Is this "really" happening?

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Is this "really" happening?

Post by AutumnSprite » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:04 am

I have had several instances in which I felt the ability to communicate with animals and to heal others, animals and humans. In instances where I cared and concentrated I felt something was happening, but I have been exploring inside lately and can almost see the blocks that come up.

I believe these walls are when consciously or subconsciously aware of (sometimes) society's views or family/friend's negative views or disbelief of 'psychic' activity.

And maybe some of my own I am not aware of or adopted. Though exploring that.

Recently had meditation session where I believe (unless was only imagination- see something 'there' in me still), I met my guides and they confirmed the block. And amazingly I could see or sense it strongly.

I've yet to discover how *I* need to unblock it, except trust myself and explore my senses fully. :) Duh, eh?

Anyone else run into these doubts, blocks?


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:09 am

I was just like that when I was younger, and the way I think about it is that they are natural barriers that your unconscious put there to keep you safe... I would not remove them as that could be bad if they are there to help protect you from TOOO much simulation. However, something like making a door or a window into the blocks that you can open and close at your discretion I think is much better.... I am not sure as to what all you have encountered... but as for the doubt. that is part of everyone!! No matter who you are, we all have doubts the  thing is to look past the doubt and think about what you want to do and how you think you will be able to do it... Doubt only works if we let it stop us. If you think positively and then try to figure out ways around the doubt you can do it. I have faith in you!!

Let me know how it goes and if I can help more in any way.


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Post by AutumnSprite » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:19 am

Nyteshadecreed wrote:I was just like that when I was younger, and the way I think about it is that they are natural barriers that your unconscious put there to keep you safe... I would not remove them as that could be bad if they are there to help protect you from TOOO much simulation. However, something like making a door or a window into the blocks that you can open and close at your discretion I think is much better.... I am not sure as to what all you have encountered... but as for the doubt. that is part of everyone!! No matter who you are, we all have doubts the  thing is to look past the doubt and think about what you want to do and how you think you will be able to do it... Doubt only works if we let it stop us. If you think positively and then try to figure out ways around the doubt you can do it. I have faith in you!!

Let me know how it goes and if I can help more in any way.

Thank you for your response, Nyte. I resisted immediately ;) But then see possible wisdom in what you say about heeding the blocks. I think I should be able to use my gifts. However, perhaps I am not ready yet to go farther, something is needed. Which is possible. I may have more to let go of in past that I have not yet, in order to move forward and delve more deeply.

I am a recent strong believer in positive thinking and using subliminal software to help boost it (I love it).  I think some blocks are "People will think I am crazy" or "I must be crazy to believe this" kind of thing.  I like the window metaphor a lot!  Maybe more guidance, looking inward to deal and let go of the past is necessary and I can use those techniques.

Blessed me, friend.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:24 am

*smile* Well I know that with Empathy not having ANY blocks is a very bad thing... you won't be able to stop the flood of emotions.... so there for having them is good, you just have to learn to use them for what you want and not let them bar you from what you want.... I am glad that you took that the right way... *smile* I think that it will just take alittle more time to come to terms with yourself. I mean if you really were crazy don't you think someone would have noticed by now??

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Post by AutumnSprite » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:31 am

Nyteshadecreed wrote:*smile* Well I know that with Empathy not having ANY blocks is a very bad thing... you won't be able to stop the flood of emotions.... so there for having them is good, you just have to learn to use them for what you want and not let them bar you from what you want.... I am glad that you took that the right way... *smile* I think that it will just take alittle more time to come to terms with yourself. I mean if you really were crazy don't you think someone would have noticed by now??
That is true. I have used the bubble concept (a simple one) for that, though not as often as should. I relaxed my guards there for awhile and found myself- became aware again- of letting other emotions influence and drain me too much (work in stressful atmosphere).

The other blocks are blackish, and only partly there, like zigging gate or fence. I think a big sign "Doubt" would fit ~rolleyes~ Though talking here with others helps that part A LOT!!!! :D

Oh, and they noticed I'm crazy, but that's just me - psychic or not ;) *smirk*

Okay- cool moment: Which last thought led me to - "then who cares with the rest?" Wow amazing how you learn little things in oddest manner *smiles and then grins*

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:38 am

*smile* I know how that goes... and see you already know most of what I have told you

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Post by AutumnSprite » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:45 am

*laughs* Trust myself. One of my newfound goals..  *smiles*

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:48 am

Good for you!! *huggz*

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Post by AutumnSprite » Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:44 pm

Huggggs and blessings~

I have a tendency to second guess myself and not fully trust myself, I think at times.  Part of blocking off may be the empathic need to shield. Also I like to 'run' right into things, rather than accept a path of gradual development *laughs* so, maybe something to heed, and slow my progress but yet keep going at the pace I am guided on.

Now to find more *time* to do that *grins and rolls eyes*


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:00 am

Hey I know that Being Taurus I am Supposed to be ALL patient and stuff but I am SOOO not, so I get what you are saying... *smile* I would keep reading and researching and when you are ready you will know it... I think that is the best advice I can give... is to not give up but just keep learning all you can.... ANyways take care and good luck!! *huggz*

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