Biting animals.

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Biting animals.

Post by KitijaD » Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:06 pm

Hi !

Since I remember myself I have always vivid and deep dreams, I can fall asleep in the train for 10 minutes and see myself already in a half day through , then I wake up and I am still in the train . Some would say , tiredness .
Lately, last 3 years , my dreams significantly changed or maybe I start to notice , most of my dreams contain animals. Different kind of animals. They talk , or try to show me, they can be nice or very bad , and again , most of the all I see snakes . Sometimes they are telling me something, welcoming to follow them, never black though, always small and yellow , maybe white . Last night I saw myself in the water , standing on the rocks and then suddenly I realized that I am standing on the big Turtle , very big , half of me, so he start to chase me , and at the end I was near the tree and he bite me with his big mouth , but it didn't hurt , I saw how much he wanted to bit me, and It didn't hurt at all. And I was near the tree and suddenly the snake appeared , this time big and yellow , She wasn't too friendly to me so I had to run again , she chased me , I don't remember what happened , sometimes my dreams end up like this, with no continue .  Basically I see animals and birds and bugs. A lot.
I read some peoples dreams and they are , ordinary ? Mine is never like that , they are emotional , sometimes I wake up from crying . I die in my dreams a lot. The death is always sweet , never painful. Most of the times I fall down from high , sometimes I got shot. In my dreams there is no particular place or time , it's very surreal and insane. Maybe something from Dali paintings . I know when I have a powerful dream , I am looking for a meaning , of course first of all I just think how it made me feel , but then I try to translate . It is always about inner me, fighting and spirit.  I see water and seas and oceans a lot, very various from calm to stormy red and tragedy . I guess I don't need no wisdom to translate that , haha.
Oh well . I am just curious , why I keep seeing animals, on daily basis I have nothing to do with them, for God sake I haven't seen turtle for ages. I mean, there is something odd about this , MY DREAMS in general are very ODD , and I even considering to make a movie from the bits of dreams I saw to make a set like that, would be fantastic.
Alright, if someone read that , I am Glad and I hope you have something interesting to share !


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Post by KitijaD » Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:26 pm

I just now realized that there was a dream two month ago when I woke up and I was holding my hand up and showing 4 fingers , like showing ''4'' and I NEVER knew what it is, till now, it was the date , 4th of June when I did a big decision leaving America to Europe , and it was A huge decision. haha , OMG , this is great !

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Post by KitijaD » Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:46 pm

oh yes and one more , one of the weirdest recently was that I a little bird, more like humming bird , in the air licked my arm and he had a human tongue , it was very cheerful and happy , and the next moment I am passing greens , bush where I see little legs of frogs sticking out of tree , so I come closer to look and I notice gigantic Frog legs right there , I had that alarm in me , fear , but I kept looking and suddenly this Big frog jumped out and swallowed my head , just my head , and inside it was all black and i heard very loud, loud German talking, like from the WAR II , Hitlers talks , it was frightening , and I woke up, was scared for the rest of the morning , that sound was very evil. And frog, who swallowed me .

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