Power of the Mind

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midnit magik
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Power of the Mind

Post by midnit magik » Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:57 am

Power of the Mind.
parapsychological and philosophical theories .

It is considered, that every human thought and emotion possesses a certain
amount of force, which can be characterized as psychic energy. And the
stronger this thought or emotion is, the greater it's psycho energetic

In a nutshell, this energy allows the feeling to affect the
world around the person in general and other people in particular. In
other words, the products of one's psychic activities are not limited to
their own inner self, but can have outside effects.

This is a quote from the book
Hauntings and Poltergeists: Multi Perspectives - ...
Poltergeists are among these. Negative emotions, like fear,
worry, or stress manifest Into external energy with physical effects-
thus, inner psychic activity can have outside effects of physical nature
and can even create such phenomena as poltergeists.
That is a good
example of psychic energy. According to the mentioned book, negative
emotions (like fear, worry, pain or hatred) experienced by teenage girls
have the highest psychoenergetic potential. Nevertheless, Its is said that
strong manifestations of this energy are stronger in various types of people -
Such as,  mourning the loss of a wife,  desperate and
suicidal teens, Those who murder, or an orphan boy, who wants to
find his mother more than anything else in the world.

Another good example would be a those whose psychic energy are
so strong, that an entire town can be created such as a
ghost town maybe devoured by the
darkness of an inner world.
Due to the power of thoughts

Some can also feel the negative feelings of
prisoners of some prison's and place where lived the victims of the plague. These can
twist the power of a town.

The psychic energy of thoughts and feelings has the ability to
concentrate in a particular location, which is somehow connected to the
source of the energy. Usually, such locations are places where strong
feelings have been experienced, possibly more than once. We could
theorize that this is the reason, why the natives believed, that spirits
inhabited the trees, water and earth.

And if a place comes to store the thoughts and feelings of a several
people, this place will eventually develop a power of it's own.
According to the book 'Lost Memories',some towns can be described as a
spiritual sponge, which absorbs the energies of people's thoughts and
feelings in great quantities.

Let us look at some of the most prominent

The negative thoughts of a  suicidal people can be connected
to certain places and continue to exist
even after death.
The thoughts of those burned alive as a
sacrifice to God - witch burnings(witch hunts by to church)
or those who sacrificed themselves to God became energy.
All the memories and thoughts of dead people, which we perceive as dream or feelings..
The psychic energy of the thoughts and feelings of a dead person,
can be connected to an apartment, house, building and
continued to exist there after it's owner death, affecting all the
tenants of the building and even other people (hauntings).

The basic concept of thoughts and feelings having some sort of mystic
power and connection to places derives from traditional Japanese beliefs.
such influences can be found in many Japanese horror
a) The Ring - Sadako Yamamura's negative psychic energy continued to
exist in the well after her death and even affected a videotape and TV.
b) Dark Water - same here - the negative emotions of a drowned girl
lingers in the building, the girl searching for her mother.
c) Ju-On: The Grudge - the curse of a person, who died with hatred in
their heart continues to exist in places visited by that person. Those
who come in contact with this curse die and create a new curse.
d)Silent Hill - computer game and movie

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Post by Prof. Akers » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:43 pm

Not too sure about the rational behind the last bit, Frankenstein ,aybe a great book and good film but I would not use it as a basis for modern genetic engineering horror - on the other hand..................................only joking.
I do believe in the power of positive and nagative energy but as to them hanging about, you would have to say it's unproven. After all the years that England has been inhabited then the whole of the country would be full of it, unless they cancel each other out?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:48 pm

There are many natural laws.  One of them is polarity.  The negative and positive are at opposite polarities and we use what is valid in every situation according to our needs.

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Post by midnit magik » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:52 am

I have heard from a few people that england is full of negative energy, ufo, chem-trail, demons ect..
Example, read the article on england.

http://www.stuartwilde.com/Articles/SW_ ... essons.htm

this isn't topic is not really only derived from Japanese tradition but is fundamental to basically all magickal practices as i see it

this is the idea that 'explains' why using symbols in ritual work is so powerful; for example the pentagram is not only charged by your own ideas and concepts surrounding the image but those of everyone who has used it in ritual over thousands of years.

programming of crystals, amulets, etc would all work on the same principle, conscious and intended thought implants.

to me this is also an 'explanation' of how multiple god forms can exist in various cultures and all be valid. the hindu gods for example are charged by millions of devout believers, at some point the gods have enough connections to physicality and enough thought-energy to be considered a sentient being themselves. assume for a moment that hindus used mushrooms in rituals to contact these gods long ago; through frequent association the gods establish a physical connection point with the mushroom, then thousands of years later a teenager on the other side of the world can take a handful of mushrooms and accidently come in contact with these same godforms.

I usually refer to this as "intent." I find it extremely useful and see people using it daily whether they believe in it or not. Ever wonder why bad things tend happen to pessimists and vice versa? I suppose that I always used it, but didn't start doing in 'intent'ionally (budumbump) until I met with a very insightful accupuncturist/counselor that had extremely strong intent (it is a little contagious, isn't it?)
Regarding the idea of gods being objects to strengthen intent,  I've always thought of them this way,  considered how so many peoples intent can conglomerate to make an even more powerful object. That's a great point. It's funny, because I've thought about this a lot lately because there's this fighter at my gym who always says, "I win 'cuz I've got God in my corner." I translate this to, "I win 'cuz I believe I fully intend to win and nothing could make me believe otherwise." I never considered the collective power of an amulet of the god type. For myself, I prefer to practice the use of my own personal intent so as to strengthen my own will and mind and not be blind to what is really occuring, but I see now how powerful an incantation like that is. Hmmm, I suppose I couldn't really execute it effectively because my views on the subject would undermine the belief in it.

So as a magician, what can we infer about from this, about achieving our goals i mean?

Personally, I think that control of one's own thoughts, emotions, and even possibly one's unconscious mind, adds up to increased 'will-potency'. Also, I think that striving towards self empowerment can sort of snow-ball as you go, for as long as it remains the central focus of your energies. Like using your money to make more money, rather than spending it.
Just my notion on this.

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Post by BrightLight » Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:31 pm

wow that was impressive midnit. i agree with a lot of what you said. i guess my question is..knowing all this...what do you do when you've lost faith and need to get it back?

i mean pessimist attract negative and many optimists seem to have good fortune that is obviously aided by their strong belief and willingness to see and attract good.

But what if you're in a place of negativity and want to get back to a good place? how does one make that shift? that's the part that confuses me a bit.

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Post by jotejete » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:37 am

Hi BrightLight,

Great question by the way. You can't get from severe depression to let's say total happiness. So what you do is start changing your thoughts so you would go from severe depression to depression. Then start thinking along a different line to get you to sadness. Then sadness to another level up- maybe mild sadness. You do this systematically and using tools like gratitude to get to the next/ more postive emotion.
For instance, someone becomes severely depressed because they are out of work, haven't been able to find a good job. Well that person can look around and be grateful at least she's not homeless and is now just depressed. Next, she starts thinking she has had a good job in the past and if she can do it once she can do it again - gets to being only sad. Next she gets herself off the floor and thinks of another way to look for work. Now she's only mildly sad and knows there is more than hope. Then she gets tired of thinking of her job situation and starts thinking that she also has positives in her life that she has not been thinking about (relationship or a future relationship, friends,  family etc )  Now she might start getting to feeling more content or even somewhat happy. This process might take hours or days, but if you change your thoughts you change your emotions.

Welcome to the Site !

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Post by ResQDonna » Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:06 pm

Great explanation jotejete! :)

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Post by jotejete » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:43 pm

Thanks ResQDonna

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Post by BrightLight » Thu Sep 27, 2007 6:43 pm

that was a great response. thank you. i'm actually unemployed and a bit heart sick these days so my work is cut out for me. but i'll do my best.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:41 pm

When it is a job we seek take some positive steps.  

Redo the resume and make it more effective.  If you don't use a resume to job hunt, it wouldn't hurt to list your qualities and experiences to get a picture of your own talents for your own benefit.    

Then go to any interview opening with the idea you have won the job. Mindset is everything.

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Post by jotejete » Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:57 pm

I agree with Spiritalk on mindset being everything.Years ago I was on the other side of the hiring game. I was hiring people to grow the sales division of a new company. I was always upbeat and actually wanted to hire everyone I could, but some applicants were so negative they would get me down. Their mindset was to go through the motions, although they knew no one would hire them. Incredible as it was ( because we were desperate for sales people ), they would succeed in not getting hired. The funny thing is it was always a unanimous decision from the hiring board to not hire them. It goes to prove we create our own reality every day.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:43 am

http://www.stuartwilde.com/Articles/SW_ ... essons.htm
Oh dear did we upset him, he just doesn't understand our binge drinking culture.
Instead of fannying about down Glastonbury (hippies!! were does he go?) he should get down to the cities - any city at 2 am - now that's our culture.

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