Strange dreams, reoccuring settings

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Strange dreams, reoccuring settings

Post by Rikis152 » Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:37 pm

So i keep having these dreams involving snakes.. or giant cockroaches.
and involving Stores,alot of dreams with my ex boyfriend in them is in stores for some reason. And my best friend who passed away.
first one alexis my friend who recently passed on we were in some store like walmart and she was trying on shoes. we both knew she had died but nobody else did, and some lady came up to her saying she;d help her find the shoes and pretty much was forcing her too. She looked at me with this terror and i ran to find my family to help her.
Next store dream(s). In another place like walmart walking around with my ex. i was supposed to be working at a job i had at a food place there. He told me he wanted me back than left me alone and i wondered around looking for him. than went to my job and he came back to talk to me(i think) than i left and was trying to avoid my new boyfriend in this parking lot that had like a riot going on.. cars in flames, people revolting and i was shadily walking through all this
*other store dream* In clothing store, trying on clothes my ex parents show up and i had just seen and spoken to my ex, they glare at me and i run into the dressing room with him hiding. It changed to some room that was apparently his. Were talking like old times and im on top of him not doing anything just hanging out till his wife comes in pregnant(which she really is) and i go by this window and she than stradles him and knows im there but they start ignoring me. Changed to a football field where we went to school and were running through it.
*bug dreams* Im in this desert in cali at night and its filled with snakes and scorpions. There everywhere and me and my friend are walkin thru trying to avoid getting bit or stung.
In a palace and these monsterise cockroaches are on the walls. Im in a room doors to next rooms are on the walls connected accidently walk into a room someone is meditating in so i go back. in main room in palace there is the bugs that some giant grabs this magical bug wash but it spills and i try to help him catch it with no success theres little that didnt spill. Than its like a futuristic theme in a snowy town trying to rescue my friend whose on the side thats forbidden to go in a different town

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Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:54 am

Post by oriel » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:42 am

I think store dreams could mean things that you need or want subconsciously in your life.The things you buy would be symbols of things you need or want in your life.
Clothes could be hidden aspects of yourself.
bugs could be symbol of things that irritate or annoy you in real life.The temple could be a symbol of a holy or sacred place or part of yourself maybe,that you treasure.
The snow part could be a situation or someone that's being cold to you in waking life.

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