It scared me....

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It scared me....

Post by Nakoruru » Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:54 pm ... highlight=
if you have read that then this is a connector to it.
I went over to her house and me, lori, dev, and heather, decided to sleep in the living room so we wouldn't fight over stupid stuff. Any way Lori slept on the couch and i was on the floor next to her (then heather was next to me and then dev) i was tracing the circle pattern on her blanket because I didn't want to go to sleep yet and a hand came out from under my pillow my pillow and grabbed my arm. I freaked out jumping up screaming and hit heather thinking she did...but heather was looking at me in shock and when i told her she laid her hand across my pillow and it only went half way(plus the fact that she put herself in a cocoon of blankets not even capable of moving...)....lori saw it too so i know it wasn't my blind-ness with out my and lori left the living room and slept on her bed with the lights on

will some one help us now?

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Your experience.

Post by Payewacker » Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:37 pm

i don't want to call myself psycic or anything like that, but i,ve had a lot of meetings with spirits, you need to always remember they do not want to harm you whatsoever, but just draw your attention. Anyway they can't really do damage to us. For them to move an object takes a lot of energy as for touching us in order for us to feel it is nearly impossible.

The looking down at you, that's a way of drawing attention, the same as when you keep on looking at someone, eventually the will turn around and catch you!!

I call it, helping them crossing over, very often it would be people who died suddenly and their spirit seems to be trapped as if in a photo. What we do is to send as much love as we can and open a window, it is then that with your energy they are shown the other side and realise there is something better.

Blessed be.

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Post by Nakoruru » Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:15 am

I don't really understand what your say, how am I capable of helping them cross over?

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:41 pm

What have you done to open to spirit?
Have you been fooling with a ouija board or similar tool?
Why was it frightening?

When our minds are opened to spirit, we shine a light into a fog (sort of) that attracts those 'stuck' around the earth plane.  Your interests have opened this door.  So maybe you need to look at what you have done, specifically, to start the ball rolling.  Then if the interest is there, use the energies offered to accomplish something, instead of allowing this energy to randomly disappear.

Spirit can and does manifest around us - but when we have loving contacts they do not do it to startle or create fears.  The 'stuck' tend to manifest whatever they can to get attention.  No, they are not harmful, merely confused and wanting some help from their present situation.  

While 'rescue' work is not for the feint of heart, the one that is contacted is the best one to say (in the mind, or out loud) to turn to the light for the spirit to find their way away from the earth life and into the spirit realms (they are spirit now).  Be calm and Know you are accomplishing something.  Angels always are near to help the process.

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Post by Psychic Chef » Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:08 pm

Hi Nakoruru
Welcome to the What the h*ll was that club.
Dont panic, they wont hurt you, I have found they get so excited that they forget that they are impacting the way they do.
Its an amazing feeling when you have helped them find what they are looking for or help them finaly cross over fully.
House cleaning really does help.
You can embrace your gift and develop it further here, there is plenty of help and support avaliable from this board.
Cheers Pete

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Post by Nakoruru » Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:40 am

but why are their even spirits there? their have been no deaths in that house and the ones Loren describes seem to be of a more modern time to at least there would have been some record of a death (she left out some of the creeper stuff in her post) she seems to think its due to the high levels of lime stone...does that have anything to do with it??

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Death and taxes

Post by Psychic Chef » Sun Sep 23, 2007 4:18 am

Most people assume that someone has to have died in a house for there to be spirits present.
Its a misconception.I have 6 spirit guides that are with me every day ,none have died in my house and if they had died in any of my previous houses  then why are they here in my house now as i type. We of the pyshical world are limited by the door and walls that surround us. They arent.
I have done many soul rescues and house cleanings over my years, most were from vistors that came to the houses and stayed because of the safety they found there. Very few were because of death. Resently i had a vistor that had passed over in another country. She came to me because of the link to my energy was strong and it was important to find someone in the phycical world to pass on the messages for her. I work at a large hospital in my city. Every day i see some terrible and some amazing sights and talk to alot of people passing over or looking to complete passing. The very first thing you need to realise is that they wont hurt you and the realtionship you have with them is as good or as bad as you allow. Tell them the rules of engagement so they know where they stand. Be confident when you talk and make them feel safe and repected.
Cheers Pete
Last edited by Psychic Chef on Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by jotejete » Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:05 am

I agree with Psychic Chef. I  don't think you have to neccessarily worry about anything you have done wrong or anyone having died etc. I wrote in another part of this site about shadow spirits. I'll sometimes see them out of the corner of my eye in broad daylight. They are usually just gliding along the wall and never bother me. I have read they are troubled or low level spirits. I have been tapped on the shoulder while meditating. I do sometimes have electrical problems, such as the first time I wrote this post I had an electical disruption that wiped my screen clean. Other than that, they don't bother. I am a Reikimaster and will also see them when I am healing people. There's a book called Spirit Rescue which goes into communicating with them to go to the light and not stagnate and you might want to read up on it. After a while of these experiences you stop being afraid and realize they are around us, but most people are not sensitive enough to see them.
Remember we are all spirits having a physical experience.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:21 pm

Anything physical - such as lime stone - is not likely to have a bearing on where spirit entities find themselves.  More often than not it is the interest of the individual that draws them and keeps them around.

Disembodied spirit can draw to people, places, things to manifest.

Last edited by spiritalk on Sun Sep 23, 2007 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nakoruru » Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:02 pm

oh ok that explains a lot to me ^_^ and I'll try to look for that book, sometimes its handing working in a library XD and I'll tell my friend too so that it might help her since it was her house.

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