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marie clay
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Help please

Post by marie clay » Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:49 am

For quite a number of weeks Ive had the feeling of someone behind me. Nobodys there psyhically but i can sense it and its not nice. anyone have any ideas? its really freaking me out as i get a pic in my head and its horrible. Plus cause this is always on my mind i get scared i might actually see it and it might materialise due to me thinking about it. ive heard you can produce 'thought threads'. help!

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:28 am

Ok first thig to do is use the white light technique.
Imagine a soap bubble around you and your bathed in a brilliant white bright light.  You can call on others for help also.  Many use Archangel Micheal, God (Your god), Their Guides etc.  The next best step is send them ALOT of love.  Imagine a huge rainbow of colours or pink and blue light and send it to them.  Tell them you love them and wish them the power of god to be by their side.  Anything dark will not be able to handle the loving thought so it will leave very quickly.  
The best defence is light and love.
What is the picture that you get in your minds eye?  
There can be many explanations for this, it could more than likely be an Earth bound spirit whom is lost and has moved with you in the hope of finding a better place or just because it recognizes you or your routine matches its older one.

Now I'm not the best for this but spiritalk will be so I will pm her this thread so she can see it and reply.  The mediumship board may also be a great place to post this also.

After you feel you have safely covered yourself in white light and this technique is best used all the time you can then ask it to leave.  Many spirits will just hang around unaware your scared but when asked to leave most will.  The ones who dont genearlly need more discussion.  
Some spirits will hang around others whom are unhappy, drink alot as this was their favourite pastime when alive.  so if your routine has changed and you find yourself drinking or depressed then they can come to you thinking you will be fun for them.  so the best way to rid yourself is to maintain a clean diet and to be happy and generally loving.

If it becomes to much or your unable to do the steps or are too afraid the best option is to go to your local spiritualist church so that they can help you.  Some things are best left to those whom have had experience and may be able to tell you exaclty what is there.

Now sometimes there is nothing there and most of the time this is more accurate.  You could just be more stressed out than normal and our imagination after seeing too many movies can get the better of us.  Or is that just me...I can not watch scary movies anymore I have to be so careful as my imagination is much scarier than any Dean koontz or Stephen King book/movie

Let me know how you get along

Light and love them first see how you go.......

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Re: Help please

Post by Gem » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:09 pm

marie clay wrote:For quite a number of weeks Ive had the feeling of someone behind me. Nobodys there psyhically but i can sense it and its not nice. anyone have any ideas? its really freaking me out as i get a pic in my head and its horrible. Plus cause this is always on my mind i get scared i might actually see it and it might materialise due to me thinking about it. ive heard you can produce 'thought threads'. help!
Marie don't worry please. Try what flight_of_angelwings suggests and see if it helps. But know that you are safe, its really not anything bad, I know thats easy for me to say but try and keep calm. You mention 'thought threads' images that are conjured up by the mind, I am sure your imagination is much worse than any reality, and you really won't create anything at the moment except more fear. Our worst fear is fear itself.

When do these episodes occur? day or night or anytime and where? Are they only in one place or do they follow you?

I will send you lots of crystal light :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:10 pm

Psychic/mediumship abilities begin with our senses...and yours appear to be wide open.  We can withdraw and/or expose our own body, mind, spirit according to our own thoughts, words, deeds.  Taking attention to how you are thinking and how you are manifesting these wonderful senses and whether you are taking them to the psychic level are all things you need to be aware of in your own environment as well.  Learn to open and close with the senses on a regular basis.  This is your best protection from the 'feelings' of someone following you around.

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Post by marie clay » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:13 pm

I am a lot more stressed due to family issues. This normally makes me more aware of 'spirits' as we call them. Its a woman with a blue/black face. And she always has her mouth open. Its horrid. I get a stronger sense of her in the living room and when Im on my computer I can sense her behind me. Also I know my place is haunted anyway and I can normally sense a different woman near our front door in the hallway. This different woman doesnt bother me as she is often in the bathroom watching me have a sneaky ciggie. I just dont know why the 'evil' woman keeps bothering me. I always sense dread around her. Ive never sensed her before until a couple of weeks ago. Also my daughter is unsettled at night in the living room.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:20 pm

Have you tried a 'cleansing' and 'claiming' ritual of your home?

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:04 pm

I have found spirit does not normally appear to me as mangled or zombie like in the movies and this 'I' feel is due to the fact that I have told them and myslef that I will not accpet them looking like this.
I feel you may be bringing this impression of her with you.  I know it sounds harsh but tell her whilst really telling yourself that your prepared to acknowledge her but she must also acknowledge you and if she odes not waqnt to leave you alone your prepared aslong as she stops 'trying' (Hence meaning not succeeding) to scare you then you are fine with her visits.

I sense this woman feels you no harm whatsoever, I do however believe she is concerned as to why you are there.  Talk to her.

You are in control of how they project to you, hmmm reminds me of a part in Harry Potter where they imagine their worst enemy of fear then imagine something funny added to it.  I suppose the same visual effect may help you.

If it is too much, if your finding that its getting too hard or that you and your family are being effected over time due to fear of these feeling then please seek out a spiritualist church as they will more than likely find someone whom is willing to come to your home and help you talk to this woman.

she can not and will not harm you nor does she want to.  She is more afraid of what your doing.  Let her know its ok, and tell her to stop trying to scare you its becoming a bit worn.  Tell yourself to stop seeeing the fear only.

There are steps that can be taken to help show them the light etc but this is best done by a medium whom is there talking with them to find out why they are there and if they want to move on or even to find out if they realise they are dead.

Learn some groundin and protection excersises.  To help you control your third eye as suggested by spiritalk.

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Post by chrisdee » Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:28 am

Hi this is a great subject for me as this is what I'm learning to do  i stress learning   my thoughts sorry to say are always firstly for the spirit who may actually be lost i occasionally have them come to me or there brought to my attention by someone else if you are unable to talk to this spirit or feel this is out of your depth please seek a spiritualist church who will release this spirit or communicate finding a solution to suit all but please don't do nothing you can shut down and not see them again but they will still be there

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:09 am

spiritalk wrote:Have you tried a 'cleansing' and 'claiming' ritual of your home?

Oh I would love to expand on this more spiritalk if you dont mind and could you offer some suggestions on how Marie could do this and the items she may need etc?
Thanks Spiritalk I would genuinely love to know just how you do it yourself and this would be a great time to bring it up.

Cleansing can be done a number of ways mostly a ritual of some sort is done to help the person associate this and give a clean pure intent behind their actions.

Crystals placed in certain areas of a home (Gem would be best to discuss this)
Smoke such as Sage, Some lavender etc can be used to as smudging and letting the smoke fill the room in every corner.
Others lgiht candles and prayer
The use of sunlight or the moon to cast light etc into certain areas.
Tibetan bells

It would be great to hear of others techniques step by step for the use of others.  It is also a very good practice to do this a few times and after having visitors stay or sick members of the family or arguments etc.

The claiming ritual also sounds very good I actually have never done this I suppose I do without realising it as I do ask what I want of my home in return etc but it sounds perfect for a new home you have just moved into.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:06 pm

All excellent suggestions FOA!  When we have 'interfering' spirit in our homes they are usually 'stuck' through lack of understanding of their condition (spirit) and need to be aided to move into the light.  It is never healthy to keep them in your environment and always best to lead them into progress.  

The person seeing and/or sensing the spirit presence is the best person to aid this progress, as they are the ones who have made contact.  That does not mean you have to be a medium and open yourself to spirit without some aid and comfort for yourself.  That is way I suggest it as a cleansing and clearing exercise.

All ritual begins and ends with prayer to the God of your own understanding.  There is protection in this and the symbols of your own spiritual or religious following are very helpful in your belief system and this exercise.  Also using a simple white light protective bubble is important to keep you attuned with the best of spirit realms - your own guides and angels - as you proceed.

Using sweetgrass or sage that can be fired up to create smoke, smudge (blow the smoke) into every corner of your home.  At the same time you are going to affirm in your own words:  "I claim this space for me and my family.  You must turn around and go to the light".

If there is some places the energy is stronger than others, hesitate and also affirm that there is someone waiting for them - an angel is a good idea - as there truly is someone always with the spirit trying to help them move into the light.  Never get caught up in feeling emotionally connected or charged by this energy of spirit entities.

Doing this inside and outside the home, truly claims the space for yourself and your family.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:10 pm

It is very important to realize how progress life and spirit truly operates.  We never need to keep these spirit entities in our environment - they have much to do in their own progress.  Loved ones of our own and friends and family will appear as our needs and their awareness allows.  Keeping anyone around because it titilates us, is not progress to either ourselves or the spirit.

When spirit entities are hanging around a specific place, they are 'stuck' for many and varied reasons.  But the main thing to remember is...they are STUCK.  They need help and guidance to enter and move into the light of spirit progress.  If there focus is to earth plane existence, they have no ideas on an afterlife and/or spirit realms.  Any help they can get would be progressive and not keeping them around for our amusement or company.

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Post by Gem » Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:39 pm

Just wanted to add that I wrote a basic 'How to' on smudging here ... hp?t=29401 that gives a short explanation.

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Post by marie clay » Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:55 am

The womans gone

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:55 am

Thats good did you try any of the techniques?
I am interested if you did to see which works for you and how you went about it. It would be very interesting to hear.

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Post by marie clay » Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:15 pm

in the end i asked my friend who is very good at this sort of thing to help me out. she spoke to the 'spirit' and explained that i felt uncomforable in her presence and asked why she was there. turns out she thought i could help her. i said even if i could i prob wont cuz she makes me uneasy and to seek help else where. next night i wait for her but shes gone.

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