Question About Taurus Male.

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Question About Taurus Male.

Post by tiff_any_lane » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:22 pm

I'm Becky, and I'm a Sagittarius. I met a Taurus male about four months ago through some friends of mine. We were hanging out for less than an hour when he stated that I am just like his sister-in-law. It really freaks me out when I know there are people out there like me, so this made me feel a bit weird. However, this Taurus felt an instant connection to me because it made him feel like he'd known me for years. I've been quite wary of this Taurus because I've felt like he feels closer to me than I feel to him, because he thinks he understands me already, but we're friends now.

The past couple of weeks we've been hanging out once or twice a week with a couple of our mutual friends. It didn't dawn on me that he may like me until this past Friday when we were at a party. I got there later than everyone else because I had been working, so I just kind of sat down and didn't really say hi to anyone. I was sitting for a few minutes when he says, "Becky, you didn't even say hi." I just replied that, "I didn't really say hi to anyone."

A few minutes later everyone decided to go hang out in the basement, but my taurus friend enticed me to stay upstairs. We just sat on the couch and listened to a play list he made for the party, which was at his friends house, and talked. We didn't go down in the basement at all, and I think the time we spent alone together was about three hours. At one point he asked if I wanted something to drink from the kitchen and I said, "Sure," so he got me a drink. After he sat down he said, "Oh, I forgot to get myself a drink."

He left a little bit later when everyone was upstairs again, and nothing that I remember other than that really happened. However, I was talking with some friends who were at the party and they said it was sickening how into me he seemed to be. They said he had been talking to people before, but once I arrived all connection to other people stopped. He apparently called his best friends girlfriend (my best friend), "whatsername," while talking to me.
I remember him saying that I was like a pokemon. I said, "How am I like a pokemon?"
I didn't remember him saying this, but a friend of mine said he said, "I don't know, but you're adorable."

I know it seems blatantly obvious that he likes me, but I'd just like to know what other Taurus males are like when they like someone.

..and would they prefer if the girl made the first move?

Me born: 12/17/90.. More specifically, Sun/Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury/Venus/Saturn/Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn, Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Leo, Pluto in Scorpio.

Him born: 5/9/89.. More specifically, Sun/Venus in Taurus, Moon/Mars in Cancer, Mercury/Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn/Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn, Pluto in Scorpio.

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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:33 am

sounds to me you are looking for a reading in which case you are posting in the wrong forum. You need to post both natals and synastry bi wheel from in Western reading forum.....

Taurus and Sagittarius are quincunxed signs ie: 150' away from each other and really when this happens they don't quite understand where each other is coming from and is not a good match astrologically. Saggi needs lots of freedom and independence within relationships and can be bit of thrill of the chase me merchant, whereas taurus is highly sexed, romantic practical well organised and stubborn, but there is always lots of fidelity with all the fixed signs, which cannot be said for the mutables like Sagg, Gemini, Pisces & Virgo.

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