What does all of this mean?

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What does all of this mean?

Post by Cheyenne » Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:19 pm

Ok the strangest things keep happening to me lately. Or maybe I’m just ‘imagining’ things. I’m trying to keep this as short as possible so excuse me if this all sounds confusing. I left out a lot.

For a few years now I’m having problems in the love area. A lot of spiritual things happening there. A psychic told me that my soul is somehow connected with someone. She didn’t tell me what/how she only said ‘perhaps from a previous life’. This connection might explains a lot of the weird feelings that has been going around.

However then I keep getting these weird signs. At first I downloaded a song I’m not even very interested in and which I haven’t heard for about 10 years. The song was about 2 people who loved each other and then they get in contact again and have the same connection again. When I heard the lyrics I just froze. Maybe this sounds stupid but I actually felt as if my guide(s) where trying to tell me to contact this guy. A tarot reader told me to, a psychic told me to, I saw it myself in the cards yet I didn’t contact him. But now after I heard the song I e-mailed him.

About a week ago at night I saw something in my room. It was like I was seeing a white spark. First I thought it was nothing. But there it was again. I felt really uncomfortable and uneasy. So I left the room. Maybe I should have my eyes checked but I’m serious I could sense something in that room!! The day after I immediately cleared my room just in case it was evil...Was that a guide I saw? Was it an evil spirit? What does white sparks mean anyway?? Sometimes I dream that someone guides me home? Is that a guide?

I lately feel like soft vibrations on my arm. Or like a light tug on my shoulder.

How do you know when you are in contact with your guide? I do not wish to get in contact with any evil spirits wandering around. That is precisely why I’m asking this.

My father did tell me that I do have some psychic ability. I went to talk to him about it because sometimes I’m like ‘this already happened’. It’s not a deja vu it’s like I already experienced a precise moment, colors, voices, environment, everything. I don’t know it beforehand but when the moment arrives I’m like ‘Huh, this already happened’. Sometimes I do know what’s going to happen beforehand. When someone is going to leave or things like that. People ask me how I know and I’m like I just knew it.

I think I’m slowly starting to become crazy and seeing/feeling things that aren’t there. Please help/insight anything!! I’m really concerned about this and frankly I’m starting to get really scared. (But I try not to be because I’ve read that evil entities can feel it when you’re scared.) A week ago I saw a proram about excorcism and it got me even more scared then I already was.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:23 pm

"About a week ago at night I saw something in my room. It was like I was seeing a white spark. First I thought it was nothing. But there it was again. I felt really uncomfortable and uneasy. So I left the room. Maybe I should have my eyes checked but I’m serious I could sense something in that room!! The day after I immediately cleared my room just in case it was evil...Was that a guide I saw? Was it an evil spirit? What does white sparks mean anyway?? Sometimes I dream that someone guides me home? Is that a guide?"

No guide worth his title would EVER try to manipulate your love life!  It is just not a part of spirit!  

Quite frankly spirit does not give a snap who you have a relationship with, where you work, or even if you do work, where you live, or any other material condition. They are ONLY interested in your spirit.  And the advice you may receive on material issues would have to do with putting you in the right place for the right spiritual lessons.

Your first step in all this is to TAKE CHARGE - of your body, mind, spirit - of  your life - of any psychic or mediumship abilities.  Giving your power of free will choice away to a psychic, a relative or a spirit guide is not taking charge of your own personal responsibilities.  Take charge of your own power and balance your body, mind, spirit through exercises on your own consciousness (visualization, mediation, affirmation) and then open to the spirit realms.

Fear or any other high emotion will diminish the contact for the highest and best of connection.  So when you open at that stage, you attract only the uneducated and 'stuck' of the spirit realms.  Your highest and best can not get through.

White sparks are spirit that do not have the strength or knowledge to manifest in any other form.  Their communication skills have not been developed.  Yes, it was a spirit contact.  Who is was is of little concern if the message is not clear.  Attune to only your own spirit guide for the best of love and attention to yourself.

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Post by Cheyenne » Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:18 pm

Ok, thanks very much for clearing all that up. I feel much better now.

About the guides: I have read so many different theories about guides. I don't know what's real and what's not anymore. I don't know how to attune to my own spirit guide.

It's not like I visit a psychic every week. I went to her once. I went to a tarot reader to ask about a dream I had: once. As a matter of fact I never go to anyone when I have problems. It's just that I've been going through this for 5 years straight. I wanted answers on what was going on underneath the surface. And the strange things that were happening. If I knew I had the ability to reach him myself and look for answers I would have done that. I don't even know what a soul looks like or who's connected to whom etc.

The good news is that I found out that I am able to use telepathy!! I never knew I could do that. It did require alot of concentration though. So I'm going to take your advice and start practicing.

Thanks again for your help. :smt006

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:28 pm

Subjects of the paranormal, such as spirit guides, have as many opinions as people that practice psychic or mediumship work.  There are just so many diverse opinions on these topics.  Treat spirit guides as you would other, loving, caring human beings.  You are forming a partnership/friendship in love.

I have some common sense ideas written up.  Read it and see what you think.  Go under the Mystic Academy, Mediumship.  

The tool used for attunement with spirit is meditation.  Also read up on that topic.  When you have satisfied yourself as to the best method for you, then place a symbol and a seat in your meditation for your guide to join you.  That will welcome them there to begin your dialog.  Remember to ask as well as listen.  You can express your 'druthers' as well.

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