I shouldn't be allowed to dream anymore.

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I shouldn't be allowed to dream anymore.

Post by Songstress » Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:39 pm

I was talking to Rachel on the phone and mentioned I was going to Sephora the next day.  She said it sounded fun then we hung up.  The next morning I was on my way to a town that doesn't actually have a Sephora and in the opposite direction of one that does.  I kept passing strange factories.  So I decided to turn around and go back after seeing someone just walking down the highway and no other cars.  Next thing I know I pulled into a college parking lot and went to one of the dorm rooms.  I had a few friends in there.  Someone came knocking on the door that we didn't know.  he was passing out a petition against gay rights.  It wanted information about people so I filled one out as a joke.  I said they probably won't like it if a bisexual modifying their petition.  There was some sort of disruption, not sure what, but everyone was running out of the building trying to get out.  We were stopped by people on our way out.  They were starting a reconditioning camp.  You couldn't escape.  One of the girls reached into my purse and pulled out my keys while I was digging for fireworks to distract them while we tried to escape.  I punched her in the face and took my keys back.  After fighting her for a bit, they decided to let me go but not my friends.  The people that were let go started to camp out and plan ways to release everyone.  I then saw that they released one of my Muslim friends.  Hugged her but she looked completely out of it.

Then I woke up.

Side notes:  I don't actually know Rachel personally.  Sephora is a beauty store for those that don't know.  I am in fact bisexual.

Colours that I noticed:  Orange, Black, Gray, Blue, Green

Anyone have thoughts on this dream?  It seemed a little all over the place to me.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:18 pm

This time in life you are seeking out beauty.  Not a self absorbed kind of beauty, but the beauty that is life to all.  You know its there, but can't quite reach it at present.  There may be factors in your life preventing you from seeing the beauty that is you in action.

College is a time of friends and keeping your own identity while examining it for who and what you are, in the larger picture of life.  Your sexuality is often at question.  It is what makes you think in terms of bisexual.  It also is indicative of a very open minded person who wishes to live life with love, not get caught up in any gender issues.  

You would object on principle to someone doing a petition to harass gays.  You are more inclined to the direction of live and let live.  You are not terribly militant in a stand one way or the other, but would sign a petition for change if it appealed to your sense of right or wrong.  This issue comes up with the Muslim influence in the dream.  You would like to see more freedom of female energies as well in this culture.

You would not be corralled to be conditioned into any line of thinking.  You embrace your free will in so many way.  Perhaps something is threatening it just now?

Orange is a high energy color.  It combines yellow (mental) and red (highest energy level) so you are into thinking high energy thoughts.
Black denotes some form of negative energies as in doing things in the dark.
Gray is actually a very traditional color.  You do like things to work out in the most traditional sense, while yet embracing your wild child.
Blue is for healing and intuition - both of which you have in large measure.  Your dreams indicate a sense of what is good for one is good for all - healing.
Green is for healing and growth.  There is a lot opening for you and you will have to focus yourself to meet all the challenges.  You are up for it and well.
God bless, J

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