Do you know your Spirit Guides or Angels?

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:06 pm

The more opinions and beliefs the better I say!

That way what doesnt resonate with one member does so for another so I feel it is important to always offer your experiences and thoughts as regular/active members  especially when we are still searching and looking for 'our' answers.

I have an Animal Guide so with Gem I agree that you can have them also I agree with spiritalk also but mostly I believe that guides are with us for that very reason to guide us and Angels and higher beings carry such a different energy that they are ones I would truly listen too.  In the end it is still down to us we are the ones whom have the power.

My Animal guide is a dog/wolf....she was my best friend in childhood and she passed away physically 11 yrs ago but she remains within my heart and times I still feel her nudge me under my hand.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:14 pm

This brings up an interesting point....are our own family or loved ones in the role of guide?  IME we wish and get visits from loved ones, they do not guide us.  Oh, yes, they will try to tell us what to do...they did that in our lifetime with them...but spirit guides have a higher calling.

So also a favorite pet and/or animal companion.  They are like our family and I would think the same applies.  

I like what flight said...we do not all agree on some things, but we respect others' experiences.  And I say what works for one, does not always work for another.  Experience your own psychic/mediumship talents to the best of their ability.

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Spirit Guides

Post by HealerDave » Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:19 pm

Hi Spiritalk,

As one of todays 'newbies' I have just read through all of this topic with great interest.

In our Spiritualist Church there is often a topic of conversation surrounding spirit guides etc and it is surprising how many people 'think', or least perhaps hope that their personal guides are grandma or favourite aunt Elsie. Not wanting to go over ground already covered I can only add to your comments about close friends and relatives passed certainly being around you and helping in their way by being around you, but not in the true sense of a spirit guide.

Only very rarely does a relative come forward as a guide. I am a healer and I was told by a medium months ago that I had a relative coming forward as a healing guide to me, and as far as I am aware I am still waiting! I am aware of three of my healing guides, but I am sure there are far more close to me to be able to cope with the various problems presented to me by way of clients' ills and ailments.

My wife, who is a clairvoyant medium, and I have often had the spirit of our German Shepherd Dog come around us strictly in support and protection in a particular situation.

Anyway, pleased to have been able to contribute something

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Post by Gem » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:03 pm

How interesting and fascinating all the replies!

Dave love your reply :)

FOAW, I wonder is that a guide or a totem? Wolf is a teacher totem guide, but a wolf spirit guide would be an individual wolf that has chosen you, and very special, recognisable and special to you.......

I know that I am slightly different, (lol- arent we all?) maybe because my main focus for a large proportion of my life was working with animals,  I get spirit messages from those departed, I can speak and talk to and feel pain from animals, I have been called many things in my life and due to many of the animals I have had the honour of linking into, I understand that many don't hear their messages or believe that they have worth or meaning. It took me many years before I could cope with the extra energy of people, and learnt how to block and shield my self against taking on their pain; a bit like saving a drowning animal, they allow themselves to be rescued, they give in and relax, a human struggles for each breath and can strangle and drown their rescuer without a second thought...

Now, reading these recent messages brings the difference to light of those that we have made friends with, family, close associates, but those can be different to true 'Guides' beings that help......

Don't rule out animals.... if you have an affinity with them... what better way to connect? Even Gabriel has wings?

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Spirit Guides

Post by HealerDave » Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:31 am

Hi Gem,

Thank you for your kind words.

You are not slightly different-we are all very different! Hence the reason why mediums work differently from one another. Healers work in different ways and have different abilities. Life on the earth plane, and in Spirit, would be very boring indeed if we all came out of the same mould.

You and I seem to have a connection with the animal kingdom, I have always loved animals and I used to have a pet rescue centre about twenty years ago, so there is no way I would rule out any animal. I have seen many mediums describe in a detailed way a deceased pet that has come around the person to whom the message is being given, for comfort, support, healing or protection. Like children the spirits of animals have endless amounts of energy and come to their loved ones in times of need.  Some small children and obviously animals cannot speak, but often they bring the appropriate colours of the energies; blue for healing, red for strength etc.

Protecting one's self from negative energies of any kind is something every living person should master, the world would be a better place just for that! When in the company of a particular friend or relative you can sometimes feel drained or tired when you have left them. Quite simply they have 'stolen' some, or a lot, of your energy, because they are in need of the extra energy, not because they are 'bad' in any way. Protection would render this situation almost impossible to happen. My protection has to be 'on' permanently because of meeting so many people who come to me for healing. As you have stated it is not very pleasant feeling the pains etc of others.

Protection is useful in a crowded supermarket as well. or in a crowded street! Unprotected people actually move out of your way, something akin to you being a boat and they the wake.

Ooops, seem to have lost the thread a little bit here. So, we have a Spirit Guide stay with us throughout our earthly life, some say from the moment of conception. This Guide is probably someone you have known in a previous life. I have heard of them being a previous friend, relative or even having been a marriage partner. Normally speaking this is where relatives and friends are to being a Guide for you, and not from your current earthly life. Other guides come and go depending on where you are in your life on earth and as the situation demands it.

I suppose to go back to the original thread...... many people are obsessed with wanting to know who their guides are and what their name is. Be happy that they are there for you, always, if they want you to know their names they will let you know in some way that you can understand. If you do not know who they are be happy that they certainly know you and everything about you. They are GUIDES and will help you on your chosen path and not tell you what you should be doing, that's your choice as free-will.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:06 pm

Just to add a bit to the healing aspect Dave:  When I was learning to do spiritual healing and enjoying the connection to the energies for the client/patient, my father stepped in.  He had been passed many years and when I enquired, apparently healing would be something of interest to him when he was here (checked with mom).  

He was not a guide.  I got the sense he was there to learn more about spiritual energies.  You see, in his earth life, he didn't like any of that 'nonsense' such as psychic/mediumship abilities!

I have seen many a wonderful pet or friend from the animal kingdom come to people.  Love is the key to all things in the spirit realms.

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Post by HealerDave » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:30 pm

Amazing, my father would not have liked any of this 'nonsense' either! And now, in our church when a medium should come to me my father is always there offering me help and advice, something else he would never have done on the earth either. We have covered some distance him and me since he passed thirty years ago.

Love is the answer to many of life's daily problems as well as in the spirit realms. Without loving yourself and asking for healing for yourself you are absolutely no good to anybody! If you are not right then you cannot be right to others.

I know you don't need me to tell you all this, but it may be of interest to others who come along.


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:27 pm

We have a lot in dad passed away in 77 and that makes it 30 years in July.  It must have been a time of the strong, silent type...he wasn't too verbal in life either.  And he appears in church frequently when I get a message.  As a matter of fact...he was the first to arrive and give me proof when I started my journey in Spiritualism.

There is another person who was in a position of authority over me in life and we did not see eye to eye.  Since her passing to spirit, we have developed a wonderful attunement.  She has been very helpful in some interesting situations here.

Spirit is a fascinating subject is it not?

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Post by HealerDave » Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:02 pm

As I said, amazing. My dad passed in December thirty years ago, but his birthday was (is) in July. I also note that there is only a month's difference in our ages, strange.

My wife and I run our Spiritualist church and quite naturally I always say to everybody, 'If there is anything you want to know please ask. Nobody will ever know it all, so if we can't answer your question we will find out for you.' Yes, fascinating subject indeed.

Strangely my mother has only ever come through a couple of times, the first time absolutely cracked me wide open when the medium said who she had with her and that she (my mother) was aware that I had forgiven her. When I was 48, nearly 17 years ago due to a series of circumstances I was told I was an unwanted child, a bit of a shock to say the least at that age. Ever since then I have been told many times that she is there, but does not want to come forward. Surely if she came forward and we. or at least she, could forgive herself and me then her karmic debt, (or guilt for not wanting me), as it appears to me will not be carried over into the next life. It must obviously be her choice and after all she may not choose to be reincarnated.

Love the subject, could go on about it forever!

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Meet the Gang

Post by Psychic Chef » Fri Jun 22, 2007 12:45 pm

Hi everybody.
Mine are 1. Joseph who is the leader he looks like Liam Neason and he is a white lighter with a dry sense of humour.
            2. Norris  who is my soul protector.
            3. Lucy    who is my mind liasion.
            4. Robert who is my healer guide
            5. storme who helps me rescue and pass on earth bound souls.

           I stand in awe of what they have done for me over 47 years.
They have gone above and beyond many a time for me and i am in debt to them.
 Part of our journy requires us to learn the meaning of Gratitude and they make me a better man everyday i wake up with them by my side.
Cheers Pete

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:47 pm

Again Dave:  My dad's birthday is December and he passed in July.  Another one!

My hubby and I also run our Spiritualism centre with many a traveller through.  No one has all the answers, for sure.  But offering what we do have can serve others in their journey.  

It is just too bad that there is so much discomfort in Spiritualism for those who want to feel they have it all.  I am sure you encounter them too.  It does seem to be rampant as a part of our Spiritualism.

I post a lot of articles because when thoughts come, it is important to share.  I have also written for the Summit the US publication as well as the Two World (England).

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Re: Do you know your Spirit Guides or Angels?

Post by KHEM » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:40 am

flight _of_angelwings wrote:I have  many guides and some favourite Angels.  My dec Grandmother also has been around to impart some of her wisdom but I have learnt that even though she may be dead, she is still family and still aint always
So some of my guides are fantastic and I know which one is which by the feeling they give me.
I have an older male he is the wise one. He has a long beard white short curly hair and he likes to help me with my articulating and my perception.  If I need a brain then he is the one I call on.  When doing my automatic writing he is the one that helps me.  His Name is John but he lets me call him Jack.
I have an older woman also and she is my I become to over excited during a reading or connection she is the one that comes in like a headmistress and pulls me back together so that I can concentrate and get on with my work.  She may at times be boring and strict but oh how I need her.

They are my main two they are the ones currently working very hard with me so that I can keep on my path and obtain my goals.

Now heres the fun guides.  I have a younger male guide about 20's he is more like a brother I know when hes around as I feel the gentle tugging on my shoulders....he keeps everything fun he makes sure it doesnt all become too much work.  Sometimes it feels like work but he brings it back to basics and hes the one to give me signs that are completely stupid so that I have to try keep a straight face when relating what I see.  Then theres shirl as I call her.  Gorgeous long dark hair, she has an olive complextion and is very very exotic.  She has a band around her head with a dangling crystal between her eyes, she wears long silky clothing and is always so free and liberates me!  She is heaps of fun too.  She keeps me sane and I live out my Artistic side through her.  

I have two other guides...I'm not really well associated with them yet obviously my purpose isnt revolving around what they can offer me as much as the other four can in the time being anyway.

Now I do know I'm getting a new the next four years and I'm very excited about this new addition, I know will be a new perspective to have him on the other side helping me there rather than how he helped me on this side.  Theres some guides that are with you right from birth and others will come and go as your life path can change and turn.

So its my belief that you can have Angels, Guides and deceased loved ones all help guide you through life.  Angels give divine guidance, their advice is always right from the top.  Guides are taught and they guide us and help us become all we can.  Our deceased loved ones love us and check on us and I have learnt the hard way that just because they are dead does not always mean they have the best advice.  Dying does not make us heavenly intuitive.  Like they were in life they are in death so I love to chat to them but like all family i listen and keep my own opinions.

I would love to know your opinions and thoughts on Guides, Angels and deceased loved ones?

Ohh! that's a post I really like.lolll! :)

I'm glad how you make the distinction for all of us between Spirit Guides, Angels and those who "flew" early :)

Especially "dying doesn't make us heavenly intuitive" so true...

When you "fly" (Sorry,I don't believe in "death" :) ) you pretty much retain your personality. Exple :If you were bubbly, you are bound to remain the same; if you were complaining all the time, you are bound to retain that too.

Some "Fly" and think that it enables them to give advice to anybody. If you are easily influenced, yes you will have some eathbound spirits talking to you. Those so called spirits that roam around shouldn't have your attention (unless you are a medium and are open to them) but you should claim the highest guide to help you guide your life because you are the child of God, you deserve the best around :)

Any parent that left you will still retain their personality so it is up to you to see how they did act around and imagine what your life will be like when they become souls roaming all the time with you. Hopefully, it is possible to shut the channels through which they come and choose only THE VERY BEST!

I would recommend 3 books :

1- by RITA ROGERS called "From one world to another" a lot of these happenings are explained there but obviously not all

2-also "Heaven and Hell" by EMMANUEL SWEDENBORG

3-"Opening to Channel" by SANAYA ROMAN
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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:53 pm

Can I also suggest?....Blue Island, More Life in the World Unseen, When a Child Dies

They are excellent information on the afterlife.

God bless, J

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Spirit Guides

Post by psychicguru » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:50 pm

I will never forget my first encounter with my spirit guide. I spoke with a psychic on a psychic radio show who contacted Lauren for the first time. Lauren is a 26 yrs old women from the Birmingham, Alabama area that was born in 1837.  She has been with me through out this life time. She has contacted my deceased family members and friends and enabled us to communicate with each other.
My understanding is that spirit guides follow us through out our past lives protecting us and shielding us. They are angels in a sense. Watching over us.
I was glad that I had the help of the psychic Linda Salvin to help me find Lauren. Finding Lauren opened the door of communication with my deceased Brother and Mother.

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Is it possible really?

Post by let_us_spread_gyan » Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:47 am

How do you know who your spiritual guide is?
Do you need any supernatural power or is there a particular procedure to be followed.
Can I talk to my dead grand parents?
Please explain.

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