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Post by KHEM » Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:58 pm

The aura is like a protective force field surrounding your body.

This field is composed of your consciousness, your level of awareness. When your consciousness is fearful, angry, sick, sorrowful, resentful, aggressive or vindictive , the aura becomes dark and the nature of this field of energy becomes sticky, like an oil sludge. It will hold negative thoughts in its field, making a person feel physically and emotionally depressed.

A negative aura also attracts other people's negativity, which can congest it further, weighing on both your emotions and your health because "like attracts like"

The higher your state of consciousness is the lighter and clearer your aura will be.

But what you may not know is that you are even more affected by people's energy in their thoughts and emotions than you are by their words. For example a person may be overtly agreeable but may really resent you, sending you very negative energy without your even being aware of it.

You will recognize that happening to you if you experience a sudden change in mood , feeling suddenly nervous or irritable for no apparent reason.

This is called psychic attack .

Psychic attack occurs when someone willfully or consciously is sending you negative energy.

For instance, I once read for a client named Jeanine.She was a very charismatic woman and ran a very successful public relations firm, employing about seventy people. She came to me because even though she loved her work and felt it was the right thing to do in her life, she was cranky, impatient and irritable, especially with the person she depended the most- her secretary Catherine.

Jeanine felt guilty and ashamed of her lack of control yet every time she spent more than 10 mns with Catherine , she couldn't shake. Outwardly Catherine was very accommodating and helpful, so there was no apparent reason for Jeanine's irritation. Nevertheless it was there. She asked me if I had any clues on the matter, as it was taking too much of her time mentally.

One look at Jeanine's aura showed me that she was experiencing psychic attack. The energy in her aura was negative and full of energy. It was muddy brown and red and looked like a sludge. Her efficient secretary, who was very hardworking, was also very ambitious and coveted Jeanine's job.

Even though Catherine was outwardly pleasant, she resented not being the boss herself and was extremely jealous of Jeanine.

Negative, draining and damaging as it was, this consciousness attached itself to Jeanine's aura every time she was in Catherine's presence long enough for this to happen-about ten minutes. This psychic energy of resentment began to attack Jeanine's aura, causing a reaction in her mood.She became irritable thus further antagonizing the already jealous secretary , who in turn sent out more hostile energy (like attracts like) It became a vicious , though subtle, circle.

When I told what I saw, she didn't believe it . Yet four months later she called back to tell me that this same woman had started her own company , taking several of Jeanine's employees and clients with her. Jeanine was shocked, but she remembered our discussion. Now she's far more alert to how people affect her mood and her aura.

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Post by leavemethehellalone » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:00 pm

Thanx 4 posting that I never knew that. But couldit work opposite? Could i send positive energy towards people and myself?

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Post by KHEM » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:30 pm

You sure can dear and it is highly recommended you do it daily to say the least...

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How did I miss this?

Post by kramont » Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:34 pm

The aura is like a protective force field surrounding your body.

KHEM:  This idea is new to me, I have not heard it before.

I've seen auras and felt them, but never thought they were a protective force.  I have invoked the white protective light of God to protect me but never felt this layer of protection had anything to do with my aura.

You will recognize that happening to you if you experience a sudden change in mood , feeling suddenly nervous or irritable for no apparent reason.

This is called psychic attack .

This statement took me back a little since you called this a psychic attack.  These things that manifest physically feel more to me to be the result of strong psychic influence rather than an attack.  But if disruption is the object of the attacker, then attack it is.

As someone who has been attacked several times I have to place your description with that of a strong cup of coffee.  I probably classify the effects you describe as negative influences.

Thanks for the new idea.

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Post by KHEM » Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:54 pm

Thanks for your reply Kramont :)

That's ok and I think that's the purpose of that website; namely to learn new things...

First of all, the article is not mine but I agree with many subjects the Blessed Sonia said in it.

I may be wrong but the aura can be a protective force when handled and developped properly. When you did call the "Light of God" as you call it, it came to raise your vibration (by protecting you) and you already know that the lighter your vibration is , the more powerful you are ; spiritually speaking.

Yes, psychic attacks are "unfortunately" varied as you said & probably experienced too and the best way to protect yourself is to keep learning about how to protect yourself;

Here are some recommendations (for you and each reader):

-"Personal Power through Awareness" by Sanaya Roman
-"The Lightworker's way" by Doreen Virtue
-"The art of Psychic protection" by Judy Hall
-"Dancing with the devil" by David Ashworth
-"Battling dark forces" by Torkom Saraydarian

Stay Blessed!

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Post by georgek » Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:53 am

Well........I must be under a psychic attack most days of the week.

Is it so unusual that someone may feel "off" for no particular reason?

Or do we have to go around looking like Cheshire cats to be normal?

Of course the aura will change if moods are affected. Yet things can alter in a person's mood depending on their level of anxiety.

This does not mean that they are being attacked, but there can be a million to one reasons why things happen, and just because we cannot find a reason, does not mean that there is no one!

What about losing an hours sleep, or not winning the lottery?

If a person is being attacked, the energy goes from the solar plexis, causing a judder and mood change....believe me!  

You can feel it, and KNOW that you are being invaded. No entity will stay if a person "dissolves" the attack by his or her stronger personality.

My humble oppinion

Regards George

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universal prayer of protection

Post by deva » Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:22 am

This is the prayer I say when I want to stay protected (from anything at all):

"The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I am God is
And all is well."

I don't know where it originated from but I've come across it many times while reading mystic/spiritual literature.

Best recited while visualizing yourself enclosed in a sphere of white light.

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Re: universal prayer of protection

Post by georgek » Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:56 pm

deva wrote:This is the prayer I say when I want to stay protected (from anything at all):

"The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I am God is
And all is well."

I don't know where it originated from but I've come across it many times while reading mystic/spiritual literature.

Best recited while visualizing yourself enclosed in a sphere of white light.

I think one of the "nastiest" times that I was attacked, was back in the mid nineties.

When I say "attack", I mean PROPER attack, not like "oh dear....I am under the weather"

A case of "WHAM" straight through the solar plexis, a judder and violent shake and then my eyes moving about the room uncontrollable!

This carried on day after day non stop, whereby I would be attacked in my sleep. My face would be chewed in dreams by a mad cat, only as I awoke, my eyeballs would rotate and limbs of my body would move.

Eventually, through lack of sleep and juddering of the bed, I would feel so weak, that I could not "fight it off"

This was the time that I sought psychic protection.....and you know what?

Nothing worked!

I was so desperate, that I got christened and finally went to a Spiritulist Church.

The main preacher, told me off, saying how DARE that I say that an ENTITY was in such a holy place!!!
There it was all about and all the SO CALLED psychics could not even see it!!!
I tried every ritual under the sun and nothing seemed to work, except a COILED HEADBAND.

I could feel the "crack" as the force rebounded from the coil. Eventually, whilst in Pizza Express, it bounced out of me, hit a table and shook it to "kingdom come"

I watched the "goldfish" expression on the guy opposite, as he looked at the table up and down.

Basically, as quick as it went.

I think very weak psychic attacks can be warded of by certain mantras, but the strong ones.....I would not like to know.

Regards George

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Post by Gem » Thu Jul 12, 2007 2:40 pm

George, Many Happy Birthdays!!!

To me what you have described is not a psychic attack at all, in fact it is a much more in person then psyche anything, a spirit or being seemed to have invaded you, psychic attack, and this may be just the way I experience them, is rather different, not just the solar plexus, which I presume was the point of entry to you, the lungs, breathing deeply ? But all the chakras are under attack with energy being streamed from another being, not good they can overpower you and send you off balance, and result in shakes shivers and headaches, all the while with an overwhelming noise that isnt real but inside.

Its not an 'off day' or anthing like that at all! You will know if it ever happens.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:25 pm

Perhaps applying the psychic protection was a bit late?  Kind of like closing the barn door after the horse has escaped?  If we have applied psychic protection as a matter of course, we can be attacked and it can still reach us...but the protection can help in the process.  Energies are just that...random and felt.

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Post by georgek » Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:33 pm

Gem wrote:George, Many Happy Birthdays!!!

To me what you have described is not a psychic attack at all, in fact it is a much more in person then psyche anything, a spirit or being seemed to have invaded you, psychic attack, and this may be just the way I experience them, is rather different, not just the solar plexus, which I presume was the point of entry to you, the lungs, breathing deeply ? But all the chakras are under attack with energy being streamed from another being, not good they can overpower you and send you off balance, and result in shakes shivers and headaches, all the while with an overwhelming noise that isnt real but inside.

Its not an 'off day' or anthing like that at all! You will know if it ever happens.

Hello Gem,

I seem to be ageing by the minute. It only seemed like yesterday when I was 26!

Well yes...invasion-attack....same only different!
It was my fault in a way, as I take the point of "Spiritalk".

When it happened, it was very much like rubbing your finger nails on a blackboard. The judder and static...ohh! The shakes and shivers are not what I want to be reminded off.

The worst thing was the bouncing "ping-pong ball" inside my head. Then using some sort of magnetic field to rotate my eyeballs.

It started by a weight on my feet in bed. The weight would lift and fall until an oscillation movement occured. From that-vibration until a cat began to stir at the bottom of the bed. Then it would walk along the bed clothes, purring as it went and jump inside my solar plexis.

Then it would change. On occasion, I had my jaw yanked back. When I asked it who it was, my jaw would snap in close-open movement immitating what I had just said.

It is mainly the stomach area, and from there to the head. The deception of how friendly they are, is pretty bad.

Regards George

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:26 pm

Actually KHEM, the aura is nothing more than a REFLECTION, seen in colour and light of the body, mind, spirit of the individual.  It is electromagnetic by nature and changes at the speed of thought.  Everything within yourself creates a reflection in the aura.

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Post by georgek » Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:51 pm

spiritalk wrote:Perhaps applying the psychic protection was a bit late?  Kind of like closing the barn door after the horse has escaped?  If we have applied psychic protection as a matter of course, we can be attacked and it can still reach us...but the protection can help in the process.  Energies are just that...random and felt.
Hello spiritalk,

I strongly believe that a lot of "abstract" protection is really a state of mind.

For example, would a Muslim be protected if the person envisaged a protective cross ?

So, is it the actual symbol that has the effect OR the belief in the symbol that does it ?

Can one exist without the other, or is both required to work, belief AND symbol?

I am not sure what you mean about the aura?

Are we talking about upper and lower auras ?
I know that all is frequency.

What changes with the speed of thought?
The upper aura......or are you saying that we as individuals can alter the superficial colouring of our frequencies of what we show to people?

Are you saying that the aura can be controlled in such a way...?

Regards George

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:34 pm

As the aura is an electromagnetic field surrounding the body, it is controlled by REFLECTION of our thoughts.  It is not some aberation outside ourselves.

Say what you will about protection, the psychic (unseen) world is rife with all energies - the good, the bad, the ugly.  The more we spiritualize our own approach and even use symbols of our belief systems (which, in my opinion has the strength of tradition and those who came before us).  Many people have many ideas about protection and grounding - in my experience it is a vital part of learning and growing in psychic work.

To OPEN the door without some form of protection and grounding is an irresponsible approach to the unseen world.  And in my experience has send many a neophyte for help because of attracting and welcoming anyone and anything.  After all, we would not leave the doors of our home open as a welcome to all, including criminals.  Why would leave our mind open to all at any level of spirituality?

And the answer to that is frequently...Oh I am protected, I say a prayer.  Or my guides will do it.  Consider....if you do not want to be hit by a car, you don't play in traffic.  Why leave all that responsibility in someone else's hands, when you can do the job yourself (and should)?

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Post by georgek » Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:50 pm

spiritalk wrote:As the aura is an electromagnetic field surrounding the body, it is controlled by REFLECTION of our thoughts.  It is not some aberation outside ourselves.

Say what you will about protection, the psychic (unseen) world is rife with all energies - the good, the bad, the ugly.  The more we spiritualize our own approach and even use symbols of our belief systems (which, in my opinion has the strength of tradition and those who came before us).  Many people have many ideas about protection and grounding - in my experience it is a vital part of learning and growing in psychic work.

To OPEN the door without some form of protection and grounding is an irresponsible approach to the unseen world.  And in my experience has send many a neophyte for help because of attracting and welcoming anyone and anything.  After all, we would not leave the doors of our home open as a welcome to all, including criminals.  Why would leave our mind open to all at any level of spirituality?

And the answer to that is frequently...Oh I am protected, I say a prayer.  Or my guides will do it.  Consider....if you do not want to be hit by a car, you don't play in traffic.  Why leave all that responsibility in someone else's hands, when you can do the job yourself (and should)?
Hello "Spiritalk",

I am not saying that I do not agree with protection.
It is just how good is the protection that is being used.

It is a natural tendency that mankind does not involve with the spirit world.
This is the reason why there are blocks. Such as fear, lack of belief, and invisibility for the majority of users. To many...if something cannot be seen...then it does not exist.

When we disbelieve, we shut many doorways, and our OWN FREE CHOICE not to believe is sufficient for protection.

It is only when we believe then problems are created and you as a Medium are in constant "opening of doors" just allowing what you want to let in.

So basically, you have answered your own "question" by mentioning "playing with the traffic"
(yet "playing" is the wrong word to use)

It is understood that your work is of good deeds and you do open doorways.

The question is that, by opening a door, who is the gate keeper?

As you have protection....that is good.

Yet how good is that protection if others can see you?

I wish you no harm, only good, or perhaps I am argumentative in a way, as I am trying to understand.

You made the point about "closing doors", and indeed once open are difficult to close. Personally I have found that not much really works.....but that is my experience.

To evaluate on this point, I believe that you are your own judge and jury.

As it really depends on the "purity of heart"

So basically, I believe that this is really the protection, hence the reason why we as human beings become vulnerable and lose our protection if our thoughts are impure.

By all means, I am not pure, and this is why I can be attacked.

Yet by being "impure", how can a "not pure person" create something purer than there own vision to protect them?

This is basically my point, as I am not condeming any impurity of heart, but speak on a general basis.

Regards George


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