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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:27 pm


There is clearly more to be said about the result of Hurricane Katrina,
and like the events that have preceded it people are becoming more
questioning. The suspicion that our Government and military are involved
in directing events for maximum effect is becoming stronger. Natural
events bring natural responses, yet as with 9/11 you quickly see evidence
of deliberate interference. In this case you see a lack of urgency
allowing a situation to almost get out of hand. Considering the degree of
forewarning, you could be excused for thinking that your emergency
services would have been primed and ready to go into action.

I do not intend to go into detail about the shortcomings of those in
authority. All of that information will slowly come into the public
domain. You will notice a reluctant media that is being forced to address
these issues, and is daring to raise some pertinent questions. You will
see this growing and soon 'the cat will be out of the bag', and it will
free up our Press. The clamor for truth is putting pressure on the
authorities, and keeping a tight lip is becoming untenable.

It is a hard and difficult path that leads to 'the truth', when for eons
of time we have been fed only what was considered sufficient to keep
us quiet. However, because of the time we are in and the raising of
the vibrations, the people are becoming more aware and demanding
answers. We are not so easily fooled or lulled into a false sense of
security, and we are beginning to understand how events are manipulated.
Knowledge of the covert operations of our Government is becoming more
widespread, and people talk, and as a result many take up the challenge
to do something about it.

Our leaders are somewhat insular, and do not appreciate the extent of
the groundswell against them. This will be part of their undoing as in
their self belief they cannot contemplate the people turning against
them. If they remove anyone, another two will take their place and they
will find they have released a time bomb that is about to explode.
People are becoming discerning about the speeches of our President and his
aides, and are able to see the repetitive use of phrases that are meant
to impinge upon our consciousness in sublime conditioning. Now, the
opposite effect is taking place, and you are awake sufficiently to see
the warning signs.

There is an avalanche of opinion that is about to engulf the last
cabal, and they will not know which way to turn. This is when they are at
their most dangerous, and there may yet have to be more direct
intervention from the forces of good. We allow the final outworking of karma, but
there is a point beyond which the line has been drawn. It may seem strange to us
that in all that is happening we find so much to be encouraged by
but we are responding magnificently, and great compassion and
help is going out to the victims of Katrina. Like 9/11 it has placed a challenge on our doorstep
and you have risen to the occasion. You are acknowledging
the Oneness of all life, and in the wake of the hurricane you see
your brothers and sisters, and not color, religion or politics.

The sanctity of life is such, that no caring person would dream of
passing on the other side of the road to avoid what is the unavoidable. The
divisions and devious actions that have previously driven you apart are
being healed, and a great energy of Love is growing exponentially upon
Earth. It matters no more that people are on the other side of the
Earth. They see what is happening through their satellite television and
although far removed from the scene, their compassion sends out loving
thoughts that brings response from those able to directly help. Caring
and compassion are aspects of Love that will yet see New Orleans rise
like a phoenix out of the sea of misery and despair.

What is happening as bringing people together in a
single purpose, to see changes that will once and for all put an end to
the oppression under the dark cabal. They wish for you to become
despondent and trapped in the mire of chaotic events of their making. They
hope you will lose your willpower to overcome the reality they have
created, and succumb to their control. They have vastly
underestimated your determination and intention to rise above what is being
thrown at you. The dark have created a monster that will turn upon
them, and devour the very ones who sought protection behind it. Never fear
that justice will have its day, the Children of the Light are not
easily deflected from their path.

In the gloom, there is a wonderful Light that is growing by the second and
helping so many overcome their feelings of hopelessness. It is giving a
lift to those who are the most needy, and strength to those who are in
the front line of aid to all victims whatever the circumstances. A new determination
to bring the changes into being that will finally manifest the new beginning.

We will succeed, and events are bringing everything to head.
Something has to give very shortly, and it will be the people
who will be victorious. The release of Love, that will immediately
lift us all including Mother Earth. For all of us who have been
sending 'light' and praying for the victims, the battle of Compassion
will be won!

Please lets discuss our feelings to help turn this around. . .
Blessing and 'light'. . . Linda :smt050 :smt060 :smt058

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Post by piscbelieve » Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:51 pm

Thanks for that, Linda. I have been feeling restless about what I now know. That made me feel better. I just feel sort of helpless, but your right, just keep sending love and light and karma will play out. Hope you are feeling better. Lacey

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Post by piscbelieve » Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:22 am

Floridalightworker, Is there anything we can do to stop this and help mother nature? I've talked about this topic on another site and a person on there was wondering and I said I would ask. Thanks, Lacey

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Truly You Are Strong

Post by Catwoman148 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 am

Hello my dear friend Floridalightworker,

Truly you are so strong, and I want to thank you for that post. In another group way away from this one, someone posted about the hurricane that you went through, and when I read it, I wanted to cry. Certainly you have seen the war. Certainly have you been strong, and certainly you have been through as much as we have, and you are still victorious in your love for the Great Creator, and fellow human beings. Still working diligently. Still giving out hope like it is all normal. I will post what that person wrote in my next post. I am posting it alone because it deserves a minute of silence and prayer. Thanks for everything.

Love, Pamela

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The Aftermath. . .

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:29 pm

Dear piscbelieve/Lacey and Catwoman/Pamela,

Being overwhelmed with the hurricanes and Government control of them, does not do me nor anyone else any good. When the HAARP waves are so strong, I tend to get caught up in it as I physically hurt. I have known for years that what your worst 'fears' are, you will attract them to you. As thoughts are a form of 'energy' and like attracts like energy, I will attract it to me. So I do the only thing in this world I know how to do, which is send 'love' and 'light' and 'healing energy' to myself, other people, and and Gaia, Mother Earth. I tend to forget Karma will take care of itself!

Pamela, I am looking forward to your other post you mentioned. Yes, Florida went through the War last year, and alot of us are still rebuilding and will be for some years to come. Physically and emotionally. The same as with Katrina, only that was so much worse!

What I do, and should do more of, is surround myself with 'light' outside my house in bare feet with my arms stretched upward and take in all the 'light and postive energy' and surround myself with it, and direct it through my feet to Gaia, Mother Earth to help her heal. Our earth needs so much 'healing' to her vibration with all the abuses mankind has inflicted on her. Plus now the Government now sending all the HAARP pulses into 'her' own vibration.

When all else in this World fails us, the best source of recharging 'ourselves and the world', is to connect to our Creator, whatever/whoever that may be, and channel energy into us from Our Source of Godmind. It is like when all else fails: read the directions! *laughing*

Love you both! Blessings! Linda :smt057 :smt060 :smt058 :smt050

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This site shows how the government helped make Katrina

Post by Catwoman148 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:33 am

Hello group,

I have been doing a lot of study of chemtrails etc. after all the helicoptors and planes were about us for so long. I stumbled across this today.

Pray hard to stop the genocide of the people. Pray and send light to all of the victims.

Love, Pamela

Do a search on orgonite and cloudbusters. People can stop this.

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Post by aelis2004 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:45 pm


very good site you got there..... going to post this link on at least another board. And I'll sure look up orgonite... Thanks! :)

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Post by aelis2004 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:47 pm

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That is quite a sight

Post by Catwoman148 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 4:48 am

Dear Aleis,

Thank you for that site. It will help me explain things to my son a little better. He is purely scientific in his thinking right now, and majoring in physics, so this will be good. Thank you.

I used some orgonite on a tower tonight, and that should change some things to a positive energy. I am glad that I know how to do something other than praying for God's mercy only to stop this stuff. Prayer, God's Mercy, and orgonite work together. Thank you.

Love, Pamela

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About the article

Post by Catwoman148 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:24 am

My dear Floridalightworker,

I have been looking for that article that I saved in a sea of links. But, it is important that I tell you what I read about. You are so strong, and you have been through so much. All these hurricanes, and still the horror of the first one haunts your life, as you see the truth of the world, and what is taking place, and knowing that love has the power to change all of that. You are quite a lightworker indeed. For that I thank you for all the work you have done for people in that way, and I love you.

"Pamela, I am looking forward to your other post you mentioned. Yes, Florida went through the War last year, and alot of us are still rebuilding and will be for some years to come. Physically and emotionally. The same as with Katrina, only that was so much worse! "

This article had stories from the people seeing the army loading up truck loads of bodies, and not bothering to identify or count them, or even bury them properly. Thousand's and thousand's of dead people being loaded up in trucks. The nasty things coming from the people who were supposed to help them, and when they asked for help, they were told to shut up, or they would be killed, and put in the trucks along with the rest of the dead people. I read about more, and I thought about you, and all the things that you have been through that you have not spoken a word about. Never complained, and always giving, always loving. If this is your experience too, all you have to do is say one word. Yes. That is all you have to say. I am so sorry about all that you have seen. It is as bad as here, but worse in some ways because the only thing left to do when seeing those kinds of things is to pray as you described.

I can only hope that I can help disable the HAARP system through prayer, and gifting orgonite. Taking one tower at a time, and waking people up to hope. I will still look for the article because it was important to me. It shows what the victims of these hurricanes are really going through. I liked the e-mails by the way. They helped so much. Now that I can write through my e-mail box.

I will post that article as quick as I can. Thank you for everything.

Love, Pamela

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Post by aelis2004 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:03 pm

I spent most of yesterday explaining things to my mother, that's how I came across that site..... I've printed out a whole bunch of pages on the historical background.
This is also quite useful
I am looking for orgonite - I think it's essential and want to give some as Christmas presents to the people I love :)

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Post by aelis2004 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:15 pm

Lots of stuff on chemtrails, orgone, etc.

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