Taurus - Health and Recipe Tips

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Taurus - Health and Recipe Tips

Post by nisha » Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:50 pm

The sign of Taurus rules the throat and the neck, which includes the vocal chords, tonsils and palate. Many natives of this sign have long, expressive necks and women of this sign have lovely skin around the throat and collarbone area. Both sexes are known for their melodious speaking voices and many are fine singers. Taurus's taste buds are keen, and you thoroughly enjoy good food. You may have a tendency to put on weight, as you get older.

Taureans are particularly vulnerable to colds, coughs, sore throats, laryngitis, swollen glands, stiff necks, and to minor injuries around the neck. When you get physically tired or overtense, you tend to get coughs and stiff necks. You may go through life with a semi-permanent "crick" in your neck. Taurus also rules the thyroid gland, which can cause serious weight problems if it is malfunctioning. In addition, Taurus's ruling planet Venus has an effect on the parathyroids, which control the calcium level in the body. Traditionally, Venus also rules the throat, kidneys, and lumbar region.

It is very important to maintain a diet low in starch, fat, and sugar, because so many Taurean's have to fight the battle of the bulge. You tend to eat fattening foods, to be sluggish and indolent, and to dislike exercise. You may suffer from puffy eyes and jowls, and your face is apt to get heavier as time goes by. Moderate exercise and good diet should be a strict discipline in every Taurean's life.

Taurus's cell salt is sulphate of sodium, a mineral that controls the amount of water in the system. It is present in the liver, pancreas, and the hormones of the kidneys. An imbalance of this mineral in the body can cause bloating, symptoms of congestion around the thyroid gland, and a feeling of being waterlogged.

Some foods that contain this mineral are asparagus, beets, cauliflower, horseradish, Swiss chard, spinach, cucumber, onions, pumpkin, raw nuts and cranberries. Celery can help you to clear your system after over indulgence. You should also drink plenty of water to help keep your system flushed out.

Carbohydrates have a way of turning into fat in a Taurean's body, and should be avoided. Heavy, rich foods are also a no-no. To keep the thyroid functioning at its best, Taureans should eat food with natural iodine, such as fish and seafood. Other foods that will help keep you healthy are eggs, liver, kidney beans, wheat germ, fresh fruit and green salads.

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Post by nascosto » Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:39 am

Whao Nisha,

The post almost threw me out of my throne! I do catch cold and fever as and when the Mercury level fluctuates!

But the diet portion seem to not agree with reality. My digestive fire is quite strong and I usually digest anything and everything. Goes to such an extent that I could have 4 meals a day and still feel hungry my mid-nigth.

Tada.... But before one jumps into conclusion, I ain't fat and have a good swimmers body!

Any observations on the current positions? Have encountered a series of "Sundry" accidents.

- Nascosto

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Some Helpful Remedies just for Taurus

Post by thirdeye » Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:26 am

Thanks Nisha. Your Health and Recipe tips are very good. Here is more info about throats. For years I suffered from colds and sore throats and sinus problems etc... I did my own personal research and found what works for me and a whole lot of other people. I started to take vitamin "C" (timed released). I took the correct amount needed for my body weight. I have'nt had a cold since about 1991. Taking  vitamin "C" also helped with my sinus infections. I have'nt had one of them since 1991. My throat also stopped having trouble with hurting from time to time. After a few years I discovered how to use other vitamins that also helped my health tremendously. All of this seemed to occur within a very good time frame. In 2004 I started having other problems with my health. I believe, had it not been for the proper use of vitamins I would probably be dead or in very poor health. I believe with the proper application and use of vitamins and herbs I would not be here now enjoying incredible health for a man of 56 years. By learning, how to use these remarkable natural and man made gifts. Iam not a physician nor holistic physician. All I can tell anyone is that my entire physical existance changed from average to really good. Prosperity and Good Health


purple dragon
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Post by purple dragon » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:35 pm

that is so true i need to watch my weight and i do love fatty food, i will take your advice from now on and read on some more have a nice day

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Location: Bogo City, Cebu, Philippines

hi nisha

Post by BlackDiamond » Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:00 am

you're so right! i also have a nice masculine voise and i can seem to imitate lots of voices... I'm also vulnerable to probs related to neck and throat, right now my nape area is really aching and this existed for like more than a week...

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