Still having "weird" things happening in our house.....

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Still having "weird" things happening in our house.....

Post by clover73 » Mon May 26, 2008 7:22 am

The weird things have started to happen again. Things have been quiet here since March.  Last night my fiance and I were watching television and right at the good part at the end, the television turned off by itself.  It is plugged into a power strip and all the other thing plugged into the same power strip did NOT turn off, just the television.  A few minutes later, my room mate's son was in another room on the computer.  We have a dimmer switch for the light in there and he said that the light dimmed really low and then turned back up again.  Then tonight, my dog (who NEVER) barks was in the back room and started looking in to the closet and hallway barking and growling.  My room mate lives in that room and he said for about 10 minutes the dog just kept shaking and looking in the closet and the hallway and there was nothing there.

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Post by starsign20002000 » Mon May 26, 2008 9:11 am

Maybe you have a spirit in the house.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon May 26, 2008 2:58 pm

Time for a house cleaning/clearing of spirit presence.

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Post by Naravyn » Mon May 26, 2008 3:08 pm

That would be my thought too, animals alot of times sense spirits even if we do not, young children can too alot of times.

You said it has been quiet for awhile, did something happen recently differently that may have caused the spirit to perhaps become irritated? This could be remodeling, repainting. It was in your roommate's room from the sound of it, is this a new roommate? Perhaps the roommate has done something different that the spirit didn't like. Is your home older? If so, you could maybe find out if anyone has died in the house, and if so, who. If it was a female, maybe she doesn't like that there is a guy in her old room or something. And you said that it started again meaning it happened before and stopped. What happened around the time it stopped before? Any number of things could be the reason it has begun acting up again, so look at everything that has changed.

Have you tried talking to the spirit? I know this sounds weird, but you could always ask it to leave. Explain to it that this is your home now and that it is disturbing you. You could also try asking it things while having a cassette recorder running to pick up any EVP's. Sometimes they will talk back to you. If simply telling the spirit that this is your home and you wish it to leave doesn't work, you could always get some sage and smudge the house with it, concentrating on the room its been in most. Or if you aren't into things quite so NewAge, you could also go to a local church and get some holy water and walk through your home sprinkling the holy water while holding a bible or cross and reciting the lord's prayer. My friend did this after a rather scary spirit followed her home from a ghost hunting trip.

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Post by Azure » Tue May 27, 2008 10:28 am

Must admit things like this happen to me all the time wherever I go lol, but I would pay attention to the dog, they can really sense whatis going on otherwise it may be circuit surges and faulty remotes or even someone leaning on one, or being the end of a power cable. But animals don't invent things, and they do sense far more than we so my guess is that the dog saw an energy source :)

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Post by Doe » Tue May 27, 2008 12:12 pm

I don't think all dogs are created equal in the "seeing things" department, though!  My mother's scrappy little do clearly sees what I do, and reacts to spirits by either barking or just kind of backing away or not going into a particular room (even when they're trying to be friendly to her--she's just not having it!).

On the other hand, MY dog--a beautiful but pretty neurotic (abused as a puppy--not by us!) shepherd mix, seems to have no reaction whatsoever.  Sometimes I wonder if she's just "used" to the activity from being around me, and just thinks of the spirits as the other residents of the house, but I'm not sure.


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Post by Azure » Tue May 27, 2008 12:27 pm

I think that they most probably are lol but like some people, some dogs don't go round screaming oooh I see a spirit lol they just take it in their stride and accept it for what it is, nothing unique, just another day and another spirit.

Cats and horses are however much more able to sense things.

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Post by Doe » Tue May 27, 2008 1:30 pm

nothing unique, just another day and another spirit.

It IS funny when you catch yourself thinking like that, isn't it?!  But I hope I never start to take it for granted, which is a different thing.  I still feel that I've been given a wonderful gift (not gift as in "talent"--just as as a present!).

I don't know--our dog, Pearl, barks at every "living" outsider who comes into the house.  So I guess she's either used to the usual cast of spirit characters around here, or doesn't notice them at all!  I've asked her, but she's been very reticent on the subject... :smt004

Welcome, by the way, Azure!


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Post by FireRose » Tue May 27, 2008 1:36 pm

Yes I think animals are like children .. some are very sensitive to spirits and others just don't see them at all.

   I hope you're able to figure out your "problem". It's hard to tell from that info if it's a hostile presence or just one looking for attention. Try some communication with a gentle approach. I'm not a pro at these things, but I'm sure there are those here who can offer some guidance on how to get started.

Best wishes!

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Post by spiritalk » Tue May 27, 2008 8:20 pm

I did see a list of sensitivities by animals in this order of strength:  Horse, Cat (domestic), Dog (domestic), monkey, then wild cats and dogs, then other wild animals.  

Love is the key to the universe.  All animals return to the site of their most pampered existence.

Dogs have masters, Cats have staff!  LOL

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Post by FireRose » Tue May 27, 2008 11:41 pm

spiritalk wrote:
Dogs have masters, Cats have staff!  LOL
That's SO true! It a wonder any cats would bother really "bonding" with or "helping" us in any way ... they're such unique personalities. Love 'em.  :)

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Post by shasha888 » Wed May 28, 2008 5:51 am

I'm thinking a spirit...and an uneasy one at that. Most homes have a spirit or two and they just keep quiet. Well. Yours seems a bit disturbed. Maybe seeking attention. Or maybe upset with a new renovation or addition to your house. They aren't to fond of change. So yeah..maybe have a local medium come and check out your house. If you do get the medium to drive away the ghost. Believe me. You are NOT the only one with spirits.

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Post by Azure » Wed May 28, 2008 10:21 am

Hi Doe :)

Spirit, I love that, I am my cat's dogsbody lol!

I like the idea that they return to their most pampered existence, that explains the ones round here, and also those that are stuck? Has anyone tried animal spirit release?

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Post by Azure » Wed May 28, 2008 10:22 am

Shasha I love that avatar, so fresh :) Are you really 13, thats amazing typing if you are :)

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Post by clover73 » Wed May 28, 2008 8:28 pm

I am so happy for all the responses I got.  I actually did call someone the other day and talk about all of this.  She is coming out sometime in June to see if she can figure out what's going on.  Then, yesterday my 14 year old neice emailed me and told me that she "knew" that things were happening at my house.  I didn't tell anyone except you all here on this board and my friend Caitlin because I didn't want people to think that I was crazy.  My neice also said that she had a dream the night before last about an old man.  She said she didn't recognize the old man but he talked to her and told her that he likes doing things at my house because he knows it makes me crazy and he thinks it's funny.  He also told her to tell me that everything happens for a reason and that everything is going to work out soon.  To be patient. It seems like the living and the passed over have all been telling me that lately.  I believe her because like I said, she didn't know about all the stuff that happened.  Plus, when my Grandpa died, she told my sister he died before we even got the phone call.  She said that she had a dream about him too.  She also had a dream about my Uncle that died in 1974 and my Grandma that died in 1957.  She picked them all out of a bunch of different picture I put together kinda like a line up.  She picked them all on the first try.  She didn't even know who they were until I told her about them AFTER she picked them out.  I've been trying to help her with her "gift" because my brother in law is catholic and thinks it's evil.  He keeps trying to tell her not to do it or something bad will happen.  I told her to not tell him anymore and just come talk to me and I'll help her.  She seems to be doing A LOT better now and her gift is getting stronger.

The other night the room mate was on my computer.  He said that he saw a light out of the corner of his eye.  When he looked over at it, the light disappeared but there was a "fog" or a "mist" left behind.  I called my friend and she said that she will come out here to investigate as soon as she can arrange it.  I'm excited about it.  It could be anyone that we have known that has passed on the in the last year or even the last 30 years.  Who knows.  I have a feeling of who it is but I haven't said anything because I want this lady to tell me who she thinks it is.  I told her that we have lost 4 people that were really close to us over the past year or so but I didn't give any other details than that.  We'll just have to wait and see.

I actually have taken some of the advice you all gave me about talking to he/she.  It's funny because we get MORE reaction from them when we talk to them.  When I had the penny thing happen and people told me who they thought it was I addressed her by name and told her that I knew it was her.  Right after I acknowledged her, the pennies stopped popping up on the floor.  But this other one is not mean or scary.  Just irritating sometimes because he/she keeps turning the lights on and off, scaring the dog and making the tv turn off when we are watching something good.  I keep talking to him/her all the time.  I think it is a "him"  So does my friend and my cousin who are psychic.  My daughter also called me yesterday and said that she had a dream about "him" the other night and he told her in the dream that he WAS the one doing it.  He said that he wanted my daughter to tell me that he is watching over all of us and he tries to make sure we are all ok.  He also told her that he likes doing this stuff because he knows it makes me crazy.  So I think it's strange that two different people have come to both my daughter and my neice and told them the same thing.  I actually think it's really cool.

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