Sylvia Browne

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:27 pm

Stanstead Hall is connected with Spiritualism which can be found worldwide as a religion, philosophy, science way of life.  Check out what is available in your own area and find a good circle and teacher to aid the personal journey.

If nothing available in your area, check it out online.  There is a national organization in Britain (SNU), US (, Canada ( - all of which are meant to serve the broader spectrum of seeker.

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Post by J&A_Hernandez_2007 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:42 pm

i to have been critized for my interest and involvement in this sort of stuff. i was raised by a strict penticostal mother that told me that what i was doing was glorifying the devil. although she has some psychic abilities and so did my grandmother, she still condems me for furthering my abilities. i decided not to let her hinder my development. i still have my belifes and i still consider myself a christian with an incredible gift from God.

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Post by HappyChic727 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:32 am

J&A_Hernandez_2007 wrote:i to have been critized for my interest and involvement in this sort of stuff. i was raised by a strict penticostal mother that told me that what i was doing was glorifying the devil. although she has some psychic abilities and so did my grandmother, she still condems me for furthering my abilities. i decided not to let her hinder my development. i still have my belifes and i still consider myself a christian with an incredible gift from God.
I think your mother was afraid of her gift because of what she was taught.  You are right in what you believe.  Absolutely!

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Sylia Browne

Post by man1954 » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:51 am

is she a fraud or not well I have met some with psychic that says she is real and others that say she is a fraud.
As for me she does not past the bible test of a true psychic and to me there has always been some thing about her and my guess is you feel it to or you would not be asking the question.
As for your ability I would have to agree with the other post you are doing the right thing and to me the only thing you can do if you are going to be true to your self, to me that is very important.
I have knowed Christians like your mother who believe that this ability comes from the devil and other that believe it is a gift from god.
Well I can not say whitch one I believe as for me and a bunch of other psychic that I know it is both a help and a bured. If I can ever help you in your quest please let me know.

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Sylvia Browne Allow for off days

Post by eccentricgrandma1 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:12 am

I use to never watch her on TV because I would get angry.  She was obviously vague and most of the time I saw her she was incorrect but then again I have a hard time with a psychic that "has" to go on a specific show at a specific time that doesn't allow for bad days.  We all have sick days, family problems, things that keep us from tapping into our psychic self.  I have a cold right now and wouldn't do a reading for anyone.  Now that she is a regular on Montel she can pick and choose when to have her show and when to have it shown.  She is better.  I agree with the other writer that said you get tired of the same things over and over.  Are they with me?  Are they OK? Easy to answer yes (most of the time if a person went to the show specifically to see if their loved one is with them)and yes.   I do not like her 95 year dooms day prediction as I do feel we all have free will and even if she were right things can change.  BUT... in the beginning of your path you have to start somewhere.  What would hit you in the beginning may not help later on.  The answer for you is inside you but you have to get enough information to know to let go and look for it.

Religion causes a lot of guilt and depending on your religion you may find like the Catholics do many symbols and signs of metaphysical beliefs that are held to be just a Catholic thing.  Mormons work off channeled material and of course the Bible was written by man as directed by God.  As long as you only focus on positive energy and positive information then you will get there.  With the depression if you get ANYTHING negative then you should stop immediately.  I owned a metaphysical book store for years and had people of all types come in and it can be comforting for some to just come in and talk to a believer.  There are many groups and organizations you can join around that maybe you could search out.

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Sylvia Brown

Post by Thistle » Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:57 am

I used to think that Sylvia Brown was all that and a bag of chips until I started watching the Montel Williams show and paying attention to what she actually said. For one thing when ever anyone starts to talk about experiencing being awake but not able to move their body (sleep paralysis) Sylvia Brown comes out saying that it is the soul trying to leave the body as in astral projection. Oh bull.  :smt018 Sleep paralysis is a documented fact. There has been medical research here and more extensively in Japan on sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis keeps us from injuring ourselves as we sleep and our minds sort and 'download' information from the day.
 And since asteral projection is said to be achieved during meditative states then why would every case of sleep paralysis be asteral projection?
 I say take Sylvia Brown with a grain of salt. She is entertaining but not everything she says is gospel. :smt020 --Thistle

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Post by Shortyfrm » Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:41 am

You know I think it all depends what you feel.  

Just like some stoves don't work well for some people while they work well for others.  Apply the same theory to tarot readers.  The fact of the matter is as a professional reader myself, I know if someone has a defensive wall up, no matter how hard you try, you aren't going to be able to be spot on in readings unless they are open and honest within themselves.

Just my two cents...I would say to carrying on if she speaks to you.  She spoke to you before, why wouldn't she continue to just because she made a boo-boo that was publicly televised...that just means she is human and had an off day.

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Post by tootsiewon » Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:01 am

I haven't noticed Sylvia Brown doing "cold reading" on Montel's show.  She doesn't spend nearly enough time talking to one person for that.  

What I notice is that she snaps answers back very fast.  It seems she just says whatever comes to mind.  Heck, I can do that, too - and probably be right half the time, also.  

One thing that strikes me about her is that she seems to be "so" talented in so many areas.  I don't know anyone who does it all, like her:  sees spirits, ghosts, angels & guides - then can shift into "who killed my daddy" - then into "where will I be next year?" - then "who died in my backyard?"  Seems pretty far-fetched to me.  Most people I've met don't have all that diversity of talents, and, if they did use them all in a one-hour period, they'd keel over with exhaustion.

Sylvia's entertaining.

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Post by Moon_Haven767 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:19 pm

To be perfectly honest i'm not sure
when i saw her on the show she seemed pre occupied that something else was going on
she didn't seem friendly
but hey thats my say

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Post by LordLeckie » Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:35 am


I find it interesting that she has accepted to take James Randis $1000000 paranormal challenge, hell even on TV and yet after she accepts to take his test she never take it, she ignores Randi and goes on with her little charade.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:39 pm

Randi is not all he's cracked up to be either.  Time and again many an excellent psychic/medium has proven their point and he ignores the evidence.  

Sylvia Browne has so much publicity there is bound to be the good, the bad, the ugly about it all.  We can all find faults if we look.  Perhaps just accepting what helped us and moving on would be best?

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Post by tourbi » Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:49 pm

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.  Keep what feels right.  You might try putting your hand over your heart. Take a deep breath, let it out and ask for the highest guidance thru your heart.  Look at each book, or any books, people, readers, etc. you are interested in reading, working with, and then ask your heart to give you an answer.  Not your head, just your heart.  Is it right for you.  What is right for you may not be for someone else.
Does it resonate for you?  
I wouldn't focus on one person and their teachings.  
If something just doesn't feel right for me, I put it on the back burner.  Maybe another day it will be just what I'm searching for. Image

Trust yourself.  Trust your heart.

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