A strange happening

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A strange happening

Post by calibandita » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:38 pm

OK, first of all I hope this is the right place to post this. I have been having this strange thing happening to me again for the last 2 weeks. EVERYTIME I look at the clock it is all the same numbers, for instance 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, ect...
About 7 years ago I had the same thing happen for over a year, and when I finally told my boyfriend about it, he said the same thing had been happening to him for that whole year also!!!
Does anyone have any idea what this is about? Because I try to explain it to my friends and no one quite gets how unique it is to have this happen all day/night long.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:32 am

Please take a look at the following website:

"The Meaning of Repeating Numbers"

http://www.globalpsychics.com/enlighten ... bers.shtml

As a rule of thumb, when a person keeps seeing the same number pattern - sometimes with slight variations - it points to two things. The meaning of the numbers involved are a current issue for the individual, and the numbers function as a warning to get the person to pay attention.

This is a fairly controversial subject for discussion, even amongst numerologists themselves, so expect the entire spectrum of different opinions as to what the most likely purpose of the patterns of repeating numbers might be.

It is my own opinion (and this appears to be confirmed by the above quote) that the patterns seen have some personal meaning unique to the individual who observes them. Other people should see different groups of numbers, according to what current issues are happening in their life, and whether or not they have taken any notice of and acted upon previous signs that something important needs to be confronted and dealt with.


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PS: When I posted this, it was my 555th posting on these forums!!!

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:55 pm

And of course we can look for those number things....lol

I agree though that when we randomly see the numbers on clocks (i.e.) it might be wise to look around our life and see what we can apply the message to for resolution.

The seniors have a saying....use it or lose it....and so often when we are doing this work, if we don't apply it, it tends to go away.

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Post by calibandita » Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:16 am

thanks for your input on this, I can't believe that other people have had this same thing happen to them, i feel much better!!!

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Post by BhagavatiZhevah » Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:15 pm

The first part of this text is an excerpt from the book Numerology: Key To Your Inner Self.

"There are 3 double-digit numbers that, while they are rooted in the single-digit numbers, require special emphasis and attention. These are 11, 22, and 33.

They are called Master numbers because they possess more potential than other numbers. They are highly charged, difficult to handle, and require time, maturity, and great effort to integrate into one's personality.

The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. It is a dreamer. The 11 has all the aspects of the 2, enhanced and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates dynamism, inner conflict, and other catalyses with its mere presence. It is a number that, when not focused on some goal beyond itself, can be turned inward to create fears and phobias. The 11 walks the edge between greatness and self-destruction. Its potential for growth, stability, and personal power lies in its acceptance of intuitive understanding, and of spiritual truths. For the 11, such peace is not found so much in logic, but in faith. It is the psychic's number.

The 22 is the most powerful of all numbers. It is often called the Master Builder. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It is potentially the most successful of all numbers. It has many of the inspirational insights of the 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4. It is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype, and brings it down to earth in some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and enormous self-confidence. If not practical, the 22s waste their potential. Like the 11, the 22 can easily shrink from its own ambition, causing difficult interior pressures. Both the 11 and the 22 experience the pressure-cooker effect very strongly, particularly at an early age. It must work toward the realization of goals that are larger than personal ambition. The 22 serves the world in a practical way.

The 33 is the most influential of all numbers. It is the Master Teacher. The 33 combines the 11 and the 22 and brings their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 in full force is extremely rare.

MASTER NUMBERS And their meanings The Date Nov 11 is a very strong time Known as 11:11 A time for Change and Awakening...

You may also be triggered at times with other multiple Master Numbers. The Master Numbers are multiple numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 & 99. These numbers belong to the Greater Reality which is the reality that is based on Oneness rather than duality.

11 = birthing and anchoring the New.
22 = building upon the New. Building New Lives and a New World.
33 = universal service through the quickening of our One Being.
44 = the balance between spirtual and physical, the reconfiguring of our evolutionary labyrinth. As Above, So Below. The creation of the foundation of our New Lives.
55 = attaining personal freedom by being free of the past & totally real.
66 = fulfilling our responsibilities in a joyful, creative manner.
77 = profound insights and revelations. Honing ourselves to our Core Beings.
88 = mastering of abundance in all realms.
99 = the completion of a major evolutionary cycle.Time for another quantum leap."

from one of Ronna Herman's books.

111...Energy flow. Enhancing whatever level you are in presently.

222...Resurrection and ascension process.

333...Decision number. Either directs you into a phase of 999 completion, or negativity, it puts you in the 666 frequency which throws you back into the third dimension.

444...This is an actual resurrection number. You have just completed an important phase.

555...Experiencing the energy or a level of Christ Consciousness, very significant.

666...Material World. Third dimensional frequency. Denseness.

777...Symbolized an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the third dimensional plane, or at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth Plane.

888...Synbolized infinity. The unified spiral of the physical merging with the spiritual. Moving toward the completion of the ascension
process through the energies of the 222 and 444.

999...Symbolized the three levels of the triune. Completion.

000...Great Void. Experiencing a Null Zone. Switching or moving into a new energy field.

11:11...Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development. Another dimension or frequency of experience. A portal way opening.

12:12...A cosmic connection. A bridge to the future. Signifies a level of completion or graduation.

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Post by punit_lko » Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:28 am

Really as told if I look over the number 666 for example person having mobile number is really materialistic.

But unable to understand after having this number this person got more materialistic or being materialistic type of person he got the number 666 suitable for him

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I'm not sure if anyones alreadly posted this answer, ... but

Post by LunarAries » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:47 pm

these are messages from our spirit guides.

111 - This sign is used to indicate that your thoughts are related to the start of a new cycle in your life.  What you are thinking about doing or changing is correct for the new phase of your life.

222 - This is a sign of confirmation that you are on the right path, doing the right thing and going in the right direction.  Continue with this train of thought.

333 - This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic 'Yes!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have.

444 - This sign from your Spirit Guides signifies their disagreement with your thoughts and feelings and can be interpreted as a Cosmic 'No!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have.

555 - When you see this sign a life changing thought or event has just occurred. You may not like it, or you may. Whatever the case your Spirit Guides are notifying you that a change in your life path direction has just occurred and it is time for you to change too.  Move with it, follow these thoughts.

666 - Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world or due to mental or emotional imbalance.  This sign indicates your thoughts are not clear and you should not continue with this train of thought.  Let it pass.

777 - This sign indicates that a lesson has been learnt.  It is a sign of acknowledgment and achievement - you have learnt a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to learn about your life.

888 - A phase of your life is about to end and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional, career, or relationship phase.

999 - Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Your thoughts at the time of seeing this sign indicate that these thoughts will bring about the completion or end of a phase in your life.

000 - Unity with the Universe.  Your thoughts are in Unity with the Universe.  This sign indicates that your thoughts are in Unity with the Divine Wish for your life.

We now offer Numerology Readings. Click here to find out more.

Signs on the Spiritual Path

The following signs are used by our Spirit Guides to guide us on our Spiritual Path.  These signs let us know how we are doing and what we need to do next.  Remember, do not look for signs or avoid them, as they will find you regardless of your efforts; they happen naturally.

111, 1111 - These signs indicate that your thoughts are correct for the new cycle of your life and they are on your Spiritual Path.  Continue with and follow these, as these thoughts relate to a new cycle in your life that is on your Spiritual Path.

121, 1221, 2121, 2211, 1122 - These signs indicate that your current train of thought is correct for your Spiritual Path. These thoughts are your focus and following these will lead you along your Spiritual Path. This can be expressed simply as, 'Your following your path!'.

131, 1331, 1313, 3311, 1133 - These signs indicate a Cosmic 'Yes!' - these thoughts are on your path.

141, 1441, 1414, 4411, 1144 - These signs indicate a Cosmic 'No!' - these thoughts are not on your path.

151, 1551, 1515, 5511, 1155 - These signs indicate that a change on your path has just occurred.  Whether you like it or not, it is correct for you and is on your Spiritual Path.  Proceed in the new direction.

161, 1661, 1616, 6611, 1166 - These signs indicate that your thoughts are out of balance with your Spiritual Path.  These signs are like road markings Spirit Guides use to keep us on the right path and prevent us straying down the wrong one.  This sign is the opposite of 121, 1221, etc. and advises that your focus has strayed off your Spiritual Path. This can be expressed simply as, 'Your not following your path!'.

171, 1771, 1717, 7711, 1177 - These signs indicate that a lesson had been learnt on your Spiritual Path.  You have learnt a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to learn, one that is important and is necessary for you to progress on your path.

181, 1881, 1818, 8811, 1188 - These signs indicate that a phase of your life is about to come to an end.  These signs indicate that your thoughts regarding some part of your life are in line with your Spiritual Path and, by following these thoughts, the phase you are thinking about will eventually come to end.

191, 1991, 1919, 9911, 1199 - These signs indicate the completion or ending of a phase on your Spiritual Path.  The phase may or may not have come to an actual end at the time of seeing these signs, but, if you follow the thoughts you have at the time of seeing this sign, this phase will come to a complete end.

We now offer Numerology Readings. Click here to find out more.

Signs in Unity with Astrological Influences

Occasionally, you will see the following sets of number sequences. These are signs that relate to your thoughts and feelings, and the Astrological Influences acting on your life at present, i.e. your personal planetary influences. These signs differ from the Spirit Guide signs above, as the unity signs refer to a short period (hours and days) of Astrological Influence; whereas the Spirit Guide signs refer to your life/spiritual path (months and years):

1010, 0101, 1001, 0011, 1100 - These signs indicate that your thoughts are in unity with your Spiritual Path and your Astrological Influences.

2020, 0202, 2002, 0022, 2200 - These signs indicate that your train of thought is in unity with your Astrological Influences.

3030, 0303, 3003, 0033, 3300 - These signs indicate a cosmic 'Yes'; that your thoughts are in unity with your Astrological Influences.

4040, 0404, 4004, 0044, 4400 - These signs indicate a cosmic 'No'; that your thoughts are not in unity with your Astrological Influences.

5050, 0505, 5005, 0055, 5500 - These signs indicate that a change in your thinking has occured that is in unity with your Astrological Influences.

6060, 0606, 6006, 0066, 6600 - These signs indicate that your current thinking is out of balance with your Astrological Influences.

7070, 0707, 7007, 0077, 7700 - These signs indicate that you have learnt a life lesson that is in unity with your Astrological Influences.

8080, 0808, 8008, 0088, 8800 - These signs indicate that a phase of your life is about to come to an end that is in unity with your Astrological Influences.

9090, 0909, 9009, 0099, 9900 - These signs indicate that a phase of your life has come to an end that is in unity with your Astrological Influences.

000, 0000 - These signs indicate that your thoughts are in unity with your Astrological Influences.

We now offer Numerology Readings. Click here to find out more.

Other Number Sequences

2323, 2332, 2233 - These signs indicate your Spirit Guides agreement and support with your train of thought, plans or intended actions.  This sign is most often seen after you have established a relationship with your Spirit Guides and are open to their guidance via number sequences.

1234, 234, 456 - If you are repeatedly seeing ascending number sequences such as 1234, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that these are progressive thoughts.  You will see this sign when thinking about an area of your life that you are concerned about and want to change, or thinking about a particular subject.  Seeing this number sequence immediately after these thoughts is a sign that your thoughts are progressive; your life will progress by following these thoughts and you will have your Spirit Guides support in its pursuit.

321, 432, 543 - If you are repeatedly seeing descending number sequences such as 321, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that your thoughts are regressive.  You will see this sign when you are thinking about an area of you life, course of action or subject.  Seeing this number sequence immediately after such thoughts is an indication that your life will take a step backwards if you follow the course of action you are considering or continuing with such a train of thought.

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