult experts in either field for either skills and talents.
God bless, J

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