Do you know your Spirit Guides or Angels?

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Re: Guides

Post by spiritalk » Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:51 pm

daffodils1986 wrote:I am not really sure if I have a spirit guide or angel that guides my development. I do know who two probably are if I have them.

What would have been my older sister, had she lived, I believe is one. There is an odd and unique occurrence associated with her that I will share later, but not here. Most of my family tells me that she is my guardian angel and with all the things that have happened to me in the past, it does make me wonder.

My foster-granny's grandmother has always been special to me. True, I never got to meet her in person and face to face, but I feel as if I know her. My foster-granny told me that I am more like her grandmother than anyone that she has ever met and that she gets the same feeling from me that she does from her. And then she grinned at me (her toothless grin) and told me that she knew that I was 'special' and could do some of the things that her grandmother could do. The clincher...her grandmother was a spiritualist and well-known in her area at the time.

There is another personal story connected to that one that I might share later, but again, not in this thread. Anyways, I'm not certain if I really have guides, but if they are....those two are mine.
Many people believe that relatives can not come to us as guides.  The reason...isn't it wonderful to know we can communicate with those in spirit realms?  This is the proof of this communication.

The fact that you felt these stories to be so personal (and this is often true of our loved ones) indicates that they are and that you need to protect them as your personal experiences.  This is not the position of guide.

Many of our loved ones come near on our journey because we need the warmth over our lives of those that truly care.  It is a wonderful relationship!

Go to the Mediumship course that is underway and read up on some of these topics for your own enlightenment. ... .php?f=109

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:02 pm

Crow wrote:I'm also a newbie to this forum.  And was thrilled to read that there are more people out there like me.  Now I do not feel so silly.  All my life I have talked to my guides.  I was just surprised by some views Jshared here that I was not suppose to have the same ones through life.  Not that they are constantly around.  But they have never left completely.

J:  There are many opinions on guides, their appearance and their purposes.  Follow what sounds like it resonates with you and you can not go wrong.  While guides come and go, our guardian is there throughout our lives.  When doing mediumship, we usually start with our attunement with our guardian and then expand to spirit guides.

There is a male in his 30's that comes around when I am at the lowest point in my life.  When I feel that I feel that I can no longer live, this is the only time he comes.

J:  That appears to be angelic presence.  When we are at our lowest ebb, there are angels who help us recover our equalibrium.  

I have an older male whom I have never seen only heard, and he hangs around all the time.  Very dry sense of hummor, and quick witted.  He will shed light on situations that I may not be aware of, as well as people's intentions.  He keeps me grounded with reality checks.  And can always put a smile on my face when I am in need of one.  He usually points me on the path where I need to research.  Dropping dates, names, etc.

J:  Guides certainly help us uncover our path.  They can not live it, merely help us see it.

Then there is a spirit that is grotestue in appearance, but doesn't frighten me, he only comes around when I am in dangerous situations.  Or when I am around people that I find out later is not the best people to be involved with.  (Ex's)  He was also the one who overseen my childhood.

J:  As you learn and grow, you develop discernment.  He will not be needed (or not as often anyway) when we have learned to be discriminating for ourselves.

My spirit animal is the Raven/Crow  they like to tell me things, sometimes it is trivial in nature.  Most the time I will hear them talk and think nothing of it.  Only when there is a message to me, that their cries become understandable to me.

J:  Some of us enjoy the animal presence we have - but do not consider them guides.  Perhaps totems as the NA called them.  We do need communication and the clearer in most cases the better.  But there are some really interesting representations for animals.  BTW the crow is the wayshower - he helps  you find your path through the thick of the forest (many confusions of life).

I found that when I reach a fork in the road, that my guides are silent.  Very disappointing, but they make me choose for myself.  They take me up to the path, and I imagine hold their breathe to see what I will do.  Like a parent I suppose.  They do not respond whenever I feel like I need them.  Very stubborn these ones are, and only show up when they are good and ready to.  

J:  That is the representation of a guide for sure.  To stand by when needed, and to let you make free will choices every step of the way.  It is not their life and they can not be responsible for your choices.  They can help guide you to the best choices.

But I'm still young, and have a lot to learn.  With age, comes more understanding.  A part of me always seen my guides as another form of myself.  Don't know why, but it just felt that way.  Maybe it was my way of dealing with the voices, and things that I have seen in my life.  

J:  There is a whole world of spirit.  Just as there is a world of material energies (physical body).   And it is all about energies and vibration level.  The more you understand yourself as body, mind, spirit, the more this will make sense as it unfolds.

I try to use logic when aproaching things such as this.  When I have seen spirits, I dismiss it as that I am tired.  My guides through the years have warned me about many things that came to pass, that I simply could not dismiss them any longer.  They earned my trust.

J:  And they are certainly meant to be trusted as your guidance to a full life.

J:  Check out the mediumship notes at: ... .php?f=109

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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:09 pm

I just found out  one of my spirit guide  name  and her name is Jazabell( Ja -Za - Bell)    She is   very  soft spoken and has a very strong   motherly present  , she also  told me i have 2 more sprite guide who   are both  male ,  i ask her whats are there  name ? she told i need to ask them my self   when the right time comes .   I was very confuse when she told me this  so  i just  let it go for now .  

I wait until they are ready to talk to me  but for now am  very content with Jazabell :smt045 .  


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:35 pm

There is a Jezabell in history with not such a good reputation.  It was used as a symbol between people of someone without moral character.

May I suggest - test the spirits - be sure the spirit guides are not controlling nor leading you beyond your own personal free will choices.

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Post by mtthwoh » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:35 pm

I have been told by a phychic that I have 1 spirit guide by the name of gregory and 3 angels then I was told by another that I have a female guide but got no name,then I had a akashic reading and got the name Ruthburt.I did a meditation to meet my guide and it felt like I was controling it so I dont know if it worked but I got the name nathon and when I was going to sleep that same day I was just about to doze off and I got a strong impression like a sign going off in my head saying NAMES JOHN.So believe me when I say I am totally confused when it comes to guides,so now I just say goodnight to whoever is around.

Forgot to mention that the phychic (who is well known) did not get anything right in the reading.And I had to pay 400.00 for it.
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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:44 pm

spiritalk wrote:There is a Jezabell in history with not such a good reputation.  It was used as a symbol between people of someone without moral character.

May I suggest - test the spirits - be sure the spirit guides are not controlling nor leading you beyond your own personal free will choices.
Really ?  well she seem very  motherly and  very kind  to me ,  hmm it could be if  i miss spell or miss interpret    her name  either it's  Jasabell or Jaasabell some how i keep getting that name   but she seem very kind to me , Oh well i try your suggestion  spirtalk .

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:09 pm

IME we do not need to have names and/or identification of our spirit guides, for many reasons:
- when we have a name we tend to call upon it in our work.  All prayer is to God and when we attune to spirit it is for our help and guidance in answer to that prayer.

- spirit guides change - suppose you are calling on Jessabell and there is someone new trying to impress you?  When a spirit guide has finished their mission they move on.  But if you are too caught up in that one person, no one else will come forward.  They are not intrusive in that manner.

All work with spirit is about the energy.  Using a symbol between yourself and your own personal partnership of spirit guide, will keep it fresh and they will introduce when another energy is coming.  You can then trust and work with the new energy.  Without this attunement to spirit guides you would have to test the spirits all the time.

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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:17 pm

aw  i  see  :D  thank you very much  i have learn something new today

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Post by Azayreon » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:55 pm

I'm not overly sure who's around me, but I've had different messages at different times.

I went to a psychic artist, and my Great-Grandmother came through. It's so cute, this is a woman who ided in the 1950s and is concerned for my soul because I'm Wiccan and she's a Catholic! Ahhhh so cute!

And I think I have one of her sons around me. I'll have to ask my grandpa which of his brothers was fond of overalls...she said he was talll...he's Dutch! They're all tall in my family on that side! haha

...and Archangel Michael.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:59 pm

Azayreaon:  That is loved ones messsages - guides are not usually related to us.

BTW our religious practices are of no importance - it is our spirituality that counts.  But if we are too wrapped up in our religion, we may not progress past its teachings.  


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How can you find out your spirit guide's name?

Post by BASSTONYA » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:34 pm

I was just wondering how you can find out your spirit guide's/ Guardian Angels name?

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Post by djberg98 » Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:05 am

When I was younger I used to see and dream things.  Of course, others thought I was crazy or making it up, even when things happened.  Anyway, years went by without anything.  Recently, I started reading playing cards and feel that maybe some of my "awareness" is coming back.  I don't know who my spirit guide is or even how to find out.  I am learning a lot hanging out in here, though.

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Re: Do you know your Spirit Guides or Angels?

Post by sara31tx » Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:32 pm

flight _of_angelwings wrote:I have  many guides and some favourite Angels.  My dec Grandmother also has been around to impart some of her wisdom but I have learnt that even though she may be dead, she is still family and still aint always
So some of my guides are fantastic and I know which one is which by the feeling they give me.
I have an older male he is the wise one. He has a long beard white short curly hair and he likes to help me with my articulating and my perception.  If I need a brain then he is the one I call on.  When doing my automatic writing he is the one that helps me.  His Name is John but he lets me call him Jack.
I have an older woman also and she is my I become to over excited during a reading or connection she is the one that comes in like a headmistress and pulls me back together so that I can concentrate and get on with my work.  She may at times be boring and strict but oh how I need her.

They are my main two they are the ones currently working very hard with me so that I can keep on my path and obtain my goals.

Now heres the fun guides.  I have a younger male guide about 20's he is more like a brother I know when hes around as I feel the gentle tugging on my shoulders....he keeps everything fun he makes sure it doesnt all become too much work.  Sometimes it feels like work but he brings it back to basics and hes the one to give me signs that are completely stupid so that I have to try keep a straight face when relating what I see.  Then theres shirl as I call her.  Gorgeous long dark hair, she has an olive complextion and is very very exotic.  She has a band around her head with a dangling crystal between her eyes, she wears long silky clothing and is always so free and liberates me!  She is heaps of fun too.  She keeps me sane and I live out my Artistic side through her.  

I have two other guides...I'm not really well associated with them yet obviously my purpose isnt revolving around what they can offer me as much as the other four can in the time being anyway.

Now I do know I'm getting a new the next four years and I'm very excited about this new addition, I know will be a new perspective to have him on the other side helping me there rather than how he helped me on this side.  Theres some guides that are with you right from birth and others will come and go as your life path can change and turn.

So its my belief that you can have Angels, Guides and deceased loved ones all help guide you through life.  Angels give divine guidance, their advice is always right from the top.  Guides are taught and they guide us and help us become all we can.  Our deceased loved ones love us and check on us and I have learnt the hard way that just because they are dead does not always mean they have the best advice.  Dying does not make us heavenly intuitive.  Like they were in life they are in death so I love to chat to them but like all family i listen and keep my own opinions.

I would love to know your opinions and thoughts on Guides, Angels and deceased loved ones?
When I had a reading with Sylvia Browne, she told me that my spirit guides name is Pricilla, I know this to be true, because I asked her this same question over her radio show, to try to prove to my husband that she doesn't just make up names, and she told me the exact same name again. My husband is a believer know.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:34 pm

What do you intend to do with the information/name?  If you go into meditation and request contact using the name, you may be limiting a lot from your experience.  The fact is - guides come, guides go, we can attune to the spirit realms with energy and not get caught up in identity.  

Isn't personal identity about the ego?

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Post by sara31tx » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:34 pm

spiritalk wrote:What do you intend to do with the information/name?  If you go into meditation and request contact using the name, you may be limiting a lot from your experience.  The fact is - guides come, guides go, we can attune to the spirit realms with energy and not get caught up in identity.  

Isn't personal identity about the ego?
It is just nice to know what your guides name is. Your guide never changes in this life. Everybody has 1 main guide. You made a contract with that person before you came down here to help you along the way. Have you ever taken the same road to work everyday, and for some reason you took another route instead. And then you found out later that there was a bad accident on that road, and you could have been in it. You can thank your guide for that help. Just because you cannot hear them does not mean they are not there. Everybody has there own beliefs, this is why we have different religions. I believe what I believe because I have talked to my spirit guide.

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