Showing others Spiritual Gifts. Please can someone interpret. Thanks.

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Showing others Spiritual Gifts. Please can someone interpret. Thanks.

Post by valchenolf » Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:04 am

Ok, now this dream has to be my most interesting one that i've had for a while.

In real life I am gifted, no one in life knows about my gifts except many people who are online.

It starts of with me trying to prove to someone who is a friend in my dream my gifts. I show her things such as the ability to move things without touching them. She believes me instantly. Yet I feel the need to show her the true extent of my gifts. I tell her to go into her car and to start driving. So she does. I then run after her, she isn't going that fast. I symbol to her to unwind her window which she does. I run up along side her and tell her to drive a litttle faster. I then start flying as shes driving faster, I play games such as flying faster then her and flying infront of her and I grab hold of the car at the very top so I am lying on top. I tell her to stop steering the car and let go of the steering wheel but continue with break, clutch, acceleration. I then take the car into my own control steering it down a very thin street which the car barely fits down. The girl doesn't understand how I could do that when she couldn't do that herself being a new driver and all. I then tell her to take her feet of the peddles and let me control the car from up the top. I take the car into full speed, about 100 mph and go up some stairs in it and speed down the street. I do not realize but a police car is there and it sees us. It starts chasing us, so I slow the car down and tell the girl to take over the controls and drive it normally, stop if she wants. She goes right into a side allley. I take control of the police car and slow it down and slowly put it into a lamp post as not to hurt anyone but to damage the car. The police man is unaware of what I have done to his car and phones up a police sargent saying that there is a car on the run and his car lost control. He walks into a cafe which is next to the lampost and tells the sargent the number plate and description of the car. I take the walky talky off the policeman and put on his voice and tell the sargeant. I am sorry, I said the numbers wrong and change a few numbers around and recite them in the wrong order. I then log the call off.

The police man who had the walky talkie, I give it back to him and tell him not to call anyone. He asks why he gave the call so easily over to me and how I did that voice call. I take him to the window of the cafe where we can see an isolated part of the village. Nothing but an empty street with a water feature and a rubbish can. I tell him to watch the rubbish can; which slowly wobbles and then suddenly falls over. I then explain to him, that the car wasn't being driven by the people inside, that it was me and my gifts on the outside. That I was telling my friend to see and show her the true extent of my gift and that i was practising to tell her the full extent so that i could show and tell mum just the very basics.

He doesn't believe my gifts are strong enough to do something such as that and to show him something else. He tells me that the bird on the water fountain should have a drink in his hand. The bird is a part of the fountain, a stone bird that used to have a bottle in his wing advertising a drink. I didn't know this and tip the bird into the water so it appeared that the bird was drinking, using my gift of spiritual sight I go under the water and make the bird clasp hold of this very small bottle which is what the police man was talking about. I then take the bird out of water still clasping this bottle and say out loud to the police man that the bird things drinking is wrong and make the bottle fly over the birds back and away from the fountain. The police man then said that can I show him something else. So using my eyes and mind gift I pick the bird off the fountain and make it fly. I go slowly and swiftly to mimick how a bird would truely fly. I then place the bird back onto the fountain and say. How can a bird of stone fly? Do you believe me now. He then says that he is sorry he ever doubted me and says that he will tell the police sargeant that it is a false warning and helps me find my friend.

I start walking with him along the roads and I tell him that I feel so alone. He asks why and I explain that it is as though I am the only one in the world who has gifts and abilities like this. That I am unable to use my gifts as people would think I am crazy or something. He says that he agrees I probably am unique in having such powerful gifts, but if I search hard enough that I will find others and until I find anyone else to just be careful where and how I use them and to count myelf lucky. Thus the dream ends.

In Real life, I am gifted, not as much as in my dream. I have always felt like an outsider because of my gifts and have denied them and having them. My mum is highly skeptic, as are most people I know. Therefore I had to keep my gifts to online. My gifts due to me denying them have kind of faded. I did used to have stroing remote vision and t.k. I probably still do but do not use my gifts any more and have probably forgotten how. But, I am not sure.

Thank you in advance for reading this and to anyone who can translate.

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Post by Sophe » Mon May 22, 2006 11:26 am

Well it sounds to me that you are longing to open your wings and share with others, your abilities. I know it is hard to find people who believe in who you are but it all eventually comes down to this "Do you believe in your own gifts and yourself?" I would NOT let others take that away from you.  

Sometimes you can share with others your abilities without them even knowing and eventually they will come around and want to understand how you get your information about things. I am not sure of your special abilities but I have learned if you come right out and say you are psychic people automatically shut the doors on you, but if you present your abilities in a different manner then sometimes it easier to build on the relationship then automatically assume things about you.


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Post by chris-vT » Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:17 am

well.. this is interesting to say the least.  A few things to cover here.  

First thing you need to recognize is that your gifts are not something you can forget, it is a matter of how in-tune you are withthem, they are always the same strength in you and always present like it or not(same to your peers, whether they like it or not you got them!)

Second.  Trying to show people isnt necesarially the way to go about things, gifts arent their to impress anyone, and if no one is being receptable to them then they arent meant to know, accept it and move on, when someone is meant to know they will.  As long as you know.

Third.  This dream is far too in-detail i hoped you filled in some blanks as far as the conversations go.. I am not saying you are lying nor am i implying osmething is wrong with you, just very odd to have such a extensive and detailed dream on such a purposeful path.  In other words alot of dreams go from one topic to the next your was about one event.

Fourth.  As far as the actual interpretation go with the previous.  Very straight forward dream, quit holding yourself back and your gifts.  Use them exercise them but dont try to announce or publish them.  Be yourself but dont try to advertise yourself!  

Hope that helps

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Re: Showing others Spiritual Gifts. Please can someone interpret. Thanks.

Post by TaurusGemini429 » Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:35 am

valchenolf wrote:Ok, now this dream has to be my most interesting one that i've had for a while.

In real life I am gifted, no one in life knows about my gifts except many people who are online.

It starts of with me trying to prove to someone who is a friend in my dream my gifts. I show her things such as the ability to move things without touching them. She believes me instantly. Yet I feel the need to show her the true extent of my gifts. I tell her to go into her car and to start driving. So she does. I then run after her, she isn't going that fast. I symbol to her to unwind her window which she does. I run up along side her and tell her to drive a litttle faster. I then start flying as shes driving faster, I play games such as flying faster then her and flying infront of her and I grab hold of the car at the very top so I am lying on top. I tell her to stop steering the car and let go of the steering wheel but continue with break, clutch, acceleration. I then take the car into my own control steering it down a very thin street which the car barely fits down. The girl doesn't understand how I could do that when she couldn't do that herself being a new driver and all. I then tell her to take her feet of the peddles and let me control the car from up the top. I take the car into full speed, about 100 mph and go up some stairs in it and speed down the street. I do not realize but a police car is there and it sees us. It starts chasing us, so I slow the car down and tell the girl to take over the controls and drive it normally, stop if she wants. She goes right into a side allley. I take control of the police car and slow it down and slowly put it into a lamp post as not to hurt anyone but to damage the car. The police man is unaware of what I have done to his car and phones up a police sargent saying that there is a car on the run and his car lost control. He walks into a cafe which is next to the lampost and tells the sargent the number plate and description of the car. I take the walky talky off the policeman and put on his voice and tell the sargeant. I am sorry, I said the numbers wrong and change a few numbers around and recite them in the wrong order. I then log the call off.

The police man who had the walky talkie, I give it back to him and tell him not to call anyone. He asks why he gave the call so easily over to me and how I did that voice call. I take him to the window of the cafe where we can see an isolated part of the village. Nothing but an empty street with a water feature and a rubbish can. I tell him to watch the rubbish can; which slowly wobbles and then suddenly falls over. I then explain to him, that the car wasn't being driven by the people inside, that it was me and my gifts on the outside. That I was telling my friend to see and show her the true extent of my gift and that i was practising to tell her the full extent so that i could show and tell mum just the very basics.

He doesn't believe my gifts are strong enough to do something such as that and to show him something else. He tells me that the bird on the water fountain should have a drink in his hand. The bird is a part of the fountain, a stone bird that used to have a bottle in his wing advertising a drink. I didn't know this and tip the bird into the water so it appeared that the bird was drinking, using my gift of spiritual sight I go under the water and make the bird clasp hold of this very small bottle which is what the police man was talking about. I then take the bird out of water still clasping this bottle and say out loud to the police man that the bird things drinking is wrong and make the bottle fly over the birds back and away from the fountain. The police man then said that can I show him something else. So using my eyes and mind gift I pick the bird off the fountain and make it fly. I go slowly and swiftly to mimick how a bird would truely fly. I then place the bird back onto the fountain and say. How can a bird of stone fly? Do you believe me now. He then says that he is sorry he ever doubted me and says that he will tell the police sargeant that it is a false warning and helps me find my friend.

I start walking with him along the roads and I tell him that I feel so alone. He asks why and I explain that it is as though I am the only one in the world who has gifts and abilities like this. That I am unable to use my gifts as people would think I am crazy or something. He says that he agrees I probably am unique in having such powerful gifts, but if I search hard enough that I will find others and until I find anyone else to just be careful where and how I use them and to count myelf lucky. Thus the dream ends.

In Real life, I am gifted, not as much as in my dream. I have always felt like an outsider because of my gifts and have denied them and having them. My mum is highly skeptic, as are most people I know. Therefore I had to keep my gifts to online. My gifts due to me denying them have kind of faded. I did used to have stroing remote vision and t.k. I probably still do but do not use my gifts any more and have probably forgotten how. But, I am not sure.

Thank you in advance for reading this and to anyone who can translate.
wow this dream was amazing and quite literally the easiest to translate in a broad sense - is that you are gifted and it does feel alone.  what you are not alone in is the pressure to feel you should hide these gifts because people won't think it is normal.

the dream challenges you to use these gifts in a constructive way to help others rather than show them off to people in a way that might be reckless.

also important is that each person in the dream is you - so you need to balance your policing of how impressionable you are on others and how impressionable others psychic energy is on you.  The effort to help someone can be taxing on you emotionally as seen by the cop car and somewhat of a controlled crash.

Also, you should never try to use your power to manipulate others of for show because you have to always consider the consequences - which could be beyond your control.

in reality you know you cant control anyones mind so the police man situation may have been an exaggerated wish fulfilment in some ways - but controlling a mind and listening to a mind are 2 different things and what you can truly learn here is to control your own mind to listen and influence selectively and maturely and with the confidence in your gift

if need be, you should find a friend to share your gift with who is spirutual but maybe less gifted (which would be easier to find) but also grounded in reality and maybe a little wiser to how to blend spiritual with the mundane everyday and normal practical.

such people could be anyone who practices both eastern and western medicine - for example a nutritionist who practices regression therapy and psychic intuitive or chart reading as well

or chiropractic or acupuncture as well as reikki and intuitive healing and/or crystal therapy.

if you can see someone like this they will likely want to help you and learn from you as well and it is possible you could have a positive mutualistic relationship rather than always having to pay for his or her healing techniques

the best approach is to go to an instructive class of this person (which they often will hold two or 3 week seminars or even one long day seminars and speeches) rather than make an appointment.  both ways to meet would cost money but an educational atmosphere may be more suited to the bond that could ensue

hope that helped!

also the  driving in the dream seems to say control over the expression of these gifts is what tends to allow expression and and repression of these gifts it seems expression of them makes you use them even more to cover it up because you become more aware of being different and it makes you feel bad after (like in the still pool of water) the police man represents the exertion of control over them but in an accepting way which is uplifting and then we see the bird fixture moving as does the water but not being absorbed and still touching the basin rather than flying away and losing touch. this seems to say the emotions flow but dont overcome and the bird is not trapped into constricting rigidity to conform but yet never flies away to the spiritual realm as it is, in fact, incarnated (stone: real tangible) and although it has access to a body of wisdom (water) it touches the side of the basin (earth) and can stay grounded in reality while experiencing knowledge and wisdom without being overcome by it or intoxicated by it

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Post by valchenolf » Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:19 am

I don't ever try and show my gifts to people, Never, if anything I hide them and say i'm not gifted, however I do share my knowledge on how to use them and other parts of spirituality.

My dreams have always been in extreme detail like stories, they do not have sections or parts, they flow like a story from one part to another. Words and speech are the only parts I tend not to remember yet I always remember the dreams in full detail, including things such as colour, tastes, smell, textures, touch, weather and so on. having my own website that deals in dreams rarely have I come across dreams that are continueous or as detailed as mine seem to be. We all dream differently, but how can dreams be so together and detailed that they appear real?

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Post by TaurusGemini429 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:57 am

valchenolf wrote:I don't ever try and show my gifts to people, Never, if anything I hide them and say i'm not gifted, however I do share my knowledge on how to use them and other parts of spirituality.

My dreams have always been in extreme detail like stories, they do not have sections or parts, they flow like a story from one part to another. Words and speech are the only parts I tend not to remember yet I always remember the dreams in full detail, including things such as colour, tastes, smell, textures, touch, weather and so on. having my own website that deals in dreams rarely have I come across dreams that are continueous or as detailed as mine seem to be. We all dream differently, but how can dreams be so together and detailed that they appear real?
your subconscious world is highly evovled.  you exist on a higher astral plane than others do.

it may even be that you have these gifts and are not prone to psychic predation of other psychic world or energy influences flooding your mind and confusing it and draining it physically of energy

its as if you have the psychic equivalent of this: focus of the conscious mind that does not get distracted by other noises and interruptions that drive other people (like me) crazy (or at least to use ear plugs to drown it out) - some call it ADD some say ADHD - some say distractibility - I don't know, just sensitive to noise...

in your case you are psychically focused i imagine:  this means that you are not simply an open portal to the psychic world and you can focus your energy without physically feeling drained.  You must be capable of lucid dreaming, no?

You are aware that with such power in addition to psychic sense you have a great responsibility?

It is no wonder you wish to suppress this talent rather than take it on because that would mean accepting the inevitable role it would place you in.

You, more than others, have the ability to consciously suppress this power without it fading in strength.

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