Taurus Compatibilities

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Post by gigihealys » Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:42 am

well, this seems pretty right for me. i had an ex who was an aquarius, and we were anything but compatible. i had a good relationship with a pisces. hmm, maybe i should give him a call? haha

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taurus compatabilities

Post by krpawar » Tue Jul 10, 2007 7:26 am

Ideal Association (5-9 Sun Sign Pattern): Virgo and Capricorn
Not always, but surprisingly often, the extraordinary magnetism of 5-9 Sun sign attraction leads to easy sympathy, mental stimulation, emotional affinity, romantic fulfillment. There will be a strong sympathy between you and misunderstandings will not be severe or lasting. The chances for harmony are excellent, and a happy relationship on a permanent basis is more effortlessly achieved than with any other sign - be it friendship, business, family or love relationships. Hostile placement of planets between the two horoscopes will cause some personality clashes and tensions - causing the compatibility to rock from time to time - although the basic empathy and understanding will always remain. If the planets are in harmonious aspect, your relationships with these people will be most extraordinarily happy, smooth and sympathetic.

Ideal Association with some Problems (7-7 Sun Sign Pattern): Scorpio
Not always, but frequently, you either get physically attracted to or secretly admire and respect each other - in case of opposite sex. The individual possesses the qualities of character and personality traits you yourself lack. The urge to imitate will be strong. However, in case of same sex, you may become strongly competitive and feel uneasy or envious. Mutual aspects between other planets somewhat modify the relationship positively or negatively.

Compassionate Association (2-12 Sun Sign Pattern): Gemini
In your association with this individual, one of you will feel that he or she has many lessons to learn from the other. The one who has lessons to teach will feel an inexplicable compassion for the weaknesses and mistakes of the other person, strangely understanding the other's markedly different motives and behavior.

Favorable Association (3-11 Sun Sign Pattern): Cancer and Pisces
You will feel a strong tie of friendship, whatever the association you share with these individuals. Mutual trust and ease of communication mark the relationship. In spite of strong differences, you connect closely with each other. A sense of responsibility and some sort of inescapable duty will bring you together. You will constantly stimulate each other into changing habits and existing situations. Any quarrels will usually be quickly resolved, forgiven and forgotten. Even when the association seems to be a closed chapter, it reappears months or years later, to be resumed once more.

Beneficial Association (6-8 Sun Sign Pattern): Libra and Sagittarius
There will be some problem in communication. Yet you will be powerfully drawn into each other. Irresistible sexual attraction in case of a love relationship. In case of friendship, business or family ties, attraction through some shared interest. Urge for mutual help. Service given will always be repaid. In some way, a great benefit will come from one to the other through the relationship, and the one who serves will usually remain loyal.

Reflective Association (1-1 Sun Sign Pattern): Taurus
You will each be tempted to magnify your own virtues and failings. All the positive character traits will be intensified - as will the negative traits. A constant effort should be made to encourage in one another the positive qualities of the zodiac sign you both share and to discourage the negative ones.

Unfavorable Association (4-10 Sun Sign Pattern): Leo and Aquarius
Not always, but surprisingly often, you will feel a noticeable tension or conflict of personality in the presence of these individuals. One of you may grow restless because of the strict disciplinary attempts of the other. For various reasons, there will always be some mental and emotional restriction.

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Post by daisyjac » Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:29 am

i'm not sure you can base compatibility solely on sun signs. there's a few other placements to consider. my parner is a leo but we have a batch of virgo plants in common which helps patch up the leo/taurus clashes.

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Post by Babe » Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:56 pm

Hii am lynn

can anyone tell me about a relationship with a Tarus lady and a libra man with work

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Post by Sunsetcoquette » Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:58 pm

I am a Cappy girl. I have a Taurus mother, best friend, and boyfriend (love of my life). I always get along well with Tauruses, though the stubborn thing is such a pain sometimes lol. I shouldn't talk as a Cap, though, I guess haha...

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Re: Taurus Compatibilities

Post by astrologer50 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:49 pm

racheal vaz wrote:hi guys...
my first post  :smt003
thought i shd share it with everyone!

TAURUS is most compatible with: CANCER and PISCES

TAURUS is fairly compatible with: CAPRICORN and VIRGO

TAURUS is least compatible with: ARIES, AQUARIUS, GEMINI and LEO
Taurus theotrically can get along with anyone not just the signs you mention as it all depends on the astrological 'aspects' ie: maths which one persons chart makes to another.

There are 3signs however, which cause the most problems for Taurus ---

Quincunx (aka Inconjunct) 150’

Taurus quincunx signs are Sagittarius and Libra
But with Libra they have the same ruler ie: Venus therefore there is a mutual reception going on here. Quincunx themselves are bit like an itch you cant scratch, never quite understand where each other is coming from. Little miss of something missing and can cause health problems if issues not resolved.

Spiritually any connection with another person is a Learning Lesson whatever contact but these quincunxs, people don’t really understand where they have gone wrong. My belief is that people come and out of our lives for a reason, usually there is something we have to teach others and perhaps learn from them anyway.

Taurus earth and fixed; is very practical down to earth, highly sexed, romantic, affectionate sign. It is a fixed sign as is, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo and ALL the fixed signs are stubborn and dont really like making changes unless it suits them, but usually lots of loyalty and fidelity going on. Taurus has expensive tastes, doesn’t do cheap and cheerful, likes the finer things in life. Likes gardening, cooking, great organiser, secretary, likes methodology. Doesn’t like surprises, likes partners/lovers on an even keel like themselves. Very patient but if you keep pushing will explode in volcanic manner eventually.

Sagittarius is fire and mutable sign, therefore restless wants lots freedom and independence and movement within relationships. Sagittarius the sign of born careerist, teacher and traveller. Very philosophical, broad minded free thinking and duplicitous. ALL the mutable signs can be duplicitous, do as I say but not do as I do! Sagittarius doesn’t usually like being stuck at home doing nurturing it wants to be out having social life and social contact (and drink….) with people and independence.

All fire signs tend to act first and think later. Some Sagg can be bit of thrill of chase me merchants or catch me if you can, cos they like to play the field first and usually quite late for settling down. Taureans wont understand this need to be out all the time and why they not content like them to be in the family unit. Sagg may well feel bit stuck in a rut and want to do things without partner which will inevitably make Taurus feel insecure and unloved.

Libra is cardinal and air sign. ALL air signs want to talk and Librans can be very charming diplomatic people but extremely indecisive. Doesn’t want to have to deal with anything ugly or unpleasant or argumentative around them even though quite capable of starting an argument themselves. So Taurus doesn’t have any problems making decisions and wont understand why Libra procrastinates so much. Taurus will have tendency to make decisions for both. Taurus
may not talk enough for Librans or socialise enough

If you have copied/pasted your data off the internet or from a book, you must be aware of copyright and plagiarism and be very careful

“i'm not sure you can base compatibility solely on sun signs. there's a few other placements to consider. my parner is a leo but we have a batch of virgo plants in common which helps patch up the leo/taurus clashes.”

You are absolutely correct, synastry and chart comparison is a complex business and really this type of ‘generalities’ really does astrology a disservice.

When looking at a woman’s chart the type of man she would look for is her sun sign and mars traits, plus 7th house planets and house cusp ruler and where that ruler was deposited.
When looking at a mans chart for the type of woman he would look for is his venus and moon sign and then 7th house planets and house cusp ruler and where that ruler was deposited.

Although synastry is a valuable tool with astrology it cannot 'make things happen' even if you have the best synastry in the world unfortunately..

If you want to research more into synastry try here
http://cafeastrology.com/astrology_of_r ... ships.html
http://www.cafeastrology.com/synastry/i ... pects.html
http://www.cafeastrology.com/synastry_h ... rlays.html
http://www.astrology-numerology.com/syn ... ouses.html
http://www.astrology-numerology.com/syn ... pects.html
http://www.cosmitec-astrological-compat ... riage.html
http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/sh ... hp?t=17513

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