is suicide advice ever right?

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Suicide and Spirituality

Post by Krys0702 » Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:37 pm

I myself attempted suicide a few years back.  What stopped me was something or someone from the otherside telling me my time here was not over that I still had things to do...

I fully believe that we are all here for a reason and if you are still alive then your work here is not done yet.

I too have suicidal thoughts, think that life would be better for those that love me if I was not here... but then I think of the pain and suffering they would suffer if I was not here...

Don't look at suicide as a way out of any situation it is actually some one fear of what is yet to come or what has happened in the past..  Please take all the energy you use thinking about suicide and think about living.  

Every day we wake up it is a good day.  Life is better alternative.

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Re: Suicide and Spirituality

Post by KHEM » Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:05 pm

Krys0702 wrote:I myself attempted suicide a few years back.  What stopped me was something or someone from the otherside telling me my time here was not over that I still had things to do...

I fully believe that we are all here for a reason and if you are still alive then your work here is not done yet.

I too have suicidal thoughts, think that life would be better for those that love me if I was not here... but then I think of the pain and suffering they would suffer if I was not here...

Don't look at suicide as a way out of any situation it is actually some one fear of what is yet to come or what has happened in the past..  Please take all the energy you use thinking about suicide and think about living.  

Every day we wake up it is a good day.  Life is better alternative.
You said it! :)

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Yes, you got it !!

Post by Bastard » Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:19 am

" . . .  and keep on getting 'yes' to the answer if I should kill myself . . . Is it possible that this message isn't coming from my higher self?"
You got it in one!
You are channeling Jihadi Al Qaeda suicide warriors.
Get them out of your aura!
You may have become too sensitive in a down moment and you have become vulnerable to these bitter, twisted, and jealous entities.
You must learn to restart your internal happiness generator if you are to win this internal psychic battle.

Firstly, be grim and determined to struggle to the end whatever it takes.
You must not let these evil forces win.
You owe it to other, weaker folk, your weaker colleagues, your family and friends because if they win against you, it will strengthen them to seduce others.

Secondly, you must be disciplined to practice experiencing joy and happiness.
It is all around us, flooding us and bathing us if only we will allow it into our hearts. First we must believe the world is a terrible and cruel place and that evil is everywhere, then we resolve that we want to find the light and move toward the light in order to ultimately dwell in the light, a process which, if you practice, will overtake you sooner that you might currently believe.
Look for the tiny bits of beauty which you are passing by all the time without noticing.

God expressed himself by creating this most wondrous of worlds, and he created you in order that his gift, his expression, could be loved and appreciated.
It is very important for your inner self that you find times when you truly give thanks and pour your gratitude to God for the wonder of a backlit cloud, or the sound of a birdsong breaking the silence. You might notice a tiny ant going about his business, or a leaf growing through a crack in a brick, a flash of kindness in the eye of a stranger, or weeds in glorious flower.
When you notice something that touches a nice spot inside you allow yourself to savour that feeling and nurture it, keep it and remember it.
Look for other little specks of beauty, and really enjoy them.
One day you'll realize they are everywhere now that you can see them so easily.

The world is a terrible, wonderful place where the problems are too vast for one little person to solve.
Just as well that's not your job.
Your job is to find the love, find the beauty, find the magic, and appreciate it with all your heart.

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Post by warped speed » Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:54 pm

Haven't visited this site in a while, and see that there's been a few new replies. Thanks for them. To reply to a couple of points, I think that very probably there's something a bit evil - in my aura, maybe?- that brings out devilish responses to dowsing. Actually, I hear weird and inexplicable noises/whistles/rustling/thumps in the room while sitting alone in my house, that I'm sure are caused by some sort of spirit/force. They don't cause any sort of damage or harm so they seem fairly neutral, but somehow I get the impression that I'm not alone, and that these spirits/entities/whatever are a bit mischievous, so they could be causing the weird responses I was getting from the dowsing.

And yes, it is actually the little beautiful things that keep me sane. I try to hold onto those, in the face of all the bad stuff.

Thanks again. I'm touched that you took the time to reply.  I wish you all a blessed and wonderful 2008. :)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:08 am

Warped Speed,

                     Hey hon' thanks for still checking on this page and letting us all know that you are out there and still doing good... *huggz* There is a lot of love for you here when ever you feel like you need it!!

                   Keep Fighting the good fight,

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Post by DragonKnight » Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:24 am

dont ever tell anyone to kill themselves it IS WRONG

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:34 am

DragonKnight wrote:dont ever tell anyone to kill themselves it IS WRONG
Okay I am just wondering where this came from or if it is just advice in general?? I was a little lost when I read it... Please clarify... if you don't mind doing so...


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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:43 pm

I have had the same thoughts many times my friend  and have been hospitalized for such behavior  and its not the answer .going within to find the questions why/answers can be very dangerous as long as your thoughts are fixed on the past /trauma, some of which you may not even remember.  cleansing and releasing is the first step and should not be done on your own   "Please Seek Personal  Help"  a adviser mentor priest therapist   to guide you on your spiritual journey home  do not try this alone .i have been in your shoes  ..your higher power would not lead you to think it was ok to take your life   ....the thing that comes to mind is demons spirits are disconnection from spirit   but not the true one source that binds us all together.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:37 pm

Demons are just something the human mind uses to justify their own actions.  There are no real demons - except what exists in our own mind.  And therein is the source of our discontent and suicidal thoughts.

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