Introducing Myself, along with a simple question about dreams

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Introducing Myself, along with a simple question about dreams

Post by CuriousBeliever » Sat Jun 22, 2013 12:42 pm

Hi dream people.  My name is Adam.  I am a spiritual/religious person who believes in much of the paranormal and metaphysical, as manifestations of the spiritual side of things.  Among these things, I've had a particular interest in dreams and symbols, often wondering if I might have some instinct for understanding, but who knows?  I definitely believe dreams are personal and reflective of the person having the dream, and I definitely believe that prophetic-type dreams happen.  Dreams are most interesting when they seem to be a personal message of some sort, even a spiritual message beyond the self... and that's where getting some reflection really helps.

I'm not sure I receive much in the way of messages through dreams, but occasionally a dream will stick out with some significant feeling to it.  I hope to share a couple of those here and get some feedback, mostly on whether there seems to be personal spiritual messages and significance to them.

Anyhow, since I'm just introducing myself, I just wanted to ask a relatively simple question.  I had a ton of nightmares as a kid, and many of them were recurring.  The strange thing was, that often I would remember the dreams within the dreams, and I would know with certainty that the location of my current nightmare was connected to the location of other nightmares I had had.  A couple times I even traveled in the dream from one nightmare location to another.  I could physically draw a map of my nightmare locations and how they were connected.  Each location had its own feel, flavor, and type of nightmare, so they were not copies of each other.  I'd like to know if anyone has ever heard of this kind of dream connectivity before.

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Re: Introducing Myself, along with a simple question about dreams

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:01 am

CuriousBeliever wrote:Hi dream people.  My name is Adam.  I am a spiritual/religious person who believes in much of the paranormal and metaphysical, as manifestations of the spiritual side of things.  Among these things, I've had a particular interest in dreams and symbols, often wondering if I might have some instinct for understanding, but who knows?  I definitely believe dreams are personal and reflective of the person having the dream, and I definitely believe that prophetic-type dreams happen.  Dreams are most interesting when they seem to be a personal message of some sort, even a spiritual message beyond the self... and that's where getting some reflection really helps.

I'm not sure I receive much in the way of messages through dreams, but occasionally a dream will stick out with some significant feeling to it.  I hope to share a couple of those here and get some feedback, mostly on whether there seems to be personal spiritual messages and significance to them.

Anyhow, since I'm just introducing myself, I just wanted to ask a relatively simple question.  I had a ton of nightmares as a kid, and many of them were recurring.  The strange thing was, that often I would remember the dreams within the dreams, and I would know with certainty that the location of my current nightmare was connected to the location of other nightmares I had had.  A couple times I even traveled in the dream from one nightmare location to another.  I could physically draw a map of my nightmare locations and how they were connected.  Each location had its own feel, flavor, and type of nightmare, so they were not copies of each other.  I'd like to know if anyone has ever heard of this kind of dream connectivity before.

Dear Adam,

Welcome to our mystic realm of reality here! This one is a broad community with many *tents* but none are exclusive but still very connected and that is behind the beauty of this collection of mostly regular folks (were one to meet them in the street!) who have found that Life (Human Experiential Reality) is more than what meets the eye, as it has been stated!

Most agree that LIFE can be captured in three *boxes*: Physical, Mental and Spiritual.

Beautiful classification and pretty neat and tidy! But, is there a solid partition between those three or a 'sieve' or membrane between the three that is PERMEABLE?

Now here is where caution remains helpful!

Osmosis must not be confused with LEAKAGE! Former is wise and good, but the latter can lead to malady and pain! ;-)

Dreams seem so physical (in sleep), but really can be viewed as holographic experiences (in sleep) that have the capability to bring the Physical, Mental, Spiritual (PMS?) together and can lead to pain or can lead to resolution!

The most meaningful dream interpretations can ONLY be figured out by the person that is dreaming! Dreams are always personal and subjective and though dictionaries and interpretations and interpretors are helpful, someone like you who has the gift of having come to the realization that there is PMS, and it is real, must never stop exploring it brick by brick! For yourselves! Only then you can find it within yourself: The quest and energy to explore and help others, effectively!

Love, Light, Reality!


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