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Post by KHEM » Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:46 pm


Blues are the most caring, nurturing and protective personalities in the color-spectrum. They live out of their hearts and their emotions. Their life purpose is to serve, help and love others. Blues have an inner knowledge and wisdom and they feel and know what is right without needing facts or data for substantiation. The moment they become quiet inside, they will recognize or hear an inner voice or guidance, which will tell them what to do. They can easily tune into other people and feel precisely what is going on. Blues are the most emotional of all the color personalities. They often feel lost if they don't have the opportunity to clear their way through their intense jungle of deep feelings. Helpful activities for Blues would include talking with friends about their inner life, writing a journal or just being quiet so their intense emotions can calm down.

Blues are more concerned about others than they are about themselves They are born caretakers and mothers. They remember other people's birthdays, are concerned about the sick and have always a shoulder for others to cry on. They are born advisers, counselors, caretakers and nurses. Many people enjoy being with Blues because they transmit love, acceptance and forgiveness. Blues cry easily and primarily release their emotions, joy, sorrow, sadness and happiness, through tears. The other color personalities often have problems understanding the Blues intense emotionality. However, this emotional depth gives them the ability to be warm, sympathetic and protective.

The biggest challenge for any Blue person is to just say, "NO!" They have a basic fear that others might push them back, reject them or no longer love them. The fear of hurting other people's feelings reflects and mirrors their own fears of being hurt. They need to recognize the enormous benefits of Self-Love and also to understand that "no" does not mean the same as, " I don't love you." They need to find their boundaries and borders with other people because they have a tendency of allowing friends and even strangers to come into their energy field without having adequate protection. Sometimes Blues even take on other people's energies and qualities. This can especially happen while they are helping or nurturing others in the capacity of nurses or caretakers. This can occur to the point where they actually take on other people's sicknesses or problems. Blues are precise and clear in their thinking. From a mental standpoint they are usually in a peaceful and calm state of mind. They focus more on their feelings and emotions than on their thoughts. Blues do not like physical activity or work. For theses sensitive beings the physical world often seems loud, brutal and harsh. They prefer to reside in their own emotional world. They enjoy sports they can practice with friends and family. These would include such activities as walking, swimming and simple ball games. Because they are not very physically active, and because Blue is the color of expansion and wideness, they can easily gain weight.


Blues enjoy being around people all the time. They are very social, the perfect caretakers and helpers, always interested in and concerned about other people's needs. These traits allow them to be loving and in service to their family or friends. Blues are found in all areas of society, wherever service and support is needed. The biggest gift for these loving personalities is to help and support their family and friends. They are family oriented people who love being with their partners, children or friends. Planing picnics, creating nice meals, nothing seems too much if it is enjoyed and appreciated. Blues have friends for life.


The most important aspect of a Blues life is living in healthy, harmonious relationships. Blues want to be loved and appreciated. They make wonderful mates because they love to take care of and support their loved ones. They will do anything to create a happy and harmonious family life. They often expect their partner to return their love or be as much supportive and caring. They need to understand that other color personality characters might not understand the strong emotional depth they possess and also have different emotional and mental behaviors.

Blues want to be married and live in affectionate, solid family units. Love and affection is more important to them than sex and passion. Kissing, cuddling and feeling their partner's affection and emotional love are more important than sexual excitement and stimulation. Sexuality is a deep, emotional and spiritual experience and creates a strong bond between the lovers. Blues are loyal and monogamous. They need to be aware that if they are too emotionally demanding with their partner, they might push them away. In disharmonious relationships they have problems with letting go. The very words, "let go," are key words for all Blues.


Blue personalities are not very interested in money. Emotional and spiritual values are far more important and play a much larger role in their life. They are careful with money and have a rather conservative approach to it. They need to make sure to cover all their expenses and needs and normally do not take any financial risks. Blues are born nurses, caretakers, counselors and therapists. They are also born listeners and easily tune into other people's feelings and thoughts. If Blues choose an occupation, which does not offer these opportunities, they are still usually known as the "nice, good person around the corner." They would be the people you go to if you have any problems or want to unload any emotional disturbances.

Blues solve their problems by being peaceful, looking inside themselves, and asking the right questions. They must learn to listen and trust their intuition, their inner voice, and then deal with the situation. Because of their strong intuition and their inner knowledge, Blues usually know what they should do. Their main problem is taking action and making changes. The biggest challenge for Blues is letting go of old habits and patterns and openly embracing new situations. Blues are good listeners and have the ability to tune into other people's inner world. They have a strong intuition and healing power. This is why they are often found in professions in which they can be helpful, nurturing or supportive. Typical "Blue" occupations are: Nurse, caretaker, priest, nun, housewife, mother, child care worker, service personal, social-worker, counselor, teacher, therapist, consultant, healer, secretary, accountant, personal manager and volunteer.


To become centered, Blues must learn the difficult lesson of loving themselves. If they can overcome their biggest fear, which is to not be loved and to be alone, they can express their deep feelings freely and then live a compassionate, happy and fulfilling life. It is important for Blues to set their own boundaries and make clear decisions. They must learn to say, "No," if it feels like "no." Connecting with their personal power and then using it allows them to achieve their goals and give out even more love.

Blues need a lot of time for themselves. They like being in a quiet atmosphere, listening to harmonious music or just sitting in a peaceful room. Being alone is relaxing and allows them to go within. Allowing peace and silence to occur are important activities for Blues to find their purpose in life. Meditation and prayer are the most important and powerful tools they can use to achieve inner peace and happiness and to recharge their own life energy batteries. Going to church or a meditation class is an excellent way of meeting like-minded people and getting involved into a spiritual way of life.

Blues need to constantly be aware of their sensitive and powerful emotional system. Understanding their Mind/Body relationship will help them to stay healthy and strong. If Blues have a question or want to solve a problem, they need to be quiet, stay centered and go inward. If they ask a question in this peaceful state of mind they will hear and immediately sense the answer inside. The challenge for Blues is not only to hear and trust their inner voice, but also to act on it and live their inner knowledge in the real world.


For the description of other types/colors of auras, feel free to ask...
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Post by Vishwas » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:38 pm

KHEM, that is a very good post & thank you for it. Can u tell about Yellow, White, Golden & Black Colour Auras. Thanx in Advance.

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Post by KHEM » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:38 pm

Thanks Vishwas! Watch out for my future posts...

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Post by Toothlesscrone » Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:08 pm

Beautifullly expressed, so so true,are there shades to blue?:)

Would love to hear about magenta


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blue Aura

Post by efishy » Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:35 pm

Thank you so much for the description of a blue  aura. I would love to hear any or all about other colors in your spare time...ha ha ha.. anyway,  thanks so  much  for sharing, and the pic is absolutely  beautiful..   Ellie  :smt006

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Post by KHEM » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:39 am

Toothlesscrone wrote:Beautifullly expressed, so so true,are there shades to blue?:)

Would love to hear about magenta

The lighter shades of blue reflect an active imagination and good intuition.  The deeper shades of blue can indicate a sense of loneliness, which on one level reflects a life-long quest for the Divine.  The deeper shades of blue reflect levels of devotion. Royal blue shades indicate honesty and good judgment. They can also indicate the person has found or is about to find his or her chosen work.

The muddier shades of blue can reflect blocked perceptions. They can indicate melancholy, rushing and worrying, domineering, fearfulness, forgetfulness and oversensitivity.

This color is chosen by souls who wish to explore the limits of creative reality and is often found in people in the arts. A magenta aura stimulates the person to explore the avante garde, the spontaneous and the outrageous.

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Post by blackrose435 » Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:05 pm

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Post by blackrose435 » Thu Jun 28, 2007 2:11 pm

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Post by KHEM » Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:47 pm

There are as many auras as there are of colors...

Most of them are mix of colors and we have shades as well so yeah!!! :)

The colors that I described are for those whose auras have these particular colors as dominant in their auras; all of us have at least each of them in diverses degrees.

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Post by wiccan_goddess2002 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:59 pm

You have described me to a T... i am a caretaker and always worried about other peoples feelings.  you were very right when you said blues had to trust their intuition, their inner voice, and then deal with the situation. Because of their strong intuition and their inner knowledge, Blues usually know what they should do. Their main problem is taking action and making changes. I have a stong need to make a change in a relationship but taking action in that is a huge problem for me.
I would love to find out more about auras. Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated.

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