EAR Ringing??????

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Post by darkfever » Tue Dec 11, 2007 5:21 am

I have noticed that my ears ring on almost a daily basis.  Sometimes I will be at work or just about to go to sleep and my hearing will appear to be "more in tune" to what is going around me. It is almost like a radar, zeroing in on incoming messages.  It is very strange , but interesting at the same time.

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Post by lycii » Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:23 pm

Ringing in the ears has to do with a inbalance of nutrients...your low on a nutrient some where, look into vit, mineral and amino acids and the syptoms of being to low on one of them. Its your body telling you your in a danger zone, sorry I cant remember which nutrient it is....my friend thught the same thing a few years back that the ringing in the ear has to do with pyschic stuff. I was studing nutrients and found out why it happens. I believe it has to do with one of the amino acids being to low. i was studing minerals and amino acids at the same time and kind of mixed them up together some how and well, now I cant remember which one it was. But I do remember it has to do with your body giving a sign your to low one nutients. A PH balance test strip at health food stores will test you you for mineral and how low you are one them but it doesnt tell you what minerals your low on. A doctor can do a test to find out which nutients your low on in all areas you may be low in. In wholelistic healing there is pyramid just like the food pyramid except its nutrients. Bottom of the pyramid is minerals, next is the amino acids and then the vits. then healthy oils like omaga3 oils. Be very careful though of taking amino acids and also minerals before you learn all you can about them first. If you take an amino acid you are not low on it will really mess you up and then the liquid minerals are aweful for you, there are 3 minerals they but in the bottle that...well one is lead and then the other two will cause insanity. I spent $45.00 on a bottle because its suppose to be the "best" to take. I looked up all the minerals and found out they put 3 minerals in the bottle the will harm you if you take it. One mineral caused madhatter something another. People who take it will act like the rabbit on alice in wonder land for a few months to a few years. But the best way is to just go to the doctor and get tested. its a hair stand test.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:48 pm

I know that this isn't the first time this topic has been posted, and I personally have been tested for many years with my hearing and physically and there is NO medical reason as to why I would have this, the Dr. said that the only thing he could figure is that is it that my hearing is so acute that I am hearing something that most people can't. (I can hear close to what is considered normal hearing for a dog, I am like 2 or 3 octaves off what they can.) So for some it might be the unbalance, but for others of us there are more things going on than meets the eye... I did not post that I have been tested so much, I should have... sorry about that... just wanted to let while this information will probably help some with this condition, that it won't help all.


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