Lions, Cheetahs, Tigers and Crocodiles

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Lions, Cheetahs, Tigers and Crocodiles

Post by Ch1cK012 » Fri May 10, 2013 10:21 am

I'm new to this website, so hi  :smt006

I had a very strange dream this morning. We moved to this house about a week ago, and ever since I've been here I've had very vivid and random dreams (not complaining because I love dreaming and I rarely have nightmares).

I dreamt that I was sitting on a step next to a girl that I have a crush on. We started talking and she then said that she really wants to kiss me. I wasn't shocked, because she has tried to kiss me in real life but we got interrupted (note: I am a 19 year old girl). I scooted closer to her and kissed her in her neck, but then someone passed us on the steps and she scooted away, saying that she had work to do and that we should do this later. I kept trying to convince her, saying she was the one that came on to me, but she kept saying she had work to do.

We sat there talking and I asked her if she wanted to come to my house because she looked uncomfortable sitting on the step and the hallway was getting noisy. She said yes and we drove to my house (we went to my new house, which is weird because whenever we move I always dream about my old house for months before dreaming about the new house)). When we got there, she sat down on my bed and I went to make her something to drink. When I got to the kitchen, my grandpa was there and asked if I would look after the pets while he was out running errands. I said yes, thinking I could show my crush my pets.

I went back to the room with some tea, only to discover that she was gone.  I walked outside, looking for her, but I couldn't find her so I went into the living room to watch some tv. While I was walking into the room, I saw A lion. a cheetah and a crocodile walk into the room. I jumped back in surprise, trying not to scream because I didn't want to startle the animals or draw attention to myself. Suddenly my grandpa was behind me, saying that I shouldn't scare the animals and I must look after them.

All the animals were sitting on the ouch together, playing with each other like they were buddies. The lion and crocodile were massive, but the cheetah was smaller than a real cheetah. It was tiny compared to the other animals. The lion was nibbling ad playfully pawing at the other animals, and I went closer to it. I stretched out my hand and I started petting the lion, like you would pet a cat. It looked happy and it sounded like it was purring, but I was still deathly afraid of it. It started nibbling on my hand, and I pulled away and started backing away from it. The lion raised it's head and barred it's teeth at me, looking angry. When I was up against the wall, the lion jumped on top of me and started clawing at me, but i got up and ran away before it could bite me.

The lion ran outside along with the other animals, and i ran to the kitchen to shut the door, but just as I was about to close the top half of the door, the cheetah peeked over, and jumped onto the door. I wasn't afraid of the cheetah, I also pet the cheetah (who looked content) and i picked it up to get it away from the lion. The cheetah started chirping, as if it was trying to warn me of something, and next second the lion burst through the bottom part of the door, tackling me and dragging me outside. The lion bit me and flung me around. The crocodile and cheetah were sitting together; the crocodile looked indifferent and like it was enjoying what was happening, and the cheetah was sitting and watching everything that was happening, chirping every now and then.

I eventually found the strength to run into the house, into my bedroom, but the lion was already there, along with my real pets (2 cats and a jack russel). I turned around to get the key so I could lock it in the room, an when I turned back the lion had turned into a tiger. The tiger was quite smaller than the lion, and it was pacing up and down the room, barring it's teeth at me and hissing at me every now and then. I then realised that it wanted to eat my pets, so I managed to lure it out into the hallway and locked my pets into my bedroom, to keep them safe.

When I had locked the door and turned back to face the tiger, I saw that it was jumping between turning into a lion and turning into a tiger, and all the while it was strolling towards me while I had my back against the wall once again. It pounced on me in it's tiger form, and it pushed me to the ground. It brought it's face inches from mine, and it opened it's mouth so I could see its teeth, and it drooled on my face and then let out a menacing roar, and then lunged to bite my shoulder. At that point I woke up.

I'm sorry for the very long description, but I just wanted to now what you guys think about this dream, as it has a lot of symbolism I think and I can't figure out what all of it means. I have established that my spirit animal is a feline of some sort (I have been around wild cats such as Caracals and Servals, and I was always the only person they didn't hiss at when I approached them, they would go ballistic whenever  one of my friends tried to get close to them, but maybe it's just because I'm a type 1 diabetic? Animals (and strangely, children, especially babies) in general tend to like me more than they like other people). I have also thought that maybe my spirit animal could be a fox, because I have friends who own foxes, and they are really shy and don;t like it when other people come near them/touch them, but when I went near them they started getting really excited and they were clawing at the fence around them for me to come touch them and they also started making these high pitched noises. They also licked at the fence around them when I got close to them. When I reached out to touch them the one sniffed my hand and started licking it, and the lady said that it is weird because they don't like other people. I have been of various websites trying to figure out what my animal totem/power animal/spirit animal is, and so far the following have been suggested to me: Cat, Tiger, Lion (recurring theme of felines), Fox, Hawk and... a Snake! So I'm still trying to figure out which it is.

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Post by Rook » Wed May 29, 2013 10:07 am

Hi Chick

It’s an interesting dream and as you state there is a lot of symbols involved.

What I see in the dream is the girl you have a crush on seems nervous not about your feelings for each other but how they might be perceived by society – indicated by how she only became nervous when there were others around.

You inviting her to your house I see as either you are trying to bring her to a more private location, but I see it more as you inviting her / wanting her to enter into your private life.

The grandfather is often a symbol of wisdom.  Here he is telling you to look after your pets.  I suspect that the animals represent people that you know – indicating you need to take care of your friendships despite them sometimes “biting” you.  In this scenario the animals would represent people similar to the animals.  Eg the lion might be a dominating “king of the jungle” type personality.  The cheetah is a smaller personality or perhaps a physically small person – perhaps they “cheat” in some way or a sleek and fast, the crocodile perhaps someone that snaps?  The fight between you and the lion sounds like a situation where your friends are watching the drama unfold (they wouldn’t be concerned about the situation as the lion might not actually be physically trying to eat you but perhaps thrash you around emotionally or verbally).

I get the feeling from the dream content the lion may very well be this girl you have a crush on.  The lion’s presence in the bedroom points to this, as well as the lion being the primary animal involved in the drama of the situation.  Does she have a dominating lion-like nature?  The dream seems to be portraying a potential episode of drama developing or perhaps reflecting on drama that has taken place.

Does any of this make sense to you?

PS Sorry it has taken so long to reply.

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Post by Ch1cK012 » Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:06 pm

That makes so much sense! Thanks a lot for the feedback :) sorry for taking so long to reply, it's been a very rough year so far: first year at university.

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Post by Rook » Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:58 am

*shudders at memories of first year uni*

I can relate.

Best of luck with it all.


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