Please interpret

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Please interpret

Post by imgr8 » Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:47 pm


My dreams always turn out to be true if I wake up from them in the middle of the night and mostly they are simple and I am able to find their meaning online. Some are too direct for me. For instance if I see a police car in my dream, I am bound to get a ticket, into an accident etc. sometimes I can just sense things, like a premonition like a cop car at the next intersection or exit on the freeway. But this dream confused me a lot. So I am holding on real tight to this person I know (a guy) and hugging him and then suddenly a pack of white fierce dogs come and go after everyone; apparently there were other people who I don't notice before. I try to shoo them away u throwing water from the bottle in my hand but I keep getting into a corner and them I look and everyone else has fled over a wall already including the guy I was holding onto. And then te dogs keep barking and coming closer and I am almost out of water to throw at them and that's when I woke up panting. What does it mean ?

I have had animal drama in the past too. Once I dreamt about a lot of elephants all decked up standing in a row with their trunks lifted and playing music and another with a rat and poop - both on the same night of the day this guy's new project was announced.

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Post by Rook » Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:57 pm

Hi Imgr8

Welcome to mysticboards!

I get the feeling you are "clinging" to this man to try and keep him in your life.  But he is threatened by a group of people (the pack of wolves).  That they are white is probably significant in some way, be it a spiritual thing, the colour of their skin, something along these lines.  The man runs away but you don't jump over the wall with him.  There may be significance in the throwing of the water at the wolves but I am not sure what it is.  Water is usually a symbol of emotion, or the unconscious energy, but I am not sure if these fit this particular case, it could have a different meaning.  It might be "throwing emotion" at them in some way, such as yelling etc.  The scenario with the dogs seems to show a high level of conflict.

If you can figure out who or what the dogs represent it may help make the other pieces fall into place.

Perhaps you too ought to "jump the wall" representing some kind of protective barrier and leave the dog group of people behind?  The distraction of the conflict with the white dogs may have allowed this man to slip from your grasp?

Hope that helps give you some form of direction.


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Post by imgr8 » Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:05 am

Thanks. I am struggling to get someone out of my mind and it was probably my subconscious fighting with my conscious thoughts.

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Post by Rook » Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:48 am

Hi Imgr8

This could be very true having looked at your other post in the psychic forum.  I think EoT gives some great advice there.  Clearly this hugging that I thought was a desire to keep the man in your life would be the psychic bridge situation.

Also your description of the dream scene being the play out of your conscious vs unconscious could be accurate.  In this event the character playing you would be your unconscious self, and the pack of dogs could be your conscious energy (white/light) that is aggressively trying to break this bridge.

What I notice in what the dream is showing, is that this behaviour chases off the other people in the dream, meaning you may unwittingly be removing other aspects of your subconscious ie this behaviour may have unintended consequences.  You are also intimidating your subconscious and may continue to do so after the bridge were broken, perhaps leading to the circumstance that you would get upset for sneezing when the underlying cause was some unwanted dust in your nose rather than the psychic bridge perhaps?  That sort of scenario, or perhaps you will confuse your new unconscious desires coming to the surface for his.

Perhaps EoT is onto something with a better approach being to let go of this connection by finding a healthy balance in the other areas of your life, and to let him go over time.

Also a note on your jobs, perhaps there is a reason for it.  Perhaps it is a door to another opportunity?

Best of luck,

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