voices before sleep

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voices before sleep

Post by Doe » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:20 pm

As I've written here before, I don't hear "voices"; I just see what's being said by spirits as writing (maybe because I'm a writer--the problem is when I get distracted by mentally correcting spelling and grammar!  :smt002 ).

But I've been thinking about something that's always been the case with me, and wondering if it's just something everyone does, or if it's something else.  I often know that I'm about to fall asleep because, although I'm still awake, I'll "hear" odd bits of conversation, often in different voices, accents, and genders.  What's said usually sounds like nonsense to me, but when I think about it it could make perfect sense to someone else, in context.  I always figured that my mind was just letting itself slip a little in preparation for sleep and dreaming.

A few months ago, though, it happened in the middle of the night, in greater detail.  (It's possible that it happened as I was waking up rather than going to sleep.) I seemed to be talking to a young man on the phone, and in the background I could hear other voices saying things like, "Go on--you can do it!" as if they were goading someone on to something.  The young man said something to me like, "Do I sound suicidal"?  I think I went into counselor mode at that point, and started talking to him as I would anyone talking about suicide, but then it ended.  The following day, though, I think I "met" the young man again, as a spirit of a teen who may have been gay, and apparently was goaded by other teens to take his own life.  We "talked" for a few weeks, and then he seemed to leave.

So it just left me wondering if thoses voices I hear before sleep are NOT, in fact, so random, and if maybe I was hearing from spirits for longer than I've been thinking I had.  Or, again, it could just be what everyone does!  I just never thought to ask anyone.  (It's like the high-pitched sound I've often heard for a few seconds in one ear or another, all my life.  I always thought that everyone had that, but I asked my husband and he had no idea what I was talking about!  Now I recognize that I hear that sound when a spirit is near and wants my attention.  Before I always just assumed that I was listening to music at too high a volume!)



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Post by Molissa » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:34 pm

oh, boy.  I'll ditto those questions.....
I'm definately wanting to hear opinions on these.
and lights.  what about the sparkly dots of light that always make me laugh and smile.  The dots of light I call faery lights and they light up my gardens everywhere.  And no, they are not lightening bugs and my neices and nephews, exhusband etc will "investigate" and try to catch them.  Uncatchable, of course. The faery lights are special to me.  
I'm quite excited to see these questions, and hope to people's thoughts.
thanks, Doe.

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Post by Boom » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:47 pm

I'm not really a visual or audible person by choice but I've seen white dots before. Like fireflies but with a white glow and very tiny.

As fare as the post, I always interpreted that high pitch sound as energy.I took it as if an an energy force or being was close it would make a low to high pitched hum.

I understand that electrical equipment can produce a very similar experience, but its not the same but to me can sound identical.

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Post by Psychic Chef » Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:06 pm

Hi Doe
As you go to sleep you will get to a point when you go from awakened state to alpha, beta theta state or altered state . When all is calm and quiet that spirts have a better chance to get your attention. Its a cool thing to go through. These days they come and go through my mind without waiting for a altered state to happen.
But when i was young they started by waiting for me to sleep.
By lowering your bain wave patterns to get to an altered state through meditation you wil get there quicker.
As a side note meditation and visulization are wonderful tools to vastly improve your abilities.
White spots .. i cant help you with i usually get free floating large forms or side movement flashes.
Cheers Pete

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:36 pm

i've had that happen to me, bf takes that time to sometimes talk to me and visit. and i've had other spirits just be a pain in the ass and go "HEY!!!" everytime i'm about to go to sleep hate when they do that!

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Post by tourbi » Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:49 pm

Keep practicing meditation and I would imagine you will start hearing.  Right now, you have been saying I can't do this, but your subconscious and your Spirit Self can.  We impose limitations on ourselves, like mine that I am not visual and then we are caught in that limitation.  You are being told, not shown, but told, that you are not as limited as you have been thinking.  Now, let go of the limitation and see what happens. The easiest way is thru meditation.

Have fun with it.  Remember, it's like other gifts, you can set boundaries.  If you don't want to hear the person in the car next to you, set the boundary.  Or learn to turn down the volume and turn it back up.  

Enjoy your abilities.  I think we are all learning to move past our limitations we have arbitrarily set for ourselves.  Thank you for the example. Image

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Post by Molissa » Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:20 pm

it sounds like you have a huge and wonderful gift.  I look forward to hearig more, and hearing your progress.
Isn't Tourbi amazing? her: Now, let go of the limitation and see what happens
just sayin'

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Post by Doe » Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:47 pm

it sounds like you have a huge and wonderful gift.
Oh--and you don't, Molissa?!!   :smt002

Yes--the lights!  Sometimes it's like waking up in the middle of the night to find myself in the middle of a forest full of lit Christmas trees.  There are different colors, shapes, and sizes.  I think I was told yesterday (no, I WAS told!) that some new ones I saw were something like angels, and last night I could see them hovering around my son as he slept.  How wonderful is that?

WLBG--I've had times like that...someone just doesn't think that it's time for me to go to sleep!  I wish I could communicate with others like that.

Pete and Boom--Both of you stated things that I kind of suspected about the sleep states and energy (now that I'm actually thinking about it).  It's a huge help (as always here!) to get some kind of affirmation--I've said elsewhere here that I'm trying to get my brain to catch up with what I've been experiencing, and it really helps SO much to "talk" to people who already have a clue!

Tourbi (and Pete)--the whole meditation thing has always just seemed to escape me.  I simply don't know how to do it without letting my thoughts drift to things like the dishes in the sink!  I think I sort of do it when I take walks, or when I close my eyes and kind of allow myself to drift into the colors, images, and words I see.  But Tourbi, you encourage me about the possibility of being able to actually hear, rather than just see. (The latter is cool, but not so convenient when I'm out, or with a lot of people, or driving.  I'll feel or hear David or someone else try to get my attention, but then I have to either close my eyes--not so hot when I'm driving, and David might be trying to warn me about possible danger--or find a nice blank piece of wall and some privacy to try to read what they're saying.)

Storry also suggested something that was suggested to her here, I think--asking David simple questions in my mind, and then just listening to see if I hear a voice different from my own.  It's hard to tell the difference so far, but it sounds as if it just might help.

I have "heard" David twice since he's been around.  One time was when all of this was quite new and I didn't see words yet, and I suspected that he was around, but kept asking, "Is it you?"  One afternoon I was just drifting off to sleep when I felt this gentle "shock" on the top of my head (that's happened a lot), and heard, "It's me."  The second time I was "alone" in a hotel room in Mexico in the middle of the night...SICK AS A DOG!  I really thought I was dying.  But I heard, "I'm here."  I knew he was there--he always is--and it didn't get me any less sick, but it was so comforting to hear!

So it must be possible, with practice.  And meditation.  :smt017

Here's to overcoming our self-imposed limitations!   :smt003   Thanks, as always, everyone.


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Post by tourbi » Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:00 pm

Be gentle with yourself about meditation.  It takes a lot of doing it over and over and over and over and over and over. It takes being gentle with yourself and teaching yourself new types of disciplines.  
It takes being willing to just sit and be with it.  There are lots of meditations, some Pravinji shares in his posts.  You read them into your mp3 or cassette player and then listen to them to meditate.  
When thoughts bubble up, just gently move them to the side.  Acknowledge them and then move them to the side.
Pick the thought and sounds to which you want to pay attention. Did I say BE GENTLE with yourself.  
We are part of the instant gratification generation.  Things should be there instantly.  Not so.  Meditation is a process we build upon.  People who have meditated for 30 years are still building, learning and practicing.
There are many many kinds, there are many many teachers, there are lots of disciplines for meditating.  
After years of listening to my teachers' cd's I had the opportunity to sit with a Sufi Master.  She was visiting a friend. She wanted us to sit with her before dinner.
I was shocked and so was she that I was able to sit with her in her discipline, easily and effortlessly.
That is only because I had been practicing for years.
I keep practicing.
Don't give up, BE GENTLE with yourself and know that you will still be practicing 40 years from now and the time between has brought you to a whole new place.  ImageImage

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:10 pm

Meditation is your own mind - so you have to find how it works for you.  Taking charge with a picture and/or sound helps you to define what you are doing with the meditation.  And then when you are in a place of peace and the spirit comes to peace, you can place a symbol and connect with your own personal guide on that symbol.  

Meditation literally means to think upon - we are retraining our mind - not stopping it.  So perhaps having a handle on your expectations of what is meditation would help.  I think Doe mentioned a walking meditation - and yes, that is meditation too - the mind is remaining on a single thought and thereby bringing the body, spirit and mind to peace.

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Post by Doe » Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:13 pm

Tourbi--Yes, I'm trying to learn not to force things and then to get fed up when they don't come instantly.  I'm in a good place to try at the moment (still in Florida)--I'm going to see what happens with it this afternoon, and also read the posts you suggest.

While I was waiting for the ENDLESS process of this computer getting my last post posted, I was thinking a little more about what you and Pete had said.  I remembered that when David has something really important to tell me, he does it the MOMENT I wake up, before I even open my eyes, because that's when I can always see what he's saying the most easily.  I assume that the state between sleep and being awake is somewhat the same as the one achieved through meditating (?!--correct me if I'm wrong!).  So that makes sense.  And it also seems like another really good time to "hear" without "seeing" the words.  

Thanks again--seriously...I need all the help I can get, and you all always give me so much to think about.


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Post by biyu » Fri Apr 11, 2008 6:21 pm

(It's like the high-pitched sound I've often heard for a few seconds in one ear or another, all my life.  I always thought that everyone had that, but I asked my husband and he had no idea what I was talking about!  Now I recognize that I hear that sound when a spirit is near and wants my attention.  Before I always just assumed that I was listening to music at too high a volume!)
is  that  what  that  is??  ill  hear  this  simalar  high  pitched  ringing  in  usially  my  right  ear  (my  left  ear  is  all  messed  up  bascally  it  has  its  own  ringing  from  fluids  or  that  beein  in  there  but  chewin  gum  could  help)  i  had  been  told  its  bascally  just  in  gettin  info  sent  to  me  that  relates  to  the  ascension  were  gooin  thru  so  yea  not  too  shure  on  it  now  but  fer  me  it  ALLWAYS  sounds  exactally  the  same

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Post by Doe » Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:17 pm

Spirtalk--I think you've hit on part of my problem--I haven't really defined what "meditation" is for myself, or what I'd consider "successful" meditation.  I already see and feel (physically) so many things, so I'm not trying to really "tap into" those things from a state of seeing "nothing".  I guess, as Tourbi seemed to be saying, that it's about refining things.  The "walking meditation" is nice (and healthy!), but I don't think that gets me where I need to go.

This thread has really gotten me thinking that what I'd like to be able to accomplish--without just falling asleep!--would be to reach a state similar to the one I'm in just before sleeping, or when I'm just waking up.  Those are the times in which it seems I'd be most likely to achieve things like being able to hear the voices I'd like to hear (and not have to do so much reading!).  Once I manage that, then I guess I'd want to do the other thing that Tourbi mentioned, and create boundaries so that I'm not hearing a lot of voices at one time (I often "see" several conversations at one time, and it makes things kind of hard to understand, as you can imagine).

With that in mind, do you have any suggestions? The "symbol" that you mentioned sounds intriguing.  Can you please be a little more specific about how that would work?

Biyu--I'm STILL not sure it's not just having listened to music too loudly--at least sometimes!  But it's definitely happened when I'm being "approached" by a spirit, so maybe that's the case with what you hear, too.

Thanks--this is turning out to be a really helpful, ah-HAH!!!-type thread!


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Post by FireRose » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:02 am

biyu wrote:
(It's like the high-pitched sound I've often heard for a few seconds in one ear or another, all my life.  I always thought that everyone had that, but I asked my husband and he had no idea what I was talking about!  Now I recognize that I hear that sound when a spirit is near and wants my attention.  Before I always just assumed that I was listening to music at too high a volume!)
is  that  what  that  is??  ill  hear  this  simalar  high  pitched  ringing  in  usially  my  right  ear  (my  left  ear  is  all  messed  up  bascally  it  has  its  own  ringing  from  fluids  or  that  beein  in  there  but  chewin  gum  could  help)  i  had  been  told  its  bascally  just  in  gettin  info  sent  to  me  that  relates  to  the  ascension  were  gooin  thru  so  yea  not  too  shure  on  it  now  but  fer  me  it  ALLWAYS  sounds  exactally  the  same
I have had the same issue.. my doctor said it was because of pressure in my sinuses (and with sinus medication it has gotten much better! I don't know if that's relevant to you ... but worth looking into I guess. I know how annoying it can be!!

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:28 pm

To me meditation for connection to spirit begins with finding my own personal peace centre.  I do this by visualization (I like a garden) and when I have come to a quiet place I put a symbol (a flower) in my peace centre and a seat to welcome my spirit guide (now you can get into a lot of opinion and ideas on this topic - but keeping it simple here).  I will then feel the change of the energy as they join me to commune with spirit (from mine to the one without).  

All exercises with meditation are about visualization.  Going to a quiet place that soothes the soul (something of nature works - a garden, a waterfall, a tree, a river, a beach, etc.) helps us to reach our own peaceful state.  It is from there that the alpha waves take us to spirit connection.  We are more alert when doing it as meditation rather than going into sleep, as we may lose that connection to the next phase of sleep.

Spirit will work on our physical ears to aid in the hearing process.  If it is uncomfortable you are in charge and can tell them to back off a bit.  They will continue to work on it and help you hear - but with less discomfort to the body - sometime they just don't know their own power and how it affect us unless we tell them.

Have you ever had an ich just beyond where you can reach to stratch?  LOL

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