urgent please answer regarding future

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Re: urgent please answer regarding future

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:08 am

dosanm wrote:i had a dream about me having three girls and my ex watching over me and being happy with my partner i was 40 years old.
my girls were teenagers and they all looked preety.
i was on holiday.
what does this mean. i didnt care about my ex i wasnt effectd by him my first love whos married.
I will be honest and direct! :-)
Upon reading EoT's poignant response and provided link, I read that and a few others. It seems you have been collecting lot of very good advice on the various mystic board forum sections. Isn't this a wonderful and supportive cyber-realm, dear?

You have got a lot of very good advice, from many sources and with a lot of caring and affection from so many friends and friendly peers and seniors and probably a few juniors (in age as well).

I did not find a single instance where you reported back how you have benefitted from all the readings you received! Or how you applied those or embraced those advices in your personal life which sounds pretty challenging!

I would like to give you benefit of the doubt, dear young lady and share with us helpers, so that some of us, beginners in giving readings in areas different from ours, to benefit from your sharing -- OR HOW else would we ever KNOW or IMPROVE our capabilities and skills?

Some of us are stark beginners, you know and would benefit from feedback!

Would you please take the time and return to all reading requests you posed and as a thank-you to the readers who spent time and energy and report back, whether you took those advices seriously and sincerely, or NOT, and how you benefitted (for a moment or hopefully longer), OR NOT! :-)

Love, Light and Healing!


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Re: please tell me the meaning of this dream

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:48 pm

dosanm wrote:i have already thnaked people such as rook ive stopped making bad descicons sincg march 2013.
Good job!



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Post by Spiritwhisperer » Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:26 am

Hi, my friend.

I will tell you what I see from this dream.

I see this dream as something that you wish for.  You would love to be in a happy relationship and have 3 girls, the fact that you focused on their pretty appearance says that you may be focused on appearances,whether your own or that of others., are you worried that we are judged on our appearances alone?   the holiday may symbolise  that you are looking for something new in your life. And the ex could just be symbolic of that time in your life,  are you happy with the direction you are heading ? Being that the ex is happy,  points to me that deep down you are pleased.

I may not have all the answers to this dream, and other members may be able to offer more insight,  
I would appreciate any feedback in how does this interpretation make sense in your own life, can you connect to it?  That way we are better able to help you


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:12 am

Dear Friend,

You should know by now that you will always have my full support and encouragement with regard to you making the necessary changes or improvements in your life which will greatly increase the chance of you getting some of these things that you want. As no matter how hard you try to make these changes, you will never get everything you want. I recognise that it is always easier for us to advise you as to what is likely to be the best possible course of action for you to take, than for you to follow that advice.

It is also crystal clear from what we have learned about you mainly through your dreams and reading requests, that you have had more than your fair share of difficulties, challenges and heartaches. Which is why I sincerely hope that you will not be offended or take what I am about to tell you in the wrong way as meaning that I feel that you are either lazy, or are not trying hard enough to change things for the better.

Quite the opposite is true.

I feel that you are desperately doing whatever you are practically able to make your life a happier, healthier and more successful one, and to find a man to share your hopes and dreams with as your partner. Instead of me suggesting that you are not trying hard enough, I am saying that you may be trying too hard but that you may be trying the wrong things or using the wrong methods to get what you most want out of your life. Or that you might be unknowingly asking the wrong questions.

SpiritWhisperer and myself and other friends can interpret your dream or give you a reading and tell you what we think that it is trying to tell you that you need to do in order to make these positive changes happen, but we cannot tell you exactly how you should do this or give you all the answers or solutions effectively overnight. There is no magic formula or shortcut which we can offer you to make this process of changing yourself always smooth and painless, but we can give you what we see as signposts provided by your dreams or readings pointing in the direction of you enjoying a happier, healthier and more loved and successful life, in spite of its many ongoing challenges which will always be there.

This whole Universe, this world and you and me and everybody else are subject to the Law of Cause and Effect. Everything that we think, do or say has certain consequences, both of a positive or more negative nature. Every event or cause has its own corresponding outcome or effect. If over a period of time we work to change what we think, do or say to something which is more consistent with what we want out of life, the effect or outcome or our future will ultimately change to reflect this.

What all your readings and dreams are currently saying to me is that you have a fairly good idea of what you want in your life, but correspondingly have little or no idea about how to get them. Welcome to the human race, as we are all to a certain amount in the same boat as you are with this question. The easiest but at the same time most difficult way for you to get that new guy, new life, your own family, a satisfying and well paid job or career, more joy and happiness and to escape some but not all of the boredom and routine in your life is to do what we are all doing. We are all attempting through trial and error and regular practice to find the causes which will lead us to the effects which we most desire in our lives, in the shortest possible period of time.

For each of the effects which you want to produce (new partner, new life, new job, more happiness etc), what could you think, say or do which would be expected to increase the chance that it will eventually happen? What could you think, say or do during the next six months which will greatly increase your chances of finding him, and him falling in love with you enough to propose marriage? Or what are you continually thinking, saying or doing at present which would be expected to lead you in the opposite direction to where you want your life to move? What things in other areas of your life are you willing to partly or temporarily give up over the next half year, to get your love life back into high gear again? Give up partly and temporarily, but NOT completely or permanently?

You are the only person who is able or responsible or has the right to answer these questions for yourself. The answers to them are for your eyes only. You can only discover the specific cause which will lead to the effects or changes which you are wanting to create by experimentation in the laboratory of your daily life. All the dream interpretations and readings in the world are NOT going to act as a substitute in place of you performing this experiment which is called LIFE.

They are merely signposts to a better and more fulfilling life for you, but they can never be a replacement, shortcut or magic formula for THE WORK ALWAYS IN PROGRESS TRIAL AND ERROR EXPERIMENT OF YOUR DAILY LIFE.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT :smt024

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