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Don't know where to start

Post by gothicdragon63 » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:08 pm

I have been doing some reading of posts and I find I have a few things in common with other people on this forum.

I would really like to know how to develop these gifts that I have. I am very intuitive, I seem to know people before I know them, if that makes sense, I always know when something is wrong with friends or family when I go to visit, I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach and it is relentless and I have also "seen things happen" before they actually do (this hasn't happened a lot but is very eerie when it does).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance

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Post by LibB » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:29 pm

Have you watched the tv show Medium. It's about Allison Duboir. The tv show is not exact stories of Allison but portray what she goes through. Allison Duboir is a real person in America who Dreams reality. I used to do this until it was switched off or maybe I switched off remembering. Anyway she has a website and also books. Seeing it awake or asleep doesn't make a difference to the importance.
I would call you a Seer, have strength that this is a gift no matter what you receive. It's takes a while for people to understand and for those who don't, refrain from saying anything. the best thing for you to do is keep a journal and  time and date it. You can always show this to whomever it is about and show them again when something has happened. They may start to realize you are there to help. Some things can't be changed so you may be given these things so you won't panic and overreact when they do happen. I know I dream and I know it usually gives me a little more calm when situations occur.
I hope this helps a bit.
Love and light to you

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Post by Evie » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:39 pm

Hello     Gothicdragon63 :smt006

Oh.... I see that LiBb suggested a journal which would have been my first

I am guessing that some of what you get will be *proof, meant for yourself
I also resonate with LiBBY saying that sometimes things come to us in advance,
a gentle forewarning...  to be prepared.  

I want to say relax.... and remind you to say Thank You for your gifts.  :smt038
You are blessed.

Evie   :smt109

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:28 am

Thank you LibB and Evie. I shall do as you suggest and start a journal and visit the site mentioned. Yes LibB I do watch Medium, I love the show.

I do say thank you, albiet under my breath if people are around me, when things happen. I do believe that things are given to me to forewarn me or help me and it is only right that my appreciation is voiced :-).

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Post by Evie » Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:33 am

"Under your breath"

... LOL... I understand the why's of this!  It is wise!


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Post by gothicdragon63 » Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:20 am

Yeah, I have had a few sideways glances when I have said it out loud, early on, I'm sure they thought I was mad lol

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:18 pm

Forties for most people is fresh starts in life.  Acceptance of spiritual and/or psychic/mediumship skills is also coming to the forefront of knowledge.  

Starting to open and understand these thoughts can be helped along with a good teacher.  Following a particular philosophy or approach to understand the skills of psychic as a spiritual exercise can be important to how it unfolds.

For help: get in touch!

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:59 pm

Thank you spiritalk I shall keep that in mind.

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RU really a dragon?

Post by kramont » Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:00 pm

I would really like to know how to develop these gifts that I have. I am very intuitive, I seem to know people before I know them, if that makes sense, I always know when something is wrong with friends or family when I go to visit, I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach and it is relentless and I have also "seen things happen" before they actually do (this hasn't happened a lot but is very eerie when it does).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance

GD63:  I usually give this advice to younger girls who have limited life experience and a small world of friends and relatives.

When evaluating your abilities, your friends and relatives don't count!  Especially if you live in a small world and always know everyone's business.  That's when guesses count more than psychic predictions or feelings.

Work your magic with total strangers and keep count of psychic bullseyes with that group.   Also deji vu within your close group doesn't count.  Predictions of events is higher if you know the subjects established patterns of movement.

I would suggest you find a known established mystical school to study with.
It was a help to me to always eleminate the possible physican reasons for everything then try to fit the result into the mystical realm.
Other than  structured study of what you want to learn the best thing you can work on is intuition, meditation, and prayer.

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Post by sharpenup » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:27 pm

Hey LibB
I tried to find the Allison Duboir website and couldn't .  Do you have the name of the site ?
thanks :)

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:57 pm

She is certainly my favourite.  whilst I love the show I enjoy her books more because you 'know' it is all her wihtout the hollywood touch of dramatic effects and such.  Also in the movie it portrays her as receiving the majority of her premonitions and messages through dreams but the actual word from her mouth is that she actually gets them more during the day rather than sleeping.

I love the fact she is a working mum, holding down a job a gorgeous hubby both in the movie and in real life and what she offers for the commnuity is amazing.  both in understanding and delivering messages etc.

Its certainly helping us other 'Psychic medium Mums' out there relise that if she can combine all these then surely we can strive too.....

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Re: RU really a dragon?

Post by gothicdragon63 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:33 pm

kramont wrote: GD63:  I usually give this advice to younger girls who have limited life experience and a small world of friends and relatives.

When evaluating your abilities, your friends and relatives don't count!  Especially if you live in a small world and always know everyone's business.  That's when guesses count more than psychic predictions or feelings.

Work your magic with total strangers and keep count of psychic bullseyes with that group.   Also deji vu within your close group doesn't count.  Predictions of events is higher if you know the subjects established patterns of movement.

I would suggest you find a known established mystical school to study with.
It was a help to me to always eleminate the possible physican reasons for everything then try to fit the result into the mystical realm.
Other than  structured study of what you want to learn the best thing you can work on is intuition, meditation, and prayer.

Thank you Kramont. I shall certainly keep and eye on this and document what happens and I will see if we have  a mystical school of study here in Tasmania.

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:44 pm

Kramont you asked am I really a dragon?

I don't know but have been infatuated with them since I was a little girl. I have a huge collection of dragons which I have built up over the years.

I am not a dragon in the chinese astrology I think I am a Rabbit.

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mystical schools

Post by kramont » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:33 pm

GD63:  When I recomended a school I was thinking of one on the internet.  There are a lot of them but I have no direct experience with any but the Rosicrucian Order AMORC.  I have read a lot of other ideas from others.

The  only local group I checked out turned out to be a bunch of wantabeez who just wanted to talk about their abilities that never seemed to be working at the time we were meeting.  So I understand the value of independent study and forming your own opinion and abilities free from competition to out mystic the other guy.

Scan for them, there are a lot of free courses and materials.  Of course you have to be the judge if want to believe what they put out.  I never seem to have the time to sit and get back into a deep study with these web sites but I have a couple that looked promising.  I hesitate to post links, I'll have to check the rules.

I've always liked dragons also but I'm not a collector of such practical items.  My collecting tends to run in the junk realm that dares me to it throw out.

I had to look this up, it seems I am a Chinese sheep..baaa  I feel a little insulted.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:29 pm

Sheep are a wonderful Chinese up on it.  My hubby and I are both sheep and one of my granddaughters also.

There are many groups on the internet that do development and it is certainly buyer beware.  I am connected with Spiritualism (religion, philosophy, science) and this definitely puts a spiritual approach to mediumship/psychic development.  And as they use mediums in their services (and have for over a 150 years) they have certainly come up with some techniques and exercises that work in development.  

Take your time!  Patience is an excellent key to success.  And take charge of your own learning and growing.  When the student is ready, the teacher is found.

God bless, J

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