Astral Projection???

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Astral Projection???

Post by stacy1919 » Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:03 am

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else has ever had this happen to them.....

Every once in a while as I am drifting off to sleep or sometimes while i am sleeping, i feel my body tingeling, and i get paralized.  At times this is accompied by vivid dreams or sparkly lights.  ( i hope i am making sence).  Is that astral projection, sleep paralasis?  

It's so strange. The last time this happened, about last April,  i heard a voice telling me to wake-up.  kinda scared me a bit and i was afraid to go back to sleep, the sensations were so intense and the voice.  Weird.  Any ideas?

I spell like crap. :smt010

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Post by wraithhurler » Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:39 am

sounds like you have the same problem i do. do you dream or see as if  you are in your room. becasue i do.

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Post by stacy1919 » Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:49 am

wraithhurler wrote:sounds like you have the same problem i do. do you dream or see as if  you are in your room. becasue i do.
I never see myself or anything like that. If i did, i would be a bit more sure of what was occuring.  It's weird, and really hard to articulate in writing.  i'm not that best at that).  I see a lot of black or darkness and stary type of lights.  Falling through darkness, spacey type thing or just black, which makes me think it's just sleep paralasis or something.   But the night the voice told me to "wake-up stacy" in a low, not human, but not threating voice, i was sleeping in a room where a lot of rituals were preformed ( not by me)  a high energy place.  

what happens to you?

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Post by wraithhurler » Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:39 am

for me, when i about to wake up i am usely in my room, somewhere in my house or some where i dont know. i can see my srounding and the lighting sometimes change to. when about to wake up i feel pull out and paralized for a moment. fear is the first thing i notice about my self. sometimes i would here nosies and/or feel something is on my bed. i get to see a shoadow of human  type figure or sometimes strange i can not describe. but most of the time i would just wake up paralized and feel scaried and some times i little warmth which is weried after the i am paralized. i have had this happen four different place where i use to lived. so i now it is not the house.

i remember my father told me once that when i was little there would be this spirit or thing follow us around from house to hosue when we move. every time my parents talk about the spirit it would do something to show that it was there. after a while my parents leared if they say nothing about the spirit it would not do anything, so it stop. wonder that spirit or thing still follows me around.

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Post by stacy1919 » Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:02 am

Interesting, wraith.

I agreed with your observation of the experiences not being related to your surroundings.  I have lived in about 4 or five different places and the feeling still occurs from time to time.  

When i mentioned the bedroom i was sleeping in during my last experience, i thought that maybe the presence/voice i heard was related to pervious rituals and the energy of that particular room.  Plus the high spirit/ghost (don't know what it is, really) activity in my former home when i was a child.  last sighting was less then a foot from where i was sleeping that night.  lol.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:00 pm

Sleep paralysis is connected to and a symptom of astral projection.  As that is the lowest of realms and a mental one, it is important to wake yourself up and move.  

As to spirit entities following  you from house to house, it must have been attached to your parents in some way.  They had the energy that would have helped this spirit move on into the light.  Keeping 'house pets' of spirit entities is just not progressive.

There are many ways to clean houses and this has been discussed here in the past I am sure.  Smudging exercises are most common.

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Post by quinnie » Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:45 pm

Hi Stacy..

I go through that occasionally as well. It is a very weird feeling, I know. I get more of the feeling of hearing a voice talking to me in those moments of semi-subconsciousness. For me, it is God talking to me & telling me stuff that I need to know. I never really remember it all physically, but deep in my soul, my feelings are calmed & if there have been things on my mind, He usually deals with it all. Its that time of deep meditation that we are relaxed & more open to the spiritual I think?

And Wraith, what you said about your experience also rings true for me. I have had times dealing with a restless spirit or other dark force haunting me at night in the past .. also have had that feeling of being paralyzed, almost out of body, but also in my room .. and there have been the image, presence (or both) of that spirit being. I have yet to learn about dealing with that sort of thing & still trying to find out more.

For others it could be many other different things - some call it their Spirit Guide, Guardian Angel, etc .. And yeah, it could be hey. I've often felt that there is so much we sometimes don't understand but just need to keep our eyes, ears, mind, & heart open to receive and learn. Dunno if this helps but know you not alone!

Take care! :)

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:54 pm

Those intended to guard us (Guardians) and guide us (Spirit Guides) do not come with symptoms that would frighten us - they work in love.  When someone loves us they do not deplete, nor cause pain to us, in sleep or awake.  Those coming in the night, uninvited are not of the light and for your own good.  The same lessons can be learned in the light and with love.  I would just not welcome anyone who came to cause discomfort.

When we lie down to sleep we go through 4 stages of consciousness to get to sleep state.  The first is alpha state which is also used in meditation.  This is the brief window of time (before sleep and upon waking) that psychic messages actually occur.  (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta)

As you go deeper into sleep you dream in REM state.  And dreams are about our unresolved emotions from our conscious state playing out in symbols to use for resolution.
Last edited by spiritalk on Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by quinnie » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:56 pm

Hey there Spiritalk..

Wow yes I so agree with you there. That's such a fantastic way of putting things.
Thanks so much for bringing a little more light on the subject! ;)

Take care.. Q.

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Post by kramont » Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:07 pm

Every once in a while as I am drifting off to sleep or sometimes while i am sleeping, i feel my body tingeling, and i get paralized.  At times this is accompied by vivid dreams or sparkly lights.  ( i hope i am making sence).  Is that astral projection, sleep paralasis?  

HI Stacy:  You asked....I don't know.  I'm not sure everyone's vivid dreams are nothing more than that, dreams or simi-dozzing (ha) where you still have control or some controll of what your mind brings up.  When APing I never vivid dream.....I do that during the night when I do have dreams.
'Sleep paralasis'.... how about a term like 'medatative paralasis'?  I think most people have reported this, it's not AP but usually the start of a trip.

It's so strange. The last time this happened, about last April,  i heard a voice telling me to wake-up.  kinda scared me a bit and i was afraid to go back to sleep, the sensations were so intense and the voice.  Weird.  Any ideas?

Yes, I have been blown out of bed with someone warning me to not do something. As you learn your boundries most of the attention warning will go away.
Never a weird voice but one of absolute authority.

Sounds like you are experiencing what most of us have also.
I usually suggest to ignore vivid dreams that concern your every day life or people you know.  But pay attention to the ones that reveal and put you in situations beyound your physical experience and knowledge.

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Post by Zoddn Drak » Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:32 am

Yay! I gots an answer! (very Technical)

That's one of the "fun" symptoms of not being used to projecting, and as such you end up "halfway there" at the same time you are "halfway here". And untill you are well versed in the field (most people aren't) you WILL have problems like this, Don't worry the transitions are strange for everyone. The voice (actually can be sounds in general too, Train whistle, animal sound, water running, Explosions) is a psychic imprint on AEther (which you pass on the way to Astral) Wootz go Planar Theory!
Being in two planes at once has a myriad of side effects, one of which is the ability to percieve Entities.

As for me, It happened alot more when I was a noob (and back before my studies) it goes away with practice. As for rituals affect on surrounding AEther, I don't know, but my guess is that there will probably be a definite impact.

The trick is to realize what's going on, you'll end up going to one plane or the other. (usually the physical)


The Black spacey (falling) place is Oblivion (the gap between Planes)
AEther is the fun one to try to describe... Like Whiteish-grey versions of real life. (most people don't see it because it overlaps so much with the physical plane)
Oblivion + tiny multicolored lights (flowy) = Lower Astral
less Oblivion + More Lights = High Astral
Even more Lights (start to blend) = Mental
More lights (blended together) = Casual
after that: Abstract

If you can project to Mental you're amazing so don't expect to see Casual or Abstract (who knows maybe you will, though)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:46 pm

And going into between realms is good for? A good posting about the astral plane:

I often see articles and comments referring to the astral plane and using this term synonymous with ‘dreaming’, ‘O.B.E.’, and ‘spiritual’ plane.  This is very misleading and incorrect.  

The main difference between any of the dimensions is the vibration frequency.  The highest frequency there is: the Eternal Unconditional Love and Light of the First Source and Centre: The Creator of All That Is.  Although all is one, the farther one gets from the Central Source, frequency drops until eventually you encounter the lowest frequency of energy – dense physical matter.

The astral plane is the lowest frequency non-physical plane.  It is where all the low vibration frequency thought forms, energies, entities exist, because they can literally only rise to the level that matches their vibration frequency.  This is also why it is relatively easy to astral travel.  

One does not need to raise their vibration frequency of Love and Light to do it, although it does help.  The problem is, the astral plane is basically the lowest of humanities negative thought forms, emotions, discarnate beings who passed away in an unconscious mindset.  This is why so many people report having problems there.  Yes, you can learn how to protect yourself, but then again, why play at this level?

Wise men throughout the ages have diligently raised their Love and Light quotients through a worldwide variety of disciplines in order to leap right over the top of this plane for the exact reasons mentioned.  Once you do this, you can and will begin to consciously work with the higher beings of Light on a personal basis.  I can guarantee you the higher dimensions are where the beings of Love, Light and Divine Wisdom reside, not the astral plane.

For all those people who have become adept at astral travel, I promise you, there is so much more beautiful ‘stuff’ in the higher dimensions awaiting you – with open arms.

Seek the heights and that is what you will reach.  Why play lower?

God bless, J

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Post by Zoddn Drak » Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:22 pm

Thanks muchly spiritalk, I really didn't want to have to write all that, and your words drive the point home better than anything I would have used. Also, thanks for clarifying the frequency aspect, (I didn't do so well on that...) and yes, no one should settle with just the Astral, Always strive to achieve new heights, and that applies to everything.

Question: Can you clarify what each level of frequency is called? Example lowest = Material, then AEther, then Astral... and so on?

Bless you,
Zoddn Drak

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:31 pm

We are in a material/physical body with the grossest of energies - the lowest.  Progressing higher we go into mental (astral) realms and finer still would be the spirit vibration.  All of this is available together in our physical body.  The level at which we choose to work and play is what we will get.  

God is the finest vibration of all - angels would resonate next, then spirit of the highest spheres.  (There are 7 spheres of spirituality through which we live and learn).

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Post by Zoddn Drak » Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:54 pm

I'm intrigued, please, do go on.

(It's Learnin' Time)


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