is suicide advice ever right?

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warped speed
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is suicide advice ever right?

Post by warped speed » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:17 pm

Hi there all,
I've been dowsing for a while, and keep on getting 'yes' to the answer if I should kill myself. That sounds shocking, but most people in my situation would've killed themselves long ago. I've tried everything, but nothing stops me from feeling life is unbearable and I have to constantly convince myself to keep on living. (Had a lot of violence and abuse from childhood through to adulthood, and have severe ADD/ADHD  that makes it hard for me cope with daily life, social life or work (haven't had a job in years, I can't stay in jobs, can't keep friends or family relations are are all over).
Anyway, I've been actively involved in self-healing, spirituality etc for years but it's still such torture, it's as if I'm not supposed to be alive.

Is it possible that this message isn't coming from my higher self? I believe it is, because I get the same reply over and over, whenever I ask.

I'm not likely to kill myself, BTW, because of the effects it will have on my husband, but dowsing assures me it's for his benefit too....I'm puzzled though, because I always thought that your higher self wouldn't advise on self-destruction. Mine seems hell-bent on destroying me...but then I think it has a point. Are some lives maybe best ended..... :smt017

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:55 pm

NO::NO:::NO :: NO:::NO

How can you believe such a thing?

You say you have been into spirituality....then you know that there is several task we shall go true in order to move to our next fase.
If you go and take "the easy way" out....well then you might have to do it all again in the next haven't found the solution.

I think we never can use any tool for such an question as this....because if you do's give up your own will...and that is our most precious gift.

When we ask for advice from the different tools in divination...we ask for leads....leads we with our will must work towards in order to achieve a better life.
So in my opinion you are asking the wrong question.

Back to your situation....yes you have a hard life.....but even people who have a hard life can live a rich life.

Since you have asked several times about suicide I can say you are into a very negative state of mind.
This state wll make your day dark and make life hard to carry. You have to start working on yourself in order to have a more positive outlook on life.
I am aware that it is not any easy task to turn around ones is not only to snap ones fingers...we have to work with ourself.

I myself have been far far down....I cried when I thought on my situation...I have never time to attend family events....I work 7 days a week....the last 30 years I have had 2 hollidays on 1 week each. This lead to much stress....heart attack and at last Bypass operation on my 50 years birthday.

The last think made me think....and I started to accept my situation...I do the same as soon 14 years ago....but I live a much richer life...I have moved focus from myself to other. Just like you tell me about your situation, there is many many people that have a a worse day then can I complain? I have food on the table...I am able to communicate....I am even able to give "comfort" and maybe some help to other....I feel now that I have a much richer life then before.

So what I recommend you is to try to suppress any negative like a sponge and draw any positive thought you manage towards you. We can all agree that your life is hard....but it is yours...accept it if you aren't able to change it....change the way you look at it...try to use a bit of black humor about yourself and your situation.....The main thing is to get your brain to understand that your life aren't that bad afterall...there are millions that have it equal or harder.
If you have spare time....use it to help other....just to be need for any great give a hug is many times enough both for you and the receiver.

So promise me never to use any divination tool to ask such a stupid question....rather ask...what fun can I do today :) (remember black humor..every smile give you energy!!)

A big Grandpa hug and good luck!!

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Post by suzisco » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:09 pm

I think its important to realise that dowsing sometimes tells you what you want to hear and can be imprecise especially when its getting the same negative question alot. Some dowsing implements don't like being asked the same question alot and will direct you to do daft things.

Suicide is kind of a waste of a life (IMHO) and in some respects pointless and tragic.  If i took you to see what happens after a person has killed themselves you would not have the same fascination for it.  Your body will look terrible, the post mortem is very invasive and you won't be buried/cremated for some time.  There is the emotional price that is paid by your family and friends and associates as well as the burden of guilt you place on these people because they will feel they didn't do enough for you.  As to what will happen to your spiritual side?  hmm I can't say...but i suspect you perhaps will not get the release you wish.

I hear what you are saying, your life sounds difficult but you have some resources that other disabled people do not.  That being a supportive network to help you and your spirituality.

The cool thing is you belong to the mystic board who have an extended membership and so there is always someone around to talk with.

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Post by ResQDonna » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:38 pm

warped speed....I agree whole heartedly with the advises given above...the answer to your question is a firm NO!
Our life is a path, a journey...yes sometimes it is a rough journey filled with many lessons that seem at the time unbearable...I have been there, as well we all have!
Have you ever heard of the power of positive thinking? Do you ever tell yourself you are pretty...or smart...or talented? Obviously people love you...why do you think that is?
Negative feelings bring negative things to your life...
It is easy for me to say stay positive..I am not in your shoes however from my own personal experiences I can tell you that changing your thoughts and finding inner peace is a LIFE CHANGING experience! I cannot change your thoughts ( I wish I could) but I can offer my support and send you lots of positive light and love...because believe it or not...I love you! Why you ask? Because you are a part of are one with me and I love me!


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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:47 pm

I think its important to realise that dowsing sometimes tells you what you want to hear and can be imprecise especially when its getting the same negative question alot. Some dowsing implements don't like being asked the same question alot and will direct you to do daft things.
I was thinking something like that too.

Maybe you wanted it so bad the dowsing just wanted to make you 'happy' and tell you what you want to hear.  I have evil I Ching coins like that.  Or, had I should say.

As for positive thinking.  There is always hope. :)  You just have to find it and embrace it.

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wARP Speed

Post by MangoMom » Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:40 pm


You have gone through all those experiences and like Grandpa says, do you want to have to go through it again?  

Here's a little prayer for you to say any time you feel the need

"Take me by the Hand Lord,
Walk me through this day,
Let every thought, word and deed
be always in thy way.

May God Bless you with
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Post by BLouise » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:26 pm

I think that at times the advice given to us by the universe is metaphorical.  So the message may indeed be to kill yourself, NOT TO END YOUR LIFE, but to take that person or aspect of you who is suffering, miserable and cannot be greatfull for the gift of life that she is granted everyday and rid yourself of her.  Take her by the throat and strangle the life out of her.  You can no longer allow her to live, she takes a breath of life with every negative thought you entertain, with every negative question you ask the universe.  By all means rid yourself of her.  Then take the part of you who longs to live and find joy in everyday and nurture her and comfort her and help her grow strong and healthy.  Feed her love and encouragement and let her flourish.  Let her find friends who will help her become who she should be.  I think you may find some of them here ;)

Just my thoughts

warped speed
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Post by warped speed » Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:28 am

I was having a really bad day when I posted that, I'm a bit embarrassed about revealing so much of myself, straight off.
Well i'm touched by your replies all. Thanks a lot for them, i appreciate it. Thing is, I have spent years and years down the positive thinking road, tried every possible healing technique, etc etc. But there's some devil in me, that attracts catastrophe and trauma and eventually I've ended up losing my faith, can't even pray any more...

Anyway, I still want to die, but I'm going to try to see if I can make a big effort to try to ignore that demon inside me, and live on the brighter side as much as I can. And I reckon that dowsing is a bad idea in my hands.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts, hugs, advice, I didn't expect to recieve it, but I'm glad you all did, and I'll look at that advice and work on it.  :)

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Post by doogatyee » Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:33 am

I don't want to say suicide is right or it is wrong, only you can make the decision for yourself and your life.  I can say I do agree completely with BLoise. As i read the your first post, that was the answer I was thinking of.

From my own exeprience with suicide,(my father shot himself 11 years ago when I was twenty)   I believe it was meant to happen, and his souls way of leaving.  i have dreams lately of alternate realities of him and us together again, and in all of the he always kills himself in the end.  ( I understand my dreams and know that i dream symbollicallY) the impact it had on my life, My mother's and sister's has been a rollercoaster for sure.  But it has also brought so much awareness to my life, that I don't think I could have found if it weren't for his death.  Because of what he did to himself it made me look at my life in a different way (not that your husband would)   Although many people say it is a coward thing to do, I disagree I Think it takes alot of courage to look death in the face and and do it anyway.  When a person chooses to end their life, they don't know what is on the other side waiting, and that takes courage to face.  but I also believe it takes courage to look death in the face and walk away and go on with in this lifetime.  Suicide may always be an option for you, but once you choose it you can't come back.  If you choose to walk a way death can always wait another day while you wait for the happy times to return.

May God Bless you with whatever descion YOU choose.  Create the lifetime you want now or at the very least fake it til you make it.!!

warped speed
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Post by warped speed » Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:44 pm

Hi doogatyee, thanks for those thoughts. Yes, suicide is kind of terminal isn't it? That's the problem. Though sometimes I also think that maybe some souls are just bound to go that way. Have a feeling maybe I'm meant to hang on in least while there is still some hope, and I can try to shake off a demon or two. That would be a big something.

All the best,

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Post by ResQDonna » Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:53 pm

warped speed wrote:Hi doogatyee, thanks for those thoughts. Yes, suicide is kind of terminal isn't it? That's the problem. Though sometimes I also think that maybe some souls are just bound to go that way. Have a feeling maybe I'm meant to hang on in least while there is still some hope, and I can try to shake off a demon or two. That would be a big something.

All the best,
Shake those *censored* off and run (like your user name) at warped speed!
Life is good! :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:58 pm

"So the message may indeed be to kill yourself, NOT TO END YOUR LIFE, but to take that person or aspect of you who is suffering, miserable and cannot be greatfull for the gift of life that she is granted everyday and rid yourself of her.  Take her by the throat and strangle the life out of her.  You can no longer allow her to live, she takes a breath of life with every negative thought you entertain, with every negative question you ask the universe.  By all means rid yourself of her.  Then take the part of you who longs to live and find joy in everyday and nurture her and comfort her and help her grow strong and healthy.  Feed her love and encouragement and let her flourish.  Let her find friends who will help her become who she should be.  I think you may find some of them here ;)"

Suicide is committed by a troubled mind.  It is not thinking life, living and love.  It is thinking dark, lonesome, worthless.  Turning the troubled mind away from their negativity is the secret.  

There is never a right time for suicide.  We are here to live a life.  This life - not some past, future or other.  We are responsible for all that life entails.  We have the right to be negative - we don't have the right to make it motivate suicide.

The mind will not miraculously clear because you have encountered death.  It will continue until the mind changes.  It is best considered in the earth life than using death as an excuse to progress.  No progress comes without our own understanding of ourselves.

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Always another way....

Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:34 pm

There is always another way to let out the frustration of life, I have just recently found this sight, but seeing that there are other people out there that are ready to read and help, is encouraging. I say that you simply turn to the people hear to listen and understand in ways that the people in your everyday life can't. I often feel like my family will never understand or accept me, so I have learned to turn to others who can. It is nice to know that you have someone to always listen and support you and help you through the hard points in your life... I always have time to listen if you ever feel the need to talk. Life is precious, and I understand the deep pitted drive behind the thoughts your having; but I also have to say that most people don't 'put it off' if you were 'meant' to kill yourself you wouldn't be reaching out for help. I did that and finally I realized I didn't want to be alone and lost anymore, I needed a light to help me through the darkness. I am a fighter, but even fighter's hopes can start to fade, I needed to know I had a light to help me when I felt I couldn't stumble on my own anymore. Having people in your life who love isn't always enough. We often need people we can connect too and who can understand us more. Anyways I wrote alot so I will leave you with this. I am always out here if you ever feel you need someone to help you light the way. All you have to do is reach and I will be here to help. Take care and think not of how it feels now, but how it can feel with someone  there to understand and help you through it.

                   All my light and love,
                                                  Nyte Shade

warped speed
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Post by warped speed » Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:35 am

Big thanks to Granpa Rhutobello, and to all of you who have replied and also PM'ed. :smt055

Donna,  I'll try shaking em off!

Spirit Talk, thanks, I know where you're coming from, and what you're talking about.

NyteShade Creed, thanks for the kind offer of help, and I agree that having people who understand you and can connect with is really important. It's true that fighters can lose hope, and I think that's where I am right now, though maybe I've gone one stage beyond, and decided to turn back.

Thinking more on what doogatye said, I do sometimes think that suicide isn't always the easy way out. I know it wouldn't be for me, since I believe in reincarnation, and know it would leave behind an unholy mess that I'd be bound to return and deal with.
Sometimes I wonder why people are so intent on making sure a person doesn't kill themselves, and get them to live, while life for that person feels like inhaling slivers of broken glass with every breath. Suicide was just never an option for me, even through all the years when I've so desperately wanted to die. And boy, was I judgemental about folk who took their own lives! even when that person was terminally ill. I don't feel that way anymore. I don't feel suicidal right now, but I've made a clear decision, that suicide is on the menu. Way down on the menu, but it's there, at any rate. I've reached the end of a very long journey, and the permission for suicide is just something that soothes me.

But I'm going to try turning my life/heart/mind around (yet again :smt096 ) so that I want to live more than I want to die.  

OK I've talked enough about suicide, time to think about other stuff, like whether marshmallows will still taste like marshmallows without all the sugar and gelatin and corn syrup, while I wait for the Prozac to do what it says on the packet. :smt035

Toasted marshmallows with melted die, to live for....

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:52 pm

Have you found something called INDIGO to look up and learn about.  They are the most out of place people on the planet!  Finding a sight with that topic would help to understand self to come to terms with your own feelings and direction.  I know beliefnet has a site for that topic.

Of course its nice to have others' support - on that topic is a lot of support for the disenfranchised of the earth.

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