Please sent light and prayers I was assaulted

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Please sent light and prayers I was assaulted

Post by Catwoman148 » Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:04 am

Dear Group,

I was assaulted by five black women, and two kids today at my house. My face hurts pretty bad, but it could have been worse, and that is why I am writing.

Remember the prediction that had me here in the first place? Well, these people promised to come back, and if they do, and it ends up like I think, I will be in intensive care for one night, and a lot of brain damage. Wes may be in trouble too for defending me.

So, if I stop posting on these boards altogether, assume the worst, and please get our information out to everyone all over the world. Please.

Pray for my son David, my daughter Kristy, and my dear Wes.

This is my case number for the assault, and the policemen that were here.

Butte County Sheriff's Department Horner has the case. Deputy William Olive was there too. The case number is C0-14695, and the people may live at 3115 or 3515 Elgin Street in Oroville.

These people are involved in other assaults, and one which a pregnant woman nine months along was beaten in the streets, had a broken glass bottle shoved up her private parts, was beaten so bad that she was left for dead, she lost the baby, and finally she was arrestted, and the perpetrators went free. This took place on B street a number of years ago.

These people are also in with the gun runner, and murders, and kidnapping that a woman named blonde Dawn, her street name has done with the County. I have a lot on her, and she went with the little boy to his house before they came to mine. These people don't play games, and if I can't change the vision because of my own inability to get it out of my mind, then that is where I am at.

I have given our blog sites out.

Thank you, Pamela

P.S. Send light and prayers for the victims of the new hurricane and the old ones, and pray that the HAARP system gets disabled and destroyed.

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pamela ...

Post by Deborah » Fri Sep 23, 2005 2:29 am


chant this .. and feel it within u :)

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:53 am

KITTY!!!! Do Birdie a big favor. Grab the kids and get the hell out of there NOW!!!! Go to the Hopi reservation like I told you. Please Kitty I beg of ya. Please do it. If not for me then at least for you and somewhat of peace of mind too.
Love ya lots,

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Post by aelis2004 » Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:43 pm

Will be sending you loads of Reiki......... :smt008 Take care of yourself and get out of there as soon as possible....

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Peace and protection. . .

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:05 pm

Dear Pamela,

I am so sorry to hear you were in 'harms way' with your attackers!
I have been sending 'prayers' and 'love' and 'light' to you and your family
since I read your post last night. . . I have been sending love, peace and
protection to you all.

I know things are so difficult for you there, and now you can not go to the
door? Someone to harm you might be there? Surround and protect. . .
yourselves and we will do what we can do too.

Maybe it is time to do what you need to do on your mission from a 'safe place'
and a distance. . . away?

Love you Lady! Huggs! Linda :smt057 :smt060 :smt058

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Post by Sophe » Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:54 pm

I agree with Linda. It is time to go. Get out of there now! Don't let these people have the opportunity to try to hurt you again or even do worse to you. I understand your philosophy for staying, please know that there are other physical places you can relocate to and still fight the good fight.

Many Blessings to you and your family....


Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:00 am

Dear Pamela,

You have already made lots of sacrifices for fighting with those who are evil and wicked. I will not comment from here what to do. If you think it is right to go and come back at an opportune time that is upto you but I agree with Debbie. Do repeat "Om Namah Shivay and visualise Lord Shiva" . But if your belief is in Jesus Christ, as you mentioned somewhere, then pray to him and have his photograph with you at all times for your safety.

Now I tell you of an instant I came across. One extremely rich and powerful person in our building took control our our shop which was repaired and demanded money for repairs which I had already paid. He demanded more and I asked him the details which he did not give. He just locked the door of my shop and I saw my Dreams shattered and Career almost over. This was way back in 1983/84. I could not sleep the whole night for two consequitive nights and perspired the whole night. What happened next. This man was standing just outside a dilapidated building talking with his friends and the building collapsed with him under it. He was in ICU for 2 years and after that he became a little humble but still the worst was in store for him. They were four brothers in all. They quarelled and fought court cases against each other and destroyed themswelves up totally. It took lot of time but the evil is always conquered by good in the end. Before there, there are bound to be some casualties.

I steel feel although you are surrounded with black everywhere I find white light covering you and also your husband. God Bless You whereever you are and wish you success in your mission from the bottom of my heart.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :smt006 :) :smt003

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your situation....

Post by Rose » Mon Sep 26, 2005 1:52 am

I 'see' that where ever you are, it is in a very troublesome neighbourhood, where neighbours and police are corrupt. Bribery is everywhere. People will do anything for money and favours. this kind of corruption is everywhere and in Canada as well, at the missions, food banks, and I see it with the poor and the rich.

But, I see that a very WHITE LIGHT, a beacon will come into the picture, and wake up those who have done wrong. It is my suggestion that you move to a santuary, a safe house, another state or province, and request asylum. Do not focus your attention on your visions, because dark forces in the spirit realms can manifest these kinds of situations, if we put long term thought on it. If you think white light, God light around you, and imagine mirrors all around you, and say, "I reverberate all negative energies back to whence it came, NOW, in Jesus Name, closing all doorways and accesses to my energies and that of my family, NOW. AMEN!" What you are doing is reverberating all energies (psychic attacks and negative thoughts) back to those who are sending threats to you.

Foremost, I strongly suggest you leave your place. Pack your bags, and things, and move to the countryside, to a remote place, a small town out of state. Start over with a different identity....This is what I see. This is what I feel, for the forces of darkness will be stronger in many states and provinces on a global level due to economic insecurity and people will turn other people in, and do unspeakable things, for thier own welfare. Therefore, to live in a remote place in the countryside is the best place to live. Do not worry about food, for if you have faith, it will come to you. It will manifest. This is where faith is most important. Trust in God, rather now to seek justice. Keep your evidence, for there will be a time when "I see" that the proper justice WILL come about. But not right now.

I hope this helps you.


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Thank You Everyone

Post by Catwoman148 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:47 am

My dear group of friends,

I had to thank all of you for everything, and I am sorry that I am way behind in writing. I had some computer problems, and I had a house inspection today, and I have been working my xxx off, but well worth the effort.

I was really sick for about two months, and I could hardly do anything, and my house showed it. It is clean now, and I am most happy about that. With everything that I have going on, I want my house clean.

Your prayers, light, and boosting from another group, helped so much that it is amazing. I should have had black eyes, and I don't. A lump on my head went away before my neighbor's eyes, and I only hurt really bad for one day! That never happens without divine intervention. Thank you so much.

I got depressed talking with my new attorney, and I know that the only thing to do is leave this place.

I have so many things to say with each message that I recieved from you wonderful people who took the time out of your day to help me. This group has been the biggest inspiration for me.

I have been so confused about some things concerning God, and the world, and which way to turn. Trying to break negative habits of attraction etc.

My father has not even called me for at least six weeks, and I don't know what's up with that, so Wes and I are going at this alone more or less now. If anyone has any insight to this please let me know. He got all wrapped up in the pennibanc trust stuff, and had to leave town. I hate secretive things. I don't like Alvin Hansen, and I don't trust the other man that he is working with. Also, my father would get me scared because of the visions he had, and now I have to help him come around to a different way of thinking too because he has such a powerful mind.

I remembered the cutting cords thing too along the way, and I kind of went crazy. I just lit them all on fire, quickly and furiously. When one hit my father, I said I was sorry, and that I loved him, but the cord had to go.

Our money situation is destitute with all of the things that have taken place, which makes it hard to think of moving. But, I had a miracle today. We had no money for food etc. last week, and I prayed secretly for twenty dollars, I needed cigarettes, even though I know that I shouldn't smoke, but I was told that would leave me in the near future., and I needed something good to eat.

My kind neighbor gave me twenty dollars for food, bought us a carton of cigarettes, and bought a huge meal for all of us that we shared today. I had told no one about the prayer. It made me cry because she was so kind.

I had a vision of a house that we moved to, and I saw myself happy and relaxed. It had a walkway going along the side of the house, and there was a door that let into the dining room. A large window was on the side where the door was. It was white inside the house. The dining room table was large, and sat eight to ten people, and I was setting the table in the vision for something to eat for dinner. I was smiling, and the kitchen which was large was on the left side if I was looking in through the wall.

The livingroom was as big as the kitchen and dining room put together, and it was in browns. I think I remember seeing my daughter there, and my son there. I don't know where this place was.

I do want to be out in the countryside again with trees, water, fish, pets, and a garden.

My father talked of a vision once where we left town, but we changed our names, and the people of Oroville knew that we had won when things took place, but we would not be here.

My friend Marti saw us ministering to people that were dying, and singing to them, and making songs just for them, as they passed away with us there with them. Mostly old people.

Wes and I want to make orgonite into craft things. The orgonite reverses things like water pollution, it has been told that within 48 to 72 hours, all the toxins are gone out of the water. I want to write books, and teach classes, and I want to do my art work most of all. I want to sketch and paint. I want to do healing, but first I must heal myself with God's help, and God's helpers like you people.

I had PTSD so bad when I first came here, and how you folks have helped change that.

I finally have answers to questions that I have had for twenty-five years of why? Now that I believe I know the why of it all, I can focus on what needs to be done instead of going around and around in my head of why?

I was in such bad shape in February, when I moved into my friend Leela's house, that someone threw a huge rock at her livingroom window. My son was in the back of the house, and her four children were in a bedroom at the front of the house. I had thought it was a gun shot, and I hit the floor, and I was crawling around the floor through this big house. I checked my son, and I crawled back the the bedroom with the four kids, and I couldn't figure out what to do.

Wes and Leela had gone outside, and they called the police, and when they came in the house, they told me to get up off of the floor before the police came or they would think I was crazy. I got up. The police came and went, and another attack took place, and this time Leela's whole van window was broken out. That was it for me.

We had cops trying to kill us, threaten us, stalk us, and street people too until we got to Leela's. I was in a state of constant fear. One time I stepped outside to smoke, and a car was stalking us that had stalked me before the fire in 2002. I was hiding in the bushes, and my son David saw me shaking, and he said, "Mom, I didn't know that PTSD could do that to people." He told me that he loved me, and how sorry he was that I was going through this.

One time, I was suicidal, and to do it, I decided to walk the neighborhood unprotected. That was the easiest way for me back then. Nothing happened. So, I have come a long way from those months ago.

What is so sad, is that this is what happens to so many people here. I am not alone in this. All of the people feel so isolated from each other. But, we are talking, and coming together now.

The spiritual struggles have been many because of all the things I went through in all religions, so I have my own religion, but I don't quite know what that is yet. I fluctuate between techniques, and forgetting about my first love, and then when I remember my first love, I remember how hurt I was when my guru Swami Muktananda was committing sex crimes and murders. But, I had found God. Then I got abducted, and didn't know what was up at all, so I am confused. I have been hurt by all of the so called Christian Churches also, and I believe that most religion is not freedom at all. Then, the Native American thing comes in, and then the Buddist thing comes in, and then all the confusion of my past.

I also am afraid because I have such a powerful mind. I used to just think of something like a feather, and it would appear in my hands. Well this made me afraid for a long time. I tried to just be normal. But that didn't happen.

Now, since I have been working on myself, my powerful mind has come back, and now I just think things to the computer, and it happens, like going to another page, cut and paste, highlight etc. I don't want it to happen but it does, and I know only too well that I have to think positive, and not go along with the terror that the enemy would like me to have. When I don't allow it, I have seen whole situations change. It is a lot of work though along with all of this other stuff.

At least I have a clean house. lol

But, most of all I have you people in this particular group. I have not posted much these days or answered some private messages because I have had so much rearranging going on in my head. I am catching up on paperwork that is necessary, and things are getting slowly better.

Now, I have to focus on a routine for my God time. To pray for others and send light to, and talk with God about everything. Wes finally got me some music to meditate by. That was all gone too. I think I have a routine to do, and know what inner work I need to do. I need to send love to all of my enemies that is for sure. They are victims too, and I have to remember that.

I know that we will have money in our future. I don't care much about being disabled right now. I don't have time to even think about it, and it is normal for me anyway.

I have rambled enough, and I just wanted to say how much you all mean to me. Even poor bluebutterfly, who I have not written to yet, but she is very much in my heart. Thank you everyone.

Love, Pamela

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:10 pm

Dear Pamela,

I have a feeling that you may not have to do much in this case as your opponents will get divided and fight amongst themselves and their unity will be broken and I see you rewarded --- How I do not know but I have seen you all in a very very beautiful house with all necessary furnitures and all the things required. Maybe you become a very important VIP personality with blessings of the people around you? I do not know how but I feel this is going to happen.

As for your Dad he requires your prayers daily and also love. Do send it to him. No need to contact him as your prayers and love sent through mind will have the desired effect.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :smt006

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Dear Rose, Thank You, and a reply finally

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:51 am

Dear Rose,

Thank you very much for sharing what you saw with me. I am going to share what I got from this with you too. It did help. I have not had much time to answer or write to anybody. I am sorry that it has taken so long.

"I 'see' that where ever you are, it is in a very troublesome neighbourhood, where neighbours and police are corrupt. Bribery is everywhere. People will do anything for money and favours. this kind of corruption is everywhere and in Canada as well, at the missions, food banks, and I see it with the poor and the rich. "

Rose, you are absolutely right when you described the above. This is what our case is all about. This corruption is so deep. This is a satanic headquarters type of place, the mafia has owned and run this town for well over thirty years, and the officials are involved in the Cocaine Cartel, and they are at the root of all the pornography, and ritual abuse in our town for revenue and pleasure.

There are so many people getting murdered here almost every day now, and it is alway's listed as some sort of accident or the victim's fault. When we know the stories of so many people, it is hard living here knowing the truth about it all. One place even has Cayman Aligator's in a house that victim's are fed to, and nothing is done. Anyone who is psychic knows that I am telling the truth. I got an invitation here after writing Sylvia Browne through the Montel William's show. Back then she was my only hope.

I have stopped trying to explain myself, and exactly what the battle is individually now because I am too busy scanning documents, and posting on the blogs, and talking with people. Documents and Pictures, and Quoting, is far more valuable than just telling it all again one more time. There are too many issues. The whole County has to go that is for sure. This Island Law Charter County should not be allowed to operate, and all the Officials need to step down out of office. Since the case came forward, and others with cases similar to ours, the abuses are blatant.

One woman had a dog that was small chained to a tree, and the cops were chasing a criminal, and there was a police dog with one of them. One of the cops shot the dog that was someone's pet only because it was barking. It could pose no threat to the police dog like it was told to us that they said.

One girl, called for a stand by because of violence. The woman in the house had actually bitten one of the girls. The cops broke down the door, and busted walls out, and arrestted them for calling, and didn't do anything to the violent woman.

I was at the hospital a few weeks ago, and the County decided not to respond to any of our needs for any reason because of our case. I was waiting and waiting, and I stepped outside, and saw three Sheriff cars outside. I went into the receptionist, and said, "Look, We have got a lawsuit going with Butte County, and I saw three Sheriff's cars outside, and I know this is the reason I have had to wait an hour and a half to be seen, and the others have gone before me."

The nurse went to the back, and the Sheriff's left, but before they did, Wes was now outside, and they took a prisoner that was Hog Tied, and slammed him head first into the side of the car, and then threw him in the back of the car forcefully, and he landed on his face in the transport seat.

I was seen right away this time. I had a blocked ureter tube from a kidney stone once, and I had to be hospitalized, and the nurse and hospital staff made me wait nine and a half hours before being seen on purpose. I was so sick that I was near death, as the ureter tube had been swollen to four and half inches around for about three weeks, and we were caring full time for an elderly woman that was wheelchair bound, incontinent, and COPD, and had to have her lymphatics drained by me, even when I was sick. LaRose had a heart attack, and went to the hospital for the last time when I went into surgery because she was so worried about me. She died from the after effect's of our arson fire that was planned by her own daughter, and she went through terrible abuses. LaRose insisted to be placed with us, and Social Services placed her in our home, and we tried to make her as happy as we could, but the police corruption, and their abuse to her because of her elder abuse case made me so mad that I want Officer Ponce to pay for her headstone. I also want the three properties that were stolen by the County recently to be given back, and turned into a memorial park for LaRose, and the victim's of Butte County. No one can live at those properties again after the horror's that our family, LaRose, and other's endured there. No one.

There were also five children ages of five and sixteen that were ritually abused, raped, had satanic symbols carved on their bodies, wrapped in a sheet, and thrown in a public park dead, and it never made the news, it never will be procecuted because the officials are the ones doing these crimes. Our community knows about these kinds of things though, and so it is like the German Concentration Camps to us living here. These are only small stories of the hundreds of murders that Wes and I know about. These children that were murdered were probably five of the missing 3,000 children from Butte County through Children's Services who are also involved in this. They were probably five girls in the evidence we have in the pornography investigation we have been doing for over five years now.

One girl was sold for 100 dollars to the ring by her father. Her and her sister went for 100 dollars too. While in Foster Care, the girls were tied up being raped by Officials in the Foster Home. One Officer broke her friend's hips, and she died next to her. While still tied up, her friend wouldn't fit into the garbage bag, so the Officer's cut her friend in half with her watching, and stuffed her in a garbage bag. When the girl told the Social Worker what happened, the Social Worker told her that it didn't happen, and the girl was just moved to another Foster Home. Now the girl is homeless on purpose, and has been for many years. She is in her twenties now, and is one of the litigants in our case.

The whole town has been terrorized into silence until we came along. Now people are talking, and I want them to keep talking until there is an end to this open horror.

Wes has had four family members murdered. One was in Butte County Jail. Enough is enough. These same crimes are taking place all over this country, and I am starting here. One County at a time. I will travel if I make it to other Counties to help them put a stop to the same activities when I am through if I can, but my father saw a vision otherwise which is the same as yours............ So I will move on after my rant.

"But, I see that a very WHITE LIGHT, a beacon will come into the picture, and wake up those who have done wrong."

Rose, I can only rejoice in that you have seen this. I do have some hope after talking with someone in a government position that knows about our case, and the things that take place here. Many people have been working hard in so many areas in secret to put a stop to all of this.

"It is my suggestion that you move to a santuary, a safe house, another state or province, and request asylum."

This is our wish to do, but we already requested it many times from the FBI, and even had a petition that went out with signitures from citizen's that they do this for us too. But................there is a huge problem with this. Our case involves some corrupt FBI Official's, and my father has worked for the government for a long time, and he has seen the place where Federal Witnesses are murdered and dumped, and he has also had corrupt FBI men try to kill him, and a friend of ours had two visits from fake FBI people twice, and the first time, they were looking for us, so it is up to us to find a solution, and I don't trust the FBI or government to give us sanctuary. We kind of don't know what to do. One time I had several calls from people saying they were from the FBI, and the women called herself Susan. "She said, "Mam, I am Susan from the FBI, and we have a big problem." I was talking with my friend at the time on the phone about the crimes we knew about in Butte County, and the call waiting beep came through, and she said this and hung up. My friend and I talked some more, and it beeped again. This time she said, "Mam, I am Susan from the FBI, and a Satanic Cult wants you dead, How do you feel about that?" She called several more times, ending it when Wes answered the phone. But, this makes it so hard. God is the only one to trust in this. If we did not have God with us, we would be dead already.

"Do not focus your attention on your visions, because dark forces in the spirit realms can manifest these kinds of situations, if we put long term thought on it."

Boy is this true, and thank you for reminding me. I put big brown three inch X's on every negative vision that comes through now. I also scanned, and copied our death threat note that was left in our car, and I took a brown felt pen, and put a huge brown X on it. I know about thought forms, and how they operate, so I am working on those. And, I am trying some deprogramming techniques as I was put through some programs of mind control stuff through our government, and so did Wes, so we are working on that kind of thing too.

"If you think white light, God light around you, and imagine mirrors all around you, and say, "I reverberate all negative energies back to whence it came, NOW, in Jesus Name, closing all doorways and accesses to my energies and that of my family, NOW. AMEN!" What you are doing is reverberating all energies (psychic attacks and negative thoughts) back to those who are sending threats to you."

I did this today, and it goes along with what happened when I was healed by the Native American Medicine People. I had visions for hours of going to all the places and people, and all the things partly making me so ill, went back to where they came from, but I got to travel, and see where they did come from along with it. A wonderful experience it was. I have been praying again too, thanks to everyone's help. I am not stuck in fear mode 90% of the time any longer.

"Foremost, I strongly suggest you leave your place. Pack your bags, and things, and move to the countryside, to a remote place, a small town out of state. Start over with a different identity....This is what I see. "

We have been packing bags, and I have things pretty much ready to go. God tells me what to pack up, and how to live in a home like home, but be ready to go quickly if necessary. My father had a vision of us living in a new place like you saw, and our names were changed, and we had a new identity. So seeing this gives me much hope. We probably won't be on a computer for a long time either. My dad said that he saw us gone with a new identity when Butte County comes tumbling down. He said that people will know that we won because of what happens, but that we would not be here any longer. This gives me hope because I really don't want to be here when Marshall Law is declared.

"This is what I feel, for the forces of darkness will be stronger in many states and provinces on a global level due to economic insecurity and people will turn other people in, and do unspeakable things, for thier own welfare."

Yes, I do believe and see this too. I know that our case links with high government Officials as well, and they have done so many things wrong recently to the hurricane victims like they do here, and it is out in the open now, that all hell is going to break loose. I had a vision twenty-five years ago of tanks in the streets of Oakland. Our own government tanks, hurting people everywhere. I was told by a psychic to get out of the city when this kind of thing happens in the future.

There has been told to us by several people who do know, that Marshall Law in Butte County in the near future is inevitable, and that the whole County would be in lockdown. During this time if we are here, we were told to stay in our house, and not go outside for a time because half the National Guard would be bad guys, and half would be good guys, and if Marshall Law is ordered, the witnesses in this case can be killed off easily, so we are trying to prevent Marshall Law from taking place. The trucks that are in town though tell us that Marshall Law is coming soon.

Therefore, to live in a remote place in the countryside is the best place to live.

"Do not worry about food, for if you have faith, it will come to you. It will manifest. This is where faith is most important."

This one I can do easily. I have had anything I need show up within three days of asking for it in prayer for the last twenty years in the way of food. I was homeless for the third time, and I was starving, and so cold. I dug through a trash can, and could only find rotten oranges there. I had walked by a vending machine, and saw cold orange juice, and I wanted some so bad, but couldn't have it. I sat for a long time in the middle of a huge parking lot. I bent my head down to pray, and when I looked up, there was an ice cold orange juice for me to drink in front of me. I thought I was having a delusion at first. But, I drank it, and knew God could take care of me, and God became my best friend and provider. I read the bible after this experience about the manna from heaven for the people wandering in the desert with Moses. This experience made me believe in the Bible which I had started reading fully for the first time. God has never let me go hungry since this time long ago. Now, if other things I could believe so strongly, I would have it made. lol

"Trust in God, rather now to seek justice. Keep your evidence, for there will be a time when "I see" that the proper justice WILL come about. But not right now. "

Thank you for this. We are keeping our evidence, and we are making all sorts of ways to keep it safe, and so it is never gotten rid of again or stolen again. I am glad that you see the proper justice coming about. I still just worry about my children so much through this. Mostly my daughter because we know for sure she is producing pornography of her. We even obtained a clip of her Foster Sister having sex, and we even told the Social Worker, and she ran out to the Foster Home, and made sure that they got rid of the evidence. One girl that had a couple of tapes of my daughter we were told about, was burned alive in a car crash with the evidence in her vehicle. She was only twenty-five. After knowing one young man that was in the same Foster Home, and him telling us where all the camera's were even, and the drugs, and what they do there. He broke the Foster Father's leg when he was taken out of that home. The foster father has a prior sex offense too, and we talked to several other girls that were raped by him in the Foster Home. I get so upset when I think of this, knowing the girl that saw her friend cut in half. With all of this I will go. Thank you Rose, and I thank everyone here. I love all of you.

God Bless, Love, Pamela

"I hope this helps you. " It has helped very much.


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