Ex boyfriend dream

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Ex boyfriend dream

Post by Nicole3565 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:03 pm

My ex broke up with me about 5 days ago, he completely shut down and stopped taking to me about his feelings after we got in an argument then deleted me off all social media and hasn't said a word since. When we were having our argument I called him a pos to his friend for not coming out of his house to talk to me because I went over there to fix things and this only made it worse I told his friend what was going on and he didn't like that very much. Last night I had a dream that his friend was telling me that me missed me and I'm confused by it because he wasn't in the dream at all. I've heard if you dream about someone you are missing them & I do miss him but only his friends was explaining that he misses me.. Help!!

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Post by Rook » Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:48 am

Hi Nicole

First off I would like to simply state that in my experiences interpreting dreams I have never actually seen evidence where someone reads anothers emotional state from within the dream.

The most likely category that this dream seems to fall into is a "wish fulfillment" dream where the dream provides the dreamer with a psychological need.  Here you are wanting so bad for him to be missing you - the dream is filling this role.  I would be hesitant in saying that the dream is a psychic connection revealing to you that he misses you (that is not to say that it isn't - but if I were you I would not make this conclusion).

I would say the reason he doesn't feature in the dream is because you aren't able to be in contact with him at the moment and the dream is illustrating that all the information you are getting at the moment is second hand.  You won't know for sure how he feels, and what your situation is until you are able to contact him again.

I feel sorry for your confused state and understand how this feeling of not knowing what is going on in this emotionally charged state is effecting you.  I hope you get things sorted out and at least find some closure.


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