Losing Touch...

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Losing Touch...

Post by dragonfly » Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:43 pm

Hi everyone,

I was hoping some of you would be able to give me some advice. I’m a Tarot reader. Not a professional or anything, but I love giving readings and go through periods where I literally immerse myself in trying to improve my reading skills. Last Summer, I was doing readings pretty much every day and I found that occasionally I’d get brief thoughts which were definitely not my own, containing information about the person I was reading for. Things like I’d get their name, or their location (if I was reading online) or small bits of information about habits that they might have (like smoking or nail biting).

Eventually I started hearing voices as I was drifting off to sleep. Now, I know that some people say this is the stirrings of psychic abilities. I’d hear conversations. Sometimes I’d ask these voices a question in my head and I’d see a picture in my minds eye. However, once I went back to college, I had to cut down on the amount I was reading Tarot cards and really focus on my school work.

Gradually the voices got fainter and fainter until some nights there was nothing at all. I forgot about it for awhile, until recently when I started getting back into my study of the Tarot over my summer holidays this year. I tried to listen out for them last night, and I could pick up some voices, but they were so quite I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

What I want to know is, well first of all, is this really the stirrings of some latent psychic ability? And secondly, is it possible to lose touch with them?

I’ve been hoping that through immersing myself in the Tarot again, that maybe the voices will start to come through more clearer. Does anyone have any thoughts?


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:05 pm

There are more than one way to read the Tarot.  Some use the book and just give the meaning according to what is written.

Others just know there is more to the meaning than the book and go into themselves to seek the answers.  When they do this, there is a sensitivity to their abilities.  These are manifested psychic sensitivities.  

Yes, there obviously more than you considered to the whole Tarot thing.  Now you need to see if you are ready to open to the psychic to gain so much more in all your exercises.

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Post by amberpsychics » Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:47 pm

I'm a tarot card reader too, I belive that the more you use your gift the more it will progress and the more you can do, I am also a medium and empath due to the amount of time i've spent in this field, You can lose touch so to speak but what is really happening is that you are not active and it makes it harder for messages to come tru, hope this helps..


Arielle K
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Post by Arielle K » Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:00 am

Hi, I can understand what you are saying.
I read tarot and have been clairvoyant and clauraudient (hearing) since I was a small child. When I was about 8 I asked Spirit not to speak to me, because I was beginning to hear them loud, like they were in the room, and I was worried people would think I was crazy...so they moved back and I just had intution and the odd vision and dream. When I wanted to pick it up again in my early twenties, I found I had to meditate and put effort into what used to come so naturally...so I guess that could be what you find too.
When you start hearing voices before sleep, it can be confusing, because it is not uncommon to start picking up random conversations that seem to have nothing to do with you. The best idea I found to counteract that is to think of your mind and soul as like a radio station...if it is not "tuned in" right you can pick up static, or the horse races, or talk back radio (hahaha) when you want to hear music...so in the case of your hearing, it is best to tune yourself into your Spirit Guides and Angels, by intent and prayer or affirmation, before you start drifting off.
That makes a big difference as it seems to lift you above the inconsequential chatter of others. Also just let Your Guides and Angels know when you are ready to work with them again, because they need to be asked, and they will naturally stand back when you are occupied with other things like study, that need your full attention and concentration.
Bright Blessings
Arielle K

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Mystic Meg
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Post by Mystic Meg » Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:36 am

spiritalk wrote:There are more than one way to read the T arot.  (respectfully snipped)
Oh yes! But only some really work ;)
Yes, there obviously more than you considered to the whole Tarot thing.  
I love that, Tarot thing, lol made me giggle :)

Many do not understand the inner worldof tarot, that it is a method of spiri-tual development and that it increases intuition and develop s psychi c powers. It was never designed for d ivination.


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