Do you know your Spirit Guides or Angels?

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:53 am

To access and meet your spirit guides is usually done through techniques such as meditation.  Generally after some time and experience you get to know the sense or feel of your guide.

Everyone has the ability to be psychic to some degree, many dont try to understand or harness this ability.  To some people it comes naturally and very accurate.  Some may try for years to get a clear channel but will have no luck.
It is like any gift, talent or knowledge.  It needs to be used and trained.  Everyone is different.  this is not a supernatural gift and no powers are required as such.

Not everyone can talk to the dead and receive an answer but everyone can talk to their deceased loved ones its just that you may not notice their answers.  Anytime you think or feel for your loved ones they know it and pull closer to you.  Mediums are able to communicate to the dead through many different tools such as seeing them, hearing, a knowing and many other tools.
Our loved ones can leave us signs such as a smell of their tobacoo, perfume or the old farm they lived on.  They can leave anything to help us take notice.  they also come to us in our dreams as we are easier to let them in and it makes communicating with us easier.

If you would like to access your psyhcic intuition I suggest meditation or joingin your local spiritual group.  there are some books you can also read to help you understand the basics.


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Spirit guide

Post by HealerDave » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:08 pm

Let  us  spread  gyan,

This is my first time on here for about ten days, I've been on holiday. I posted on here a while back that too many people worry, or are at least are over-keen to find out who their spirit guides are. Be assured they are there for you personally. Through methods of meditation it is possible to find who your guides are, but again, just be happy they are there. If they want you to know who they are and certainly if you have good reason for them to let you know who they are, they will let you know.

This is not an easy, or quick-learn subject so read-up on it, not just one book, but lots of them. There are many methods, theories and opinions about this, so eventually by learning on the subject you should find out which will be best for you. There is nothing supernatural required by either you or them.

Find a medium for a personal message from deceased friends and relatives. There are no guarantees as to who will come through with a message for you, maybe your grand parents will, maybe they won't. It all depends on your personal circumstances at the time and whether they in particular can come forward with a message of help or advice, or even just to say hello. Mediums are only the receiver, like a telephone, and like you they don't know who is on the other end until they ask.

Hope this helps

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Spirit guides

Post by HealerDave » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:12 pm

Hi Flight,

Sorry, when I just posted the above your last pm was not showing, so I seem to have gone over the same things a bit. At least we are on the right track!!


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Who are these spirits?

Post by let_us_spread_gyan » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:11 am

I want to clarify a doubt.
Who are these spirits?
Why should they be concerned with us?
Why should we have a "personal" spirit guide?
Why do they come into picture between us(i.e our soul) and HIM (i.e the super soul,i.e GOD ,be it Krishna,Jesus,Allah,.....)?

I am a strong believer of god and believe that we are mere puppets of GOD (Lord Krishna,since i am a Hindu).

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:04 pm

I have moved all your other post to spirituality since they was most copy and paste from your belief.

It's in order to use Religion as a reference....but the reference must not be the main discussion material...because then it goes more on a preach.

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Re: Who are these spirits?

Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:37 pm

let_us_spread_gyan wrote:I want to clarify a doubt.
Who are these spirits?
Why should they be concerned with us?
Why should we have a "personal" spirit guide?
Why do they come into picture between us(i.e our soul) and HIM (i.e the super soul,i.e GOD ,be it Krishna,Jesus,Allah,.....)?

I am a strong believer of god and believe that we are mere puppets of GOD (Lord Krishna,since i am a Hindu).
1.  Spirit guides are those spirit entities that live in the realms of spirit who once walked the earth and can attune to you and help you walk your path as they have walked it in their time.

There are many opinions as to the when, where, how, who of it all, but the general consensus is...spirit guides are our personal guides through life and help us when we make decisions for life and/or when we are questioning and Our minds are full of confusion.  They are not the same as angels....which have a different purpose.

When psychics begin to open and understand the sensitivities of their being, they find the guides drawing near to help them with the spirit work they are undertaking.  That, too, is a purpose of the guides.

2.  They are concerned because we are all assigned a caring guide that will make this journey we call life a little easier when we listen to the spiritual voice, rather than the material distractions of life.

3.  They are personal to each of us because we are all unique individuals and those that are compatible can help us...the law of attraction...we draw to us those that are compatible to help.

4.  NO ONE comes between God and individual human beings.  Even when some put an energy there (whether it is a human individual or a spirit entity) we all have our own personal covenant (promise) with God.  It is important to our individual growth of spirituality to exercise this covenant in all love and light.

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Re: Who are these spirits?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jul 10, 2007 1:52 am

Mr. LUSG...

You are getting tangled in terminology! The basic fact is that humans are not material beings, and they are not spiritual beings, they are a beautiful melange of All That Is and All That Can Be. I am not saying these words to push someone's SWITCHES in case anyone thinks so but the very fact that if any of us, individuals, cultures, religions etc etc boxes that human brain has created -- had the final and absolute answer then we would not be discussing and this world would be a different place altogether!

Let us all agree and accept that the experiment will and must continue and as long as we are in the Laboratory of Life and mundane Life at that, let us seek but not claim something to be perfect or absolute just because we think that is the case or are getting the "parrot" incarnational karma out of our system!

We are all, high and low limited by the horizon of our perceptions! What is important is to realize that the horizon that we see is NOT the horizon, simply because our horizon is determined by our immobility! If you do not believe me then ask a bird! Ask how its horizon changes as it flies! Or better still, take a plane ride particularly at a time when you are flying towards a sunset or a sunrise!

Don't waste time in arguing and discussing, but open your eyes, mind and heart and you will see what your soul sees!

Ma Shakti Dey, Har klanti ley
Ma Buddhi Dey, Har bhranti ley
Ma Bhakti Dey, Ma Shanti Dey, Ma Mukti Dey

[quote="let_us_spread_gyan"]I want to clarify a doubt.
[b]Who are these spirits?
Why should they be concerned with us?
Why should we have a "personal" spirit guide?
Why do they come into picture between us(i.e our soul) and HIM (i.e the super soul,i.e GOD ,be it Krishna,Jesus,Allah,.....)?
I am a strong believer of god and believe that we are mere puppets of GOD (Lord Krishna,since i am a Hindu).[/quote]

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:31 pm

Roh:  It is so true about interpretation of the illimitable!  On the other hand...when we have some sensitivities opening and no where to understand what may be happening, definitions do have a place!  No one here has said it is the whole answer nor even the only answer...we are all such unique individuals!  Vive l'difference!

There are general guidelines that help the newbie find their way through a maze of information and practices.  Take what works, leave the rest.  Discernment is our best gift of the spirit!

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Post by lostinspace » Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:01 pm

Fascinating thread! Thanks for starting it, F-O-Angels!

I've been meditating for about 12 years now, but have never encountered spirit guides. If I did, I would probably freak out! I used to be taught that contacting guides was dangerous in case of becoming 'possessed'. But I've moved on from that and I'd love to know that there are guides who are helping me.

But I actually do think that I may have a 'guide' of sorts, but not really in the 'other dimension' sort of way. When I'm in trouble, or confused, I ask what would my Inner Adult do? (This is because since I had violent and angry parents, I didn't internalise the correct adult archetypes). And whenever I ask that question, I know that my Inner Adult is there, because my forehead always creases up, and I get a sensible, rational, very adult resolution of a problem, in a way that I just wouldn't if I was left to my own devices. I also try to access my Inner Good Parent, and that usually gives me nice caring advice.

I don't know if those are psychological guides, or spirit guides, but life has been lighter since I accessed them.

Anyway, this thread has inspired me, and I will try to get in touch with my guardian angels.
Last edited by lostinspace on Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:24 pm

I haven't met any spirit guides, but I do know I have a guardian angel.  I've had quite a few times where I could have died or come into danger.  There are a few times I've been late for something, and found out an accident occured during the time I would be on my way home from work.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:11 pm

All of the connection is about energy!  When we meditate we change our consciousness from awake to alpha state (which is also the first state as we are going to sleep - that is why meditators strive to remain alert).  In this state we can 'feel' changing energies within our mind that tell us there is 'more' to our meditation that our own mind.  

Reaching our own higher consciousness is a good have chatter with the still, small voice within that is connected with our spirit and what is best for us.  Then in meditation you can reach a voice (or any other sense) that tells you there is guidance of a higher nature.

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Post by Elisechaina » Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:21 pm

I am not as experienced as many on this fabulous site  - just a beginner, but I was indeed very very fortunate to see one of my guides. I call him 'Running Bear'.  I believe he is an Arapaho indian. He came before  me one night whilst staying at my mothers caravan, in the country, in Kent, England. He was a handsome man, tall and commanding, with an amazing head dress, and his outfit seemed like it was made from soft chamois leather, a beige colour. He stood before me with his arms folded. And I was sleeping on the settee at the time, a bit away from my family, and I screamed out! - I will  never forget the vision of him, and recently I managed to draw a picture of him from memory, which is helpful if I need advice or guidance. I also see him when I meditate and he makes me cry because he talks to me in sign language, and tells me things are going to be alright. When my father passed away recently, he brought my father  on a beautiful horse to see me, and that was amazing, and they were both dressed in white clothes. Recently I went to the British Museum which isnt far from me, and I was immediately drawn to the Native American Indian section, and felt goosepimples, as I felt Running Bear was trying to show my the garments and implements that he used back then. I havent seen any of the other guides as clearly as him, but I am told that I have a nun also who is my guide. Fascinating stuff!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:11 pm

While it is interesting and sometimes very educational to get involved with a particular guide, we must remember that they can and often are, temporary guides as our needs arise.  Any guide that shows too much, can and usually is caught up in his own ego - not very elevated place to be.  

If it is your insistence of identification and knowing, then leave it be.  We do not worship our guides - that is reserved for the highest source - God.

Our interests in a particular culture are often opened through the guidance we receive.  Enjoy the process of learning.  

Guardian come to guard us from all harm.  They are often referred to as Guardian Angels.  Angels of all stripes are available when we are in dire need.  They are messengers of God.  We can all attain to this level of spirituality as we unfold our own potential.

Guides show us the path - we must choose to follow it - or not.  They can guide, they can not live our lives.

All is in order under God and Spirit!

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Post by daffodils1986 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:40 pm

I am not really sure if I have a spirit guide or angel that guides my development. I do know who two probably are if I have them.

What would have been my older sister, had she lived, I believe is one. There is an odd and unique occurrence associated with her that I will share later, but not here. Most of my family tells me that she is my guardian angel and with all the things that have happened to me in the past, it does make me wonder.

My foster-granny's grandmother has always been special to me. True, I never got to meet her in person and face to face, but I feel as if I know her. My foster-granny told me that I am more like her grandmother than anyone that she has ever met and that she gets the same feeling from me that she does from her. And then she grinned at me (her toothless grin) and told me that she knew that I was 'special' and could do some of the things that her grandmother could do. The clincher...her grandmother was a spiritualist and well-known in her area at the time.

There is another personal story connected to that one that I might share later, but again, not in this thread. Anyways, I'm not certain if I really have guides, but if they are....those two are mine.

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Post by Crow » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:08 am

I'm also a newbie to this forum.  And was thrilled to read that there are more people out there like me.  Now I do not feel so silly.  All my life I have talked to my guides.  I was just surprised by some views shared here that I was not suppose to have the same ones through life.  Not that they are constantly around.  But they have never left completely.

There is a male in his 30's that comes around when I am at the lowest point in my life.  When I feel that I feel that I can no longer live, this is the only time he comes.  

I have an older male whom I have never seen only heard, and he hangs around all the time.  Very dry sense of hummor, and quick witted.  He will shed light on situations that I may not be aware of, as well as people's intentions.  He keeps me grounded with reality checks.  And can always put a smile on my face when I am in need of one.  He usually points me on the path where I need to research.  Dropping dates, names, etc.

Then there is a spirit that is grotestue in appearance, but doesn't frighten me, he only comes around when I am in dangerous situations.  Or when I am around people that I find out later is not the best people to be involved with.  (Ex's)  He was also the one who overseen my childhood.

My spirit animal is the Raven/Crow  they like to tell me things, sometimes it is trivial in nature.  Most the time I will hear them talk and think nothing of it.  Only when there is a message to me, that their cries become understandable to me.

I found that when I reach a fork in the road, that my guides are silent.  Very disappointing, but they make me choose for myself.  They take me up to the path, and I imagine hold their breathe to see what I will do.  Like a parent I suppose.  They do not respond whenever I feel like I need them.  Very stubborn these ones are, and only show up when they are good and ready to.  

But I'm still young, and have a lot to learn.  With age, comes more understanding.  A part of me always seen my guides as another form of myself.  Don't know why, but it just felt that way.  Maybe it was my way of dealing with the voices, and things that I have seen in my life.  

I try to use logic when aproaching things such as this.  When I have seen spirits, I dismiss it as that I am tired.  My guides through the years have warned me about many things that came to pass, that I simply could not dismiss them any longer.  They earned my trust.

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