I got help with my dreams...

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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I got help with my dreams...

Post by florevarela » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:08 pm

I had a very vivid dream exactly 1week ago that I would like to share it with you. I wonder if any of you have had the same type of dream or maybe just a different dream concerning your relationship, marriage,job,health,lover, etc. I believe that dreams are real and dreams do come true, they are used by “subconscious mind” to communicate with the “conscious mind”, so I’m sure that this dream has a meaning.

Here it goes…

I dreamed that I was unjustly put in jail and facing deportation (but the thing is that I’m a naturalized US citizen, which means that technically I can’t be deported to my country of birth). In the dream, my hubby visited me and at times stayed with me in my jail cell. I was allowed to move about the prison yard, but was restrained from fully enjoying many of the activities that I usually like to do, like reading books. From my jail cell window, I was able to have a small view of the city streets. There was a parade on the city street in which they had a huge hippopotamus, this hippopotamus got out of control and very angry and it grew to a size of a five story building. The hippopotamus head/face changed to that of a turtle. I was scared…but thankful that I was in the jail cell as it provided protection from the charging “monster”. But that sense of security was lost at the moment that the monster looked at me right in the eye…it charged at my jail cell, I felt that I was being crushed by this animal…but then I woke up, thankful that it was just a nightmare.

 However, i became freaked out,confused and curious to know what my nightmare was all about. I told my dreams to a spiritualist/soothsayer dreamnsoothsay at aol dot com who helped to interpret it to me and told me what was gonna happen and how i was gonna see it with a good understanding of what i was gonna do.He told me i was gonna have a continuation of the dream which i did 2days after. I bet you, i was so surprised when all what he had told me came to pass before my very eyes. He could help translate your dreams(pleasant or nightmare) concerning every aspect of your life. Wish i could dream more every single night. Just sharing this with you incase anyone needs his services:cool:

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