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Post by curlyDredLocks » Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:19 pm

Could a psychic help me confirm paternity?

If yes, what information is needed to do so?


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:57 am

Personally I would never give a psychic reading for the purpose of either confirming or disproving paternity. There are both highly emotional and complex legal issues associated with your question, which could make either myself or this site liable if we offered you such advice by means of offering you a reading on these forums.

Up until relatively recently I would have suggested a blood test could be employed to look for certain genetic markers that would if not prove one way or the other that the man is the child's biological father, at least strongly suggest this was a possibility. But the father only contributes 50% of the child's chromosomes and such relatively inexact tests have now been largely replaced by the much more detailed and equally expensive DNA testing techniques which we hear of so many times these days in the media.

I would therefore suggest that you should consult a qualified doctor who is not only fully up to date with the use of such advanced techniques, but who could also offer you counselling and advice on how best to cope, if the results were not as you expected they would be.

In some cases, establishing that this man is the father would be good news, while in others it could potentially be the worst news that you would ever want to hear. If getting that DNA test required you to get a huge bank loan and go much further into debt as a result, how badly do you want to know?

Sorry that I feel that I cannot help you directly with this, but I sincerely wish you well.

Your's sincerely,

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:02 am

a psychic reading would not give you the accurate answers you require so therefore let me speak from experience.....

A DNA teasting is very simple a swab from the inside of the cheek of all the potential suitors menaing yourself, the child and the father in question.
australian rules see to it that it can take up to 4 weeks to obtain a result adn the conclusions will ever be that the potential for the father is 99.99% accurate and can exclude them also with 100% accuracy.  These reports with stand in court unless of course the father is a twin then there can be some arguments regarding paternity etc.

If you are going thorugh the gov system for support/welfare they require to know the father so that they are aware of the amount of support you receive for this child.  therefore if you start to apply for the child support and no father is named on the birth certificate then the government shall ask you whom you believe the father is.  They will send him out a letter requesting his sample to exclude or confirm paternity.  If he denies this which legally he can they will take it through court for you at his cost no matter what the outcome.  If he chooses to take the test without a problem and it comes back positive then they ask him to sign a declaration claiming he takes responsibility of this child in the eyes of the law for all leagl and moral requirements .  He again may refuse if he does so then they shall take him to court and it will be at his cost again and if he refuses to take any tests they will get a court order and make him take it and also make him pay it.  so its best for them to take the test and sign the forms or else the octs lays on them.
court proceedings would cost him throusands a DNA test should he refuse I know here in Astralia is $800.00


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Thanks to you both

Post by curlyDredLocks » Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:59 pm

Thanks to you both for your replies. I was hoping for an easier way out of this. Here in New York testing is $495 so I guess that will be my alternate route. I was so sure that I could get either an ya or na through this forum.

Anyways, thanks again.

Also, eye of tiger, it seems that I have

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:08 pm

If you were claiming welfare payments for your child then going to the system would mean they would want to know paternity and here once they demand you name  of the father they pay for the testing of DNA results etc.  Go to the welfare child/ support first to see what avenues must be taken or could be bent.  
My only concern would be once paternity is determined then the dad has equal rights and responsibilities but also in saying that they deserve to know they have a child as do potential brothers and sisters should this man have others. Take it from me to know your husband has a 12 yr old daughter 13 years later because the mother decided it was better for her to have the girl to herself has caused many conditions and situations that could have been easily avoided for my hubbys relationship but more so for the father daughter relationship and her sisters and brothers.  My little girls and son ask about their sister, they dont know her have never met her but I have told them from the start when we found out about her 4 yrs ago she is out there and hopefully will come to us one day.  Her mother ony wants child support at this time and is blocking all conctact.  It is now much harder to get to know this young woman whom feels we abandonded her even though hubby at the time had no idea he was the dad until four weeks after she turned 12.
I know its hard to hear but it doesnt effect just you and her but him and so many others you wouldnt even realise unless going through the same thing.
I do wish you the best and ultilmately you can only do what you feel is right for you here and now and dont look back later with regrets so stick to your guns.

I just wanted to give anothe point of view but I am also VERY WELL aware that soem children can be placed into situations that can create safety issues etc and if this is a possibility the best thing to do for all involved would be to seek the opinon of a family cousellor before starting any proceedings or making any decisions.

I do know we are on other sides of the table in regards to this situation but should you ever wish to chat I know it from both sides, thanks and no thanks to my psychic intuition I feel what the mother feels and know the emotion and intent behind the whole ordeal.  PM me if you like.  p.s I have knowledge of OBGYN info etc and can calculate dates very precisely should that help you also but if you want to discuss that part pm as that is much more personal.  hmm seeems I spilled my guts already but as you may notice it is a topic close to my heart and to my kids.

I wish you all the best, goodluck with your decisions and I cyber give you all the support whatever you need to do with the situation your presented in

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Post by Laura A » Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:13 pm

I agree to be 100 percent accurate you would need to have the DNA testing done.  Especially if it were needed for legal reasons.  But on the other hand if this is something for only you then why not get a reading done and see what can be learned.  But then of course it is not a scientific answer.  And would it solve your couriosity?  In my case I knew who the father was positively although the actual father wasn't sure.  Through a reading and my own convictions I know who the father is with no doubts what so ever.  Fifteen years later and sorry to say he is his father's twin .  
Take Care.

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