Um... Can anyone help?

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Um... Can anyone help?

Post by Divapixie » Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:21 am

Hi the subject line indicates: you may think this is a silly question but the truth is that I do not know the answer so to me this is valid.

How do I find or meet or become conscious of my "Guide"????

I have seen a load of posts where people share their experiences with their guides...I have been looking for one for myself but I was thinking of a physical mentor. I have been longing for guidance in everyday life and, feeling alone, could never figure out how I should go about bonding with some person who would take me under their wing...

Then you guys all chat about guides and I'm like "Hey! Now that is something to look into..."

Unfortunately I haven't a clue yet...please help??? :smt017  :smt012  :smt003

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Post by Doe » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:13 pm

Hi, DivaPixie,

There's nothing silly about that question at all!  I've often wondered that myself, both in terms of "living" mentors", and spirit guides (I got lucky on the latter---mine is someone I loved very much when he was alive, and who came back to me--after much whining and pleading on my part!  :smt010 ).

So I just went to my "resident expert" here about your question, and he answered, "Let them come to you.  Talk lovingly to lost loved ones."  Sounds about right to me (although others here may have other good suggestions too).

What he means, I take it, is that you don't necessarily need to actively look for someone--the right person (and this, I think, would apply to the living as well as to spirits) will make himself or herself known to you when the time is right.  But I'm a firm believer (based on my own experiences), that those we love who have passed on can hear us when we speak to them--even if we see no signs of that happening.  Do you have someone like that--a relative, friend, or other loved one who has passed, and who loves you?  If so, just try talking to him or her, and ask if he or she might help you with finding some guidance in your life.

If you don't have anyone like that, just try making a general "prayer" (and by prayer I don't mean that it has to be to anyone specific if you don't have a specific belief--just whomever or whatever you feel might be "in charge"  :smt004, and listening.  I always feel certain that someone is, even if we don't know who, exactly).  Again, just ask that someone come into your life--in whatever "form"--to guide you.

That's just one opinion--hope it helps.  Feel free to ask more questions, and NEVER think they're silly!


P.S.  One more thing--although you should be open to hearing from those who want to help and guide you, do be careful, too--again, both with the living and with spirits.  My own feeling is that anyone who claims to know what's best for you, and has very rigid "rules" that you need to follow if you want to achieve your goals, and TELLS--rather than asks--you to do things, back away slowly...Your own intuition and experience can tell you a lot--all you need is someone who can help you keep your eyes open to all the possibilities.

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Post by Divapixie » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:30 pm

Hi Doe,

Thank you very much for your post...for some reason, while reading this I just started crying my heart out. (So here I am, in my office, watering my keyboard and my coworkers are going HUH? :smt017 )

So I'll be patient and open and hopefully my guide will come to me soon...
I need really need someone in this episode...


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Post by Doe » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:42 pm

Don't give up--I know that someone will come along.  In the meantime, whenever you need to "talk" to someone about something, we're all here!


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Post by Divapixie » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:47 pm

Thanx Doe, that makes my heart feel much lighter...

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:34 pm


I have been saved from Certain Death on 6 occasions. I do not know of any guide or angel but I know all this does not happen by itself. There are some forces which act or you attract towards yourself because of your belief in that particular direction that guide you. When I was saved for the first time in a serious accident lying unconscious in a Jungle in the night and it was raining I owed my luck to a ring of my late GrandFather which I felt brought me luck. This is because I had served my Grand Father and Grandmother for many years and always feel they look after me.

Now after that in the second case I was saved because I used to meditate daily. There is nothing like meditation.

Third and Fourth time I was saved because of my Sadguru. You can even appeal to your forefathers UP there in Heavens and they will always care for you and are caring for you. To get messages from them you have to lower your Brain frequencies and go to Alpha Level and then appeal to them. You will definitely hear their guidances which will be the best. Try this daily. You have to quieten your mind, reduce your brain frequencies then everything will start happening.

First two times I was saved from Drowning when I was young and that time I thought it was pure luck.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:08 pm

Spirit guides is a large topic with many opinions.  From my experience I can give you some information:  
- spirit guides are the spirit of those that have lived an earth life in the past, then been in spirit long enough to understand the spirit realms and bring information of continued existence back.
- for this reason, they are not our loved ones (which has a totally different approach in communication).  
- spirit guides come on the vibration of the law of attraction - like to like - and you will be drawing spirit guides according to your own spirituality and striving for spirituality.  A more materialistic approach will draw that to them as a guide.
- spirit guides have humility.  They do not require nor wish for recognition as in name.  The connection is by worldwide practiced techniques of energy.
- spirit guides can come and go as their teaching and usefulness to our journey of life is over and another has the next lessons.

Please read some of the ideas in the Mystic Academy - Mediumship Development course for hints as to who, what, where, why, how of it all.

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Post by tourbi » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:10 pm

Ask and you will receive.  You have Spirit Guides.  
Ask to know them and then be open to them contacting you, somehow.  

As far as in body teachers, guides.  Ask the Universe for a teacher.  Then be open and one will be presented.

Remember, you need to let the Universe know what you want.

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Post by Boom » Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:46 pm

"P.S.  One more thing--although you should be open to hearing from those who want to help and guide you, do be careful, too--again, both with the living and with spirits.  My own feeling is that anyone who claims to know what's best for you, and has very rigid "rules" that you need to follow if you want to achieve your goals, and TELLS--rather than asks--you to do things, back away slowly...Your own intuition and experience can tell you a lot--all you need is someone who can help you keep your eyes open to all the possibilities."

I just wanted to stress the importance of what Doe said.

In ordered to be guided your never forced into an area. Your lead. Life as a whole, essentially,has no rules. Theres no right or wrong way to believe. As long as you reach out, for something. That something, will reach back. The more that 'something' reaches back is where you get "guidance".

Concerning finding the people in life that will help with progression. Focus on something else and 'they' will come as a result as your positive focus on the self. Were all intuitive on some level. Self Awareness is key in any aspect of the psychic arts.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:01 pm

Its wonderful to be open Touri - but then again, knowing who and what we draw by useful techniques is a good idea.  Any and all spirit are not created equal - just as human beings are not all created equal.  

Yes, there is a lot available - but being discriminatory as to those who have our best interests at heart helps eliminate all negative in the approach - pain, discomfort and even mental aberrations.

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Post by Doe » Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:28 pm


I know you were addressing Tourbi, but I can't agree that all humans weren't created equal.  I believe that everyone--regardless of physical, mental, or emotional disabilities--is born with something worthwhile and unique, and with something to offer.  Circumstances during life can lead people to do bad things, but everyone has potential, and has a reason to be here (what's that t-shirt say?--"God don't make mistakes"? ! :) ).  There have been many people who have lived "sinful" lives, only to come to regret their ways and work very hard to become the best people they can be.

And once people pass on to the spirit stage of existence, how can we decide whether what they have to say to us is worth our paying attention?  Perhaps the disabilities and/or "faults" that plagued them during their lives are cleared away so that they can have second chances to redeem themselves by helping the living.  I agree wholeheartedly that one has to use his or her own best judgement to decide what kind of guidance is useful--there are clearly spirits who have not yet been able to overcome the problems that plagued them when they were alive.  My only point was that you shouldn't dismiss out-of-hand guidance from any source that seems useful and kindly given and relevant to our lives.  But you should definitely be wary of "guidance" given forcefully and as if it's the only option, as you would with the living.

Just because, for example, someone was a member of the clergy in life doesn't necessarily make him or her a good source of guidance.  Conversely, someone who lived a "sinful" life may very well be a wonderful source at some point after death.  We are the ones with intelligence and free will, and should make those judgements based on our own discretion, rather than on a person's "standing" in life.  We're all unique, with invidual needs at various stages of our existence, and we all have potential to touch the light and reflect it back upon others.


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Post by tourbi » Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:34 pm

spiritalk wrote:Its wonderful to be open Touri - but then again, knowing who and what we draw by useful techniques is a good idea.  Any and all spirit are not created equal - just as human beings are not all created equal.  

Yes, there is a lot available - but being discriminatory as to those who have our best interests at heart helps eliminate all negative in the approach - pain, discomfort and even mental aberrations.
Please, I'm tourbi. Thank you.
Yes, I apologize, of course people need to pick and choose and check the energies and qualifications of teachers.  
Please, people ask for what you want.  That means asking specifically for you want.  The teachers that are meant for you and the Spirit Guides names, and other information.  Be very specific to ask exactly for what you want. Ask always for the highest purpose, the best teacher, etc etc.
Thank you

added: In asking the Universe for the teacher, for me, and I'm sorry I was not more explicit, that is going to the highest source for the teacher, not the news paper.

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Post by Molissa » Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:55 am

I understood the "ask for what you want" to mean ask for the specific.  Just as I don't walk down the street and ask every stranger to be my friend, I read the "asking" as specific and for the highest good.  Reading through this thread several times the point was made to be cautious, discriminating, thus asking for what you want enfolded all that.
and I do think all people were created equal.  Choices were made, and lives lived.
in my opinion, anyway.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:21 pm

Doe: Not all human beings are created equal - as indicated by your references.  Yes, there is a purpose.  But the reference was more on the spirituality than the physical as referenced in your post.  

The clergy, in particular, have filled their heads with dogma and creed that just doesn't fly in the realms of spirituality.  So a free will choice to listen is based on the individual's needs.  I don't remember ever saying it was about material standing rather than spirituality - but that has certainly been your take.  I think a lot of discussion loses its purpose and intent when applied in the wrong energy.

Spirituality is a free will choice.  We can do many things in life and totally lack any spirituality to the exercise.  Or we can choose to live our lives in spirituality and find the lessons coming on that level, as well.  

In spirit realms are hierarchy of spirituality for the purposes of learning and growing.  Putting a kindergartner in university would not get much done.  The same with the spirituality of the soul.  We don't have to judge for other people, they do that themselves by the light they can accumulate in their experiences.

If a material existence is chosen, then they live in gross energies.  If spirituality is chosen then the light is enhanced and shines to help guide others along the way (service is a high spiritual purpose).  Again, the application of the energy of material pursuits or spiritual pursuits seems to get lost here.

Tourbi I owe you apology for the spelling of your name.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:24 pm

Doe: Not all human beings are created equal - as indicated by your references.  Yes, there is a purpose.  But the reference was more on the spirituality than the physical as referenced in your post.  

The clergy, in particular, have filled their heads with dogma and creed that just doesn't fly in the realms of spirituality.  So a free will choice to listen is based on the individual's needs.  I don't remember ever saying it was about material standing rather than spirituality - but that has certainly been your take.  I think a lot of discussion loses its purpose and intent when applied in the wrong energy.

Spirituality is a free will choice.  We can do many things in life and totally lack any spirituality to the exercise.  Or we can choose to live our lives in spirituality and find the lessons coming on that level, as well.  

In spirit realms are hierarchy of spirituality for the purposes of learning and growing.  Putting a kindergartner in university would not get much done.  The same with the spirituality of the soul.  We don't have to judge for other people, they do that themselves by the light they can accumulate in their experiences.

If a material existence is chosen, then they live in gross energies.  If spirituality is chosen then the light is enhanced and shines to help guide others along the way (service is a high spiritual purpose).  Again, the application of the energy of material pursuits or spiritual pursuits seems to get lost here.

When doing all the hard work to connect with spirit realms, why would we need to know about material pursuits?  We are living them for our lessons to gain experience.  Spirit realms can and do offer spirituality.  The enhancing of our spirituality makes quite a change as to how our lessons are perceived - materially or spiritually.

Tourbi I owe you apology for the spelling of your name.

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